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  • in reply to: She suddenly deleted me off facebook?? #59396
    • Total Posts: 9

    I am looking more for a casual humble approach to her, to start off again with a clean slate…But i keep losing hope.

    in reply to: She suddenly deleted me off facebook?? #59395
    • Total Posts: 9

    Thanks Rose, that’s a good idea, but for meeting up, it’s also complicated because we live more than an hour apart and we both don’t own a car yet. And after all that’s happened, i doubt it she will consider directly meeting up for me, i still need to make her comfortable enough to talk to me.

    in reply to: She suddenly deleted me off facebook?? #59394
    • Total Posts: 9

    Thanks Jean πŸ™‚ Fortunately, i do have a close friend i can rely on, however, because of his college studies he is often busy. I will, but is your service free?

    in reply to: She suddenly deleted me off facebook?? #59383
    • Total Posts: 9

    I already did that, and pleaded and begged many times for weeks. I don’t think it will work and will only make me appear even more needy and desperate, plus being clingy and needy was one of the big reasons why she left me in the first place. She already knows i still love her…

    I want to approach her more casually, but now she has deleted me i don’t know how to. What do you think about it?

    Still, thanks though πŸ™‚

    in reply to: NC after begging and pleading? #58538
    • Total Posts: 9

    It seems that in the beginning he was a good support to you through your everyday life. However, i’m not sure about his possessive actions and attitudes. It’s possible that he was insecure about his own life so he became like that, afraid to lose you and holding you too tight.
    But if he was indeed only doing those because he loved you and didn’t want you to leave him for another, then he wouldn’t have cheated on you.
    However, we all make mistakes.

    Also, he shouldn’t be giving up that easily on things, not just relationships, because then he’ll be losing too much and that will affect both you and him emotionally and for the future. He needs a good support to keep on going in life.

    It’s hard for me to say about this. Only you can tell if he’s true, you have to see it for yourself if he still really loves you or not.

    in reply to: NC after begging and pleading? #58438
    • Total Posts: 9

    He did in fact cheat on you, i can understand that you still love him, but your ex did what he did and you can’t just forgive things like that.
    It’s hard to find the right thing to do when someone you love hurts you so badly…
    In your case, i think one of the reasons why you still love him equally, it’s because since you don’t have much close friends, you relied too much on him, and he was the only one that you could actually trust.
    Did he do other things to hurt you other than the cheating? I can’t speak for him, but personally if i love someone truely, i would never cheat on them or do anything to intentionally hurt them, and i think it should be the same for everyone.

    So before you take him back or not, you should work on becoming more emotionally stable again, and be able to think with the logical side of your brain instead of the emotional side. Go hangout with friends(i know everyone says this), or reconnect with old friends, yes it’s just not the same as being with the one you love but it will help you heal the wound to decide wether or not you should give him a second chance.

    Also, if you do ever give him another chance, make sure to start things slow instead of immediately jumping into his arms, that will help you actually see and feel if his love for you is still true or not, and try to rebuild that emotional connection between you two.

    I wish you good luck, stay strong! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: NC after begging and pleading? #58409
    • Total Posts: 9

    Thank you, you are definitely right. So many tell us to give up on something, including love, but we won’t go down without a fight. πŸ™‚
    I think you should continue like this, just keep on focusing on yourself, not just for him but for your own sake. However, i can feel that you still have alot of sorrow deep inside, and i want you to know that it’s okay to speak about those bad feelings to the people you trust, like close friends and family members. It will still hurt inside but it will be much better if you do so. If he does talk to you someday soon, for whatever reason, i think you should only respond if you’re in a emotionally stable state, that would be alot better for reconnecting with each other. πŸ™‚

    One more question i would like to ask you, if it’s okay, what if i was with my ex for about 4 months, will NC still do good? But i know the relationship wasn’t a rebound because in the past i did see someone who was using me as rebound and i know all the signs of it.

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