Boards Reconciliation broke NC and did something really stupid. need help :(

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  • #9775
    • Total Posts: 17


    There is always two persons in a relationship, and if the two persons dont work together, the relationship fails. Maybe as you said he is at fault, but we gotta take responsibility for our actions. What happened? What did I do to contribute to this break up? How could i handle it in a better way?
    You have at least heard from him, and he’s told you that he still loves you, and that’s great news because you at least have that information to keep your hopes up. It’s just a matter of patience, and both of you taking the responsibility of your actions in a mature way, so you guys can get back together and enjoy a healthy relationship.
    I wish I knew from my exgirlfriend.
    Best of luck!!!!

    • Total Posts: 536


    Yeah I know what I did wrong and I have learned from it. I could’ve handled it in a better way and could’ve avoided so many fights prior to our break up. But everything happens for a reason. I hope he learns from his mistake too and take responsibility of his actions.
    And hey I did NC for 26 days and then again im on day 7 of 2nd NC, dont lose your hope.
    He started contacting me at the end of 3rd week of NC.

    • Total Posts: 17


    You’re one step closer to a reconciliation, he just has to clear his mind and accept what he did wrong. And not only that, he has to be eilling to change that so he can be with you. Same with you. But you’re on the right path πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Thanks mike, I am really feeling better after reading your views. I hope it happens soon. Fingers crossed πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    End of day 7 :-
    Didn’t hear from him again!!
    Feeling very low today.
    I don’t know why he is holding himself back. I know he loves me and is not with anyone else but don’t know whats wrong.
    There was not a single day when we didn’t talk to eachother for 3 years. And now, its been more than a month since we broke up.
    If he misses me (like he said a week before) then why isn’t he texting or calling me. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 268

    Dont feel down because you did not hear from him. Just because you dont hear anything, it doesnt mean there is nothing going on. Keep up the NC. Make him think, make him wonder.
    It is a very ggod sign that he said he still loves you, and you have taken your part of the blame for the breakup and worked on it.
    There isnt much you can do for now than be strong and keep the NC.

    Remeber to update your facebook with interresting suff you are doing.
    Ex: Check in at a resturant on FB with the text “wow this place is really amazing, you guys need to try this” or something like that. But do NOT show who you are there with. It is a good way to make your ex wonder. “Is it a date? is it a friend ect”

    • Total Posts: 536

    Hey creed,
    Thanks for the response.
    I messed it up by telling him what I feel for him. And I guess it just pushed him away. Away in the sense he is not trying to talk to me or something like that. Now he is sure that he can have me whenever he feels right.
    I know he loves me but he’s not doing anything about it.

    Well, I don’t use FB or any other social network.
    He too deactivated his FB account 2 weeks ago.

    I just cant spend a day without thinking about him. I really miss him alot.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Sorry to hear that. But in this case I am sure NC will send a strong statement. IF he tries to reach out again: Ignore him!

    I started using Tinder in my first 2 weeks of NC. Just to get some dates and to get out. It helps a lot when you are out and meeting new interresting people. And it makes the NC a lot easier… Just a suggestion πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 227

    Divjun, definitely do nc until he contacts you. I think you should do more than thirty days if he doesn’t contact you. You have to give him time to forget that he can easily have you and only time will teach him that when he doesn’t hear anything from you. Focus on yourself, like creed said, go on some dates just to get out there. Might be refreshing and a great distraction.

    • Total Posts: 536

    @creed and travelbug..yeah I’m definitely going to ignore him. And he knows that very well than I wont reply to any of his text.
    It hurts that he said he still loves me a week ago and is not contacting me again. He said he can’t live without me and still he is actually living without me. All his actions contradict his words.

    But I honestly don’t wanna go on dates. It doesn’t give a nice impression in my society if I start dating again.
    He too is not seeing anyone. He knows he still can’t date. Last time we talked he told me that nothing can separate us and he asked me to marry him again.
    It doesn’t seen like a break up to me. I really don’t know.
    His friends say that real him is back again. He is no more frustrated. Spends his day playing PS only. And he is not going to the gym from past 5 days.
    But on the other hand they say he is fine and doesn’t seen to be depressed. I reqlly don’t know whats going on in my life!!!
    We broke up on 3rd september. Then talked on 28th september on our 3 year anniversary and haven’t heard from him since.

    • Total Posts: 536

    I feel so stupid about what I did. He was trying to reach out for me. He did terrible mistakes which led to our break up. He actually thought I was moving on and thats why he was so worried. And not only I broke NC on day 26 but when he was telling me its not over from his side and he still loves me, I told him I love him too. Silly me πŸ™
    And thanlts the reason he is not trying anymore.

    • Total Posts: 536

    I just found out that he is suffering from fever from last 5 days and thats why he was not going to the gym. I thought he was not going to the app which he used. But now I found out that he changed the setting so that no one could see if he is using it or not.
    I thought he was missing me and was depressed. But I wqs wrong. He was talking to my friend and she told me everything.

    End of day 8 of 2nd nc. I am losing all my hopes. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 536

    I really need something positive so that I can atleast have a hope.
    I am even doubting if he loves me. πŸ™
    He was frustrated I understand. But now he is fine (as his friends say) whats wrong then ?:(

    • Total Posts: 536

    I feel like texting him saying that I miss him. πŸ™
    Should I text him?
    He told me 8 days before that he loves me and all and I told him I love him too.
    But we didn’t talk again after that.
    I really dont want to beat the bush. I wanna cut the chase and want everything to get better πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 50


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