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  • in reply to: Anyone's ex in a rebound but wants them to wait around!?!? #23998
    • Total Posts: 2

    My ex did something similar. I’d follow the steps given in this site.
    I’m kind of wondering though, would you really want to be with someone who is openly using another person and who expects you to wait, stay single and be at the back burner while they have the perks of another relationship?? That screams selfish to me.
    The whole point of NC is for you. And I think you should use that time for yourself and do some soul searching… Take time to find out what you really want and what’s really best for you.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #16040
    • Total Posts: 2

    I broke it last night.
    I don’t know why but I had the urge to go on his Facebook- he had just made a new relationship “Facebook official” something we fought over that lead to our break up. It felt like a was punched in the gut because he had told me we could reconcile, he just needed space for a business venture to get it off the ground.
    I called him and he told me they met 8 days ago… We were in no contact for 7… It crushed me. But it seemed like this new girl is a better match? I seems like they’re happy 🙁 and I want him to be happy after what we went through I do, but I had hoped to reconcile. She has a son the same age as my ex’s son, that’s apparently how they met and why they’re together now.
    She’s meeting his family and he’s giving her everything I had wanted from him… I resumed no contact but this is just too painful

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