Boards No Contact Rule 17 days NC

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  • #66537
    • Total Posts: 73

    To be honest Amy, I wouldn’t. U said what u wanted to and got a nice response, which is great!. But there isn’t a need to, nor did he leave u much to respond to. So I think leave it at that and it kinda leaves him with the wondering now. Instead of u wondering if he will respond….even to a simple thank you. U know your in his thoughts now and that’s all u can ask for.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeh πŸ™‚ thanks soupy! I’ve decided to leave it. Will stick to my original plan of contacting late November I think πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 73

    Your welcome, I just found I felt better when I ended the conversations. Even a simple “thanks” or “u too” back to them, always made me feel like I expected a response. Which kinda bogged me down at times. Always good to have a plan!

    Catherine, I’m sorry to hear that happened to u. People seem to be creating a lot of drama for u, for no reason at all. But I agree with Amy in a sense. It kinda sounds like he is just bouncing around looking for attention …. Not necessarily being with any of them. I do this after a break up myself. I have come to realize it’s part of my coping mechanism. I seek out flirty situations with girls to fill the void of my ex being gone and help my confidence. But have bery rarely taken it to the next level.

    • Total Posts: 73

    So I have a question for u fine folks. Regarding my situation and social media. U all know my story, how it’s somewhat different then most. And my ex going through a lot right now, I’m just trying to give her space and let her know I’m here for her, with out intruding.

    I was wondering what your thoughts were on a few timely likes on her social media in my situation? I only have her on Instagram, not Facebook and she hardly posts anything. I haven’t done anything since our break up. Besides once 6 weeks ago, to which she contacted me soon after. and then not until the past week and a half. And even that was one picture of her enjoying herself at a concert with friends on her vacation and she just posted a picture of her puppy that I liked(he was my little buddy). Since I’m hoping to be there for support if she chooses ….. Is this okay to do to show I’m still around a bit? But only sparadically, not like everything she posts I know. Just pick my spots is my thought process. Or should I continue to ignore everything?

    It’s tricky because I don’t care about social media. But I think she kinda does, as many people do. And it may be a tool just to show I’m here once and awhile. Your thoughts?

    • Total Posts: 19


    I personally wouldn’t but that’s just me. To me social media is still violating no contact. I know when I’ve gone through a break up and my ex would like my stuff I’d feel annoyed or it would be apparent to me he’s still watching my life but I’m not fully up to speed on your situation either. (My ex today watched my snap chat and I blocked him because I found myself wanting to post more knowing he was watching.) Social media is rough, it’s hard to focus and grow and work on yourself when you still see them almost daily. Maybe deactivate or uninstall? She may be going through a rough time but I think it’d be wise for you to step back.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Hi skylarjade, thanks for the response. And it is great advice, that I would recommend to pretty much everyone. But My situation is a bit different then most at this point. As I’m not in a first time no contact or recently broken up among other things. I do appreciate your opinion and advice.

    • Total Posts: 157


    I wouldn’t like anything. I think social media contact is the least personal form of contact there is. When you reach out with your note and flowers you will show her how much you care in a more meaningful way. You’ve got a good plan so stick to it!

    • Total Posts: 176

    Letters and flowers beat any other form of modern romance communication still. Go for those dude.
    I would avoid social networks, can’t say it enough that is just a source of unnecessary frustrations. If I checked my ex’s profile I would never make progresses at all.

    I went to see the game with my friends and it was a great distraction(despite the 2h sitting in traffic to arrive at FedEx Field). On Sunday I have other plans for the day.

    I am currently having troubles at falling asleep despite being dead tired. I am mostly afraid of dreaming my ex. So now I just stay awake until my eyes close without realizing.

    Hope everyone will have an awesome weekend.

