Boards Reconciliation broke NC and did something really stupid. need help :(

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  • #12301
    • Total Posts: 894

    where did he block you from? what a fucking day. ugh hang in there at least you have a chance. me hes taking me to court and I have to deal with all this shit now. stay strong you got this. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    He’s not being honest with me. He was talking to the girl who tried to create misunderstanding between us. He told me he didn’t like to talk to anyone buy was online for 2 hours. When I told him, he got mad. I asked him if he loved me. He said yes but didn’t want to be with me. He said I wont tell you with whom I talk to or meet. Everyone has secrets and if I ll ask those, he has to lie. I mean wtf?
    We were having a talk and suddenly he got mad. He waa already angry. Then blocked me from whatsapp. I texted him 7 times. No reply from him. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    not nice of him. I would suggest that you ignore him for now and dont chase after him. give him space for a while and do things to keep you busy. basically do no contact all over again. hang in there. :-/

    • Total Posts: 536

    But I dont want to Spend a single day without him πŸ™
    I am recalling the love dare but I have been doing the nice things that I can do.
    He is the one ignoring me πŸ™
    I literally pleades him to talk to me and rold him how much I love him. I told him we could work on this. But he thinks he is doing all right and I am the one to be blamed. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 536


    • Total Posts: 894

    dont do that divjun. stay strong you can do this. I know you dont want to be a day with out him but I think you need to take a break especially when hes the one pushing you away again. be patient and take it slow. stay strong you can do this. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    I texted him again.. why am I doing like this. And why is he acting like he doesn’t care. I shouldn’t have texted him. πŸ™ but this is so wrong of him. I wont text him again. But what if he texts me? We didn’t say that we are breaking up or something like that.

    • Total Posts: 894

    dont text him anymore. if he texts ignore him. make him look for you.

    • Total Posts: 156

    agreed, let him sit and wonder. its our most powerful tool

    • Total Posts: 536

    Well, I texted him like I need him and I love him so much. I told him that we’ll work it out. Etc etc. But if he texts me and I ignore it, it would look rude. Also, we were having troubles in our relation and he didn’t want to talk about anything. What if he’s ready to talk about that?
    if he doesn’t text me, I ll leave him a text explaining that I tried my best and I give up now because I dont think I deserve to be treated that way etc etc. And then start my NC?
    I feel like he’ll text me tomorrow night if I don’t text him anymore.

    If he talks to me, I ll clearly state that he needs to be honest with me and what not.

    What do you both think?

    • Total Posts: 536

    Also, I feel that NC wouldn’t work this time because I already did it 2 times in last two months. He will get used to not hearing from me and I think he won’t reach out for me this time. Plus, I am not emotionally ready for this NC.

    • Total Posts: 894

    I think its rude the way hes treating you. I think that you should ignore him and do no contact with out explaining anything. teach him a lesson.

    • Total Posts: 536

    @aamls hmmm this is so tough. I dont want to repeat this all over again.
    well lets see if he tries to contact me or not tomorrow. I wont text him anymore.

    • Total Posts: 156

    i know this is gonna sound horrible but you could do nc longer. i mean, really. 2 months is nothing. an ex of mine came back to me (as a friend, dont want anything more from her now and i really loved her/was obsessed) after 5 YEARS

    • Total Posts: 894

    yes just continue to keep yourself busy. if you have no other choice you may find yourself having to do nc all over again. :-/

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