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  • in reply to: I think I made a mistake #35507
    • Total Posts: 21


    How are things going? How far along NC are you and is anything getting better?

    in reply to: Took a look at my ex twitter one more time #34292
    • Total Posts: 21


    whats up man how have things been so far? Is NC still tough or is it getting better day by day?

    in reply to: I broke NC again #33365
    • Total Posts: 21

    The last thing I said was that I miss her alot and if in the future she ever wants to talk about things then she can call. She replied saying ok. So now only thing we will communicate about is our daughter and I guess we will see how things turn out.

    I’ve tried EVERYTHING to get her back for months now, NC is my only choice.

    in reply to: I broke NC again #33364
    • Total Posts: 21


    Yeah its tough and I will def. update on this thread and see how you’re doing. We both are basically starting NC at the same time so I guess only time will tell who knows how things will be months from now especially if we really try to move on and take NC serious

    in reply to: I broke NC again #33292
    • Total Posts: 21

    @mrcat22 if you don’t mind I would love to stay in contact when it comes to updates on how you are doing. Your situation is just like mine and it will help alot just knowing how your doing and how long you stay in NC. This site is all I really have to talk to anyone about my situation and hear others stories


    in reply to: I broke NC again #33289
    • Total Posts: 21

    Hey @mycat22

    I’m going through the same exact situation as you. I did NC after 2 weeks broke it today and basically everything you did is what I did. The difference between me and you is that I havE A 2 YEAR old daughter with my ex and she is already talking to someone who is 32 years old and she said if things work out she will end up marrying him! She just met him 2 weeks ago btw and me and my ex dated for 3 full years known her for 4 years. (I’m 22 and my ex is only 18).

    And you know what makes it even harder, she told me that even if she missed me like crazy and wanted me back she wouldn’t tell me! I would have to find that out on my own and that alone will be hard with the shield she has up.

    I’m like you @mrcat22 .. looks like its time for some REAL NC and not just a couple weeks.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #30292
    • Total Posts: 21

    Hey can someone answer my question I posted? You guys are really all I have no one else even knows I’m going through tough times and I appreciate any answers. Thanks

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #30257
    • Total Posts: 21

    Hey everyone I have a question about NC. To get to the point me and my ex have a daughter together and i see her 3-4 times a week and on the days I don’t see her I want to know how she is. If I just text or email my ex asking how my daughter is doing is that ok? I know that NC is complete no talking but we have a 2 year old daughter and I love her with all my heart I want to know how she is doing especially on days when I don’t see her.

    I will strictly only mention how my daughter is doing(she lives with my ex) anything else she brings up I will not reply back as I’m only 1 day into NC and still working on myself(NC will probably last me close to 40-50 days).

    Any thoughts on that would be great thanks!

    in reply to: NC support #30074
    • Total Posts: 21


    So I just started NC but it didn’t go well. Basically she gets all mad because I haven’t asked how our daughter was doing (My 2 year old lives with her) since sunday and she got all mad over it. She even said that IDGAF about you and that I don’t love my daughter because I didn’t ask how she was? She said I’m a bad father and I tried to explain to her that I needed some time to my self to focus my mind and get back on track and she never replied. I tried calling and puts me straight to voice mail. I know I’m a good dad and she thinks I’m not and as long as she thinks that I HAVE NO CHANCE.

    Basically things are not looking good for me and NC is IMPOSSIBLE when you share a child together. I see my daughter every Tuesday,Thursday,and weekends and now shes not even replying back and put me on block? She has a short temper and at this rate I just want to give up all hope. Things were going good until this morning. I’m lost

    Hope you guys are having a better morning

    • Total Posts: 21

    Hey Guys tomorrow will be my first day of No Contact(well i guess you can say now we both just agreed on going separate ways) and I was wondering how long NC should be? Basically me and her dated for about 3 years and she broke up with me last October. Since then we have been on and off but arguemnts always happen and its not getting anywhere so I decided to do NC. We have a 2 year old daughter together and I was wondering how long NC should be?

    I know on this forum it says around 30 days but I’ve read some success stories where the dumpee stayed in NC for about 6-8 weeks some even more before the NC period no matter who initiated contact. For my situation I think 30 days is good because the longest we went without talking was 2 weeks and we missed each other like crazy but that was last summer (2014).

    What do you guys think? (Also she is the type of girl who will hold her true feelings in without showing it at all, I doubt she will make the first move even if she misses me she will expect me to)

    in reply to: NC support #29252
    • Total Posts: 21

    Been thinking about it and I think the best thing for me to do is to do Limited Contact(because we have a child) for now and see how it goes. If I don’t i feel our relationship will stay the same and eventually she will find someone else so I’m just going to stay in Limited to No Contact unless about the child.

    So in limited contact if she text me for example saying “Goodmorning how are you” I shouldn’t text back at all? Only if it’s about our child? Because every morning she text me first saying goodmorning and how I’m doing etc. I won’t bring up anything about hanging out or going to the movies I understand that part but what if she brings it up? Not saying she will bring it up but she might randomly one day ask to go to the movies or something like that.

    Any ideas of how to take this would be great And thANKS

    in reply to: NC support #29247
    • Total Posts: 21

    *but to live life happy without her. It’s so hard doing no contact with a child with her what if she calling about our child? She told me deep down inside locked in her heart she feels something for me but she won’t ever tell me her true feelings. She doesn’t want to get hurt again n I kno she won’t as the way I am now n I’ve learned from all my mistakes. Just have to show her that I’m a new man but the past will stick to her UNLESS I do some sort of no contact

    in reply to: NC support #29246
    • Total Posts: 21


    But at the same time I’ve never done no contact and I feel like that’s the best way for me not to just get her back, to to live life happy even if it’s without her

    in reply to: NC support #29242
    • Total Posts: 21


    Trust issues was the biggest problem to our breakup like hanging out with the wrong crowd (which I don’t do anymore) and smoking (which I quit about 2 weeks ago)

    The thing is that she said she will give me a chance to prove her wrong that’s kinda why I don’t want to go to no contact and I know for sure right now I’m the only guy she talks to. Of course it will take time for her to start trusting me so what do you think? I know things I can do to prove her wrong like taking a drug test and just improving my evryday life . So what do you think?

    in reply to: NC support #29229
    • Total Posts: 21

    So I came to the conclusion that No Contact is my only chance of getting my EX back. Just a brief saying of my situation we have been broken up since last October and have been off and on(Dated for 3 years before breakup). She had a boyfriend like a month ago but it seems all he wanted was one thing (which was sex im guessing) as he was 28 and she is 18 years old. Anyways we have a 2 year old daughter together and just the other day she wanted to be my valentine. Now today she woke up in a bad mood and I asked her is everything still on for valentines and she said she doesn’t think its a good idea because that’s something couples do and she told me she still doesn’t see me as her boyfriend anytime soon. I’m improving on myself everyday and she said she can see but RIGHT NOW she still doesnt see me as her boyfriend anytime soon. We kind of argued after that and she basically said if you keep talking then things will get worse.

    So my question is what do I do from here? One day shes all lovey dovey and the next day she’s a completely different person and I’ve been nice and helping her out with everything. I even got her stuff from the mall and she loved it but I still dont see a differance i think this is my chance to go No Contact

    Any Help?

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