Boards Reconciliation broke NC and did something really stupid. need help :(

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  • #12412
    • Total Posts: 536

    omg 5 years?
    I just hope he gets normal on his own. I don’t want to wait or do NC again. πŸ™
    I asked him if he loves me and he said yes :/

    • Total Posts: 536

    @aamls its been 14 hours since he blocked me. I’ve heard nothing from him. I wont contact him now, thats for sure. But I really don’t why is this happening again and again.:(
    how can I fix this πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 536

    I have decided to use relationship rewind but I am confused as to which stage I am in. Its switch or drift? I feel like I am somewhere in between. I can’t create false friendship because we are still together but very distant.
    So last night I texted him a lin message(which usually irritates him and he would have blocked me after receiving it)
    I mentioned that I did wrong and he was also wrong. What we were having is not a relationship or love. He hasn’t been treating me like he should. I also mentioned stuff which were in relationship rewind.
    And told him that I didn’t expect any reply.

    He didn’t reply me at night. He didn’t even block me. He wished me good morning in the morning and I wished him back.
    he didn’t mention about the text but I am sure he read it. I just wamt him to have a talk and come to mutual terms so that we won’t fight again.

    • Total Posts: 536

    So, he hates me now. Blocked me everywhere. And told me he doesn’t wants to be with me. We were having a fight when he told me that. May be it was all in anger. I don’t know. I am starting 3rd round of NC again. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 272

    I’m sure he doesnt hate you! I’m sorry to hear that you guys had a fight. It’s hard to tell whether he said it in anger or not but for now, just leave him alone. If he contacts you, dont fight with him instead just be calm and try not to react to what he might say. At this point you don’t know whether you are broken up or not so if he does contact you, respond him. I’m not sure no contact is the best solution since you dont know whether you’re still in a relationship with him but nonetheless, just dont contact him for the next few days. If you havent heard from him in a week or so, I think you should contact him to clear anything up in regards to both the fight you two had but also whether he meant what he said. You cant live like this. I know it sounds really harsh, but him acting like this towards you is not okay. No matter how much you love him and how much you want to be with him, he has to understand that he is hurting you so I really think that you need to have a talk with him but let him cool down first.

    • Total Posts: 536

    @cassie I don’t know if I should respond if he tries to contact me. He was really very rude and hurt me alot. He clearly told me he doesn’t wants to be with me and I can be certain of that.
    all my friends are saying to move on but his friend is telling me to just ignore him and he’ll come around himself. Idk what to do.:(

    • Total Posts: 894

    I think cassie is right. if you need to take some time for yourself then do so but make sure its over before you decide to do so. stay strong, you’ve been strong all this time. keep a smile on your face. keep us posted. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Thanks @aamls πŸ™‚
    Well he didn’t unblock me today. I didn’t hear from him anything. Also what he texted me last night was very rude and clearly stating that NOW he doesn’t wants to be with me. I talkes to him in a disrespectful manner.
    Anyways, his friend told me not to contact him or even reply if he contacts me. His friend told me that he was actually worried the last time when I wasn’t replying to his texts( during my NC)
    also, my bf told him that he doesn’t like to talk to anyone and will never be with anyone else (my bf told this to his friend may be a week ago).

    • Total Posts: 894

    for sure he still cares about you but it seems as if something is wrong with him, his friend is right. I think he needs help because it seems like hes hurting and something is bothering him. any clue as to what it can be? stay strong you can do this. keep working on yourself and dont push him. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    I know he doesn’t like to talk to people that much. But I didn’t know he included me also in that list. He didn’t like to talk to me. Also, he is not ready for any emotional drama or anything. He doesn’t want to discus anything. Seems like he needs break from everything. I dont know if its temporary or permanent. I think I should leave him alone because there’s nothing I can do to make it better.

    • Total Posts: 536

    He even told me that he hates me and never in his life wants to see my face πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    yes for now give him time and space. he really needs help. :-/

    • Total Posts: 536

    I am givibg him that but I am not sure if I ll get him back or not πŸ™ he was really very angry and hasn’t unblocked me yet πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    hey hows everything?

    • Total Posts: 272

    I’m sorry to hear this πŸ™ For now, leave him be. It seems as though he is really struggleing and he isnt ready to get back into a relationship. It might be just a phase and he needs to clear his head. When he is ready, he’ll take contact and untill then, my best advice for you is to do NC like you are doing!!

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