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s very true soupy πŸ™‚ i guess any response is positive At the moment. I didn’t reply, I deleted the message straight after. I think you shouldn’t do anything with social media either-keep dead pan quiet on that front I think πŸ™‚

    Fishingthesky I totally agree-I’m getting ready to move next week today (was moving so I could be closer to my ex ?) and trying to keep as busy as possible. I had a relapse last night however and looked on his Facebook as I was curious of his birthday messages-a lot of them were mainly from his travelling friends saying “have an amazing day-you deserve it!” And I was initially in my tired thoughts like “ooooh maybe he’s saying that because he’s sad about me and they want him to have an amazing day!! (Sad I know :p) but then I also saw some pics people had posted up-every picture (about 6) was him with different girls, and huge, massive grins on his face in each one.

    It hit home that he was really, really happy and having an amazing time. Maybe that’s why it was no problem for him to reply-because he simply doesn’t care anymore?

    I don’t know if these are crazy overtired overthinking thoughts going through my head, but that’s what it looked like πŸ™

    So fishingthesky, I suggest trying something I do before I go to bed or try and go to sleep! Think about decorating, or your in a sweet shop, or anything that gives you multiple “choices”. How are you going to decorate your house if you had the money? Imagine what you would do if it was unlimited. That’s what I do and it helps every time ?

    • Total Posts: 132

    Amy, you shouldn’t need to worry about thise other girls. Like you said about my ex, your ex is probably doing that because that’s his way of trying to get over you. He can’t just forget about you after 4 years together. He might not be thinking of you as much because he is away. But you probably got him thinking about you when you wished him a happy birthday. After you did hat he probably looked at your social media accounts!!

    Just stick with your plan and contact him in November. And as hard as it is, just really try to stay away from looking at his Facebook or instagram accounts.

    • Total Posts: 157


    I am in the same spot myself. Just kind of feeling like it’s time to give up. He’s made it very clear that he hasn’t been going on dates, but at the same time he is not dating me… I know we had the two week plan but I am thinking it is just time to pull back now. I am kind of in a weird/sad acceptance stage of things. Maybe it’s just a lack of patience, but I am just feeling hopeless because he hasn’t asked to see me.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Palm trees same here with me- I keep thinking about why he didn’t trust me, why he thought I was looking at his phone messages and wondering f that WAS the reason he broke up with me why didn’t he tell me? He said all the apps on his phone had closed down when they were apparently open beforehand…band that was what he blamed it on and why he thought I had been on it.

    But it’s made me think do I want to be with someone who thinks I would do that and accuse me of that, when I have given him absolutely no reason not to trust me πŸ™ it’s difficult….

    • Total Posts: 176

    thanks for the suggestion, I will try it out, with a little different detail: it must be an electronic store with bazillion phones and computers to choose πŸ˜€
    I agree with catherine8, I am sure he doesn’t know what he wants at the moment and is not worried about it, so he might experiment in general just to feel the thrill of change.
    What it’s important to realize is that our exes probably do care but they have other priorities right now and thinking of us is not one. They are focused on themselves, adjusting to the new situation, so amy111 don’t feel sad if he’s just trying to enjoy his vacation, you would do the same at his place.
    This is what we should do too, we need to make ourselves a priority.

    Palmtrees22, I am feeling rather hopeless too and it’s scaring me because I don’t like to give up on things. I don’t like this creepy feeling of acceptance either.

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s very true fishimngthesky, I guess hearing our exes are doing fun things/seeing other people is just so off putting!

    But think we’re all going to come out of this stronger xxxx

    • Total Posts: 157

    So I went off the plan and I had a come to Jesus moment with my ex this morning. I told him that I still have feelings for him and that I hoped our friendship could help us communicate more openly and improve things between us. He told me he doesn’t want to try things out not bc he’s not attracted to me but bc he doesn’t want to go though this again and does not believe we are fixable right now. I left it by saying that I understand and I could sense his reluctance to trust me and I had hoped open communication would change that but perhaps he needs more space. He did not respond, which is a response in and of itself I suppose. So I said it before but now I actually have no choice but to return to no contact. I of course have some feeling of “if I had just let it play out, maybe this would have worked out” but I probably would have screwed it up with my hopeful expectations. The worst part? I’m still hanging onto hope that by giving him space he might come around. I probably should have consulted ya’ll before acting… What do you think of my decision?

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