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  • in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #46715
    • Total Posts: 14

    So you both are on the same page, I can imagine it must be a really scary feeling.

    I do believe things will workout for you though. Today I am actually on day 19, I believe it will work its just a matter of allowing the wounds to heal and being able to start new while focusing on communicating more effectively.

    There are different text messages that you’re supposed to begin sending on day 31 to break the no contact but honestly, I am battling with wether or not I want to be the one to initiate anything.

    It’s all truly alot to take in and try to manuever, I just wish men weren’t so stubbourn and difficult to read at times :-/

    in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #46641
    • Total Posts: 14

    The NC for 30 days should give him an opportunity to see that you’re not at all bothered by his strange and uneccessary behavior.

    Prior to the 30 days ending I personally would read up on the suggested text messaging style that Kevin talks about (He has it listed as #4 re contacting your ex”) and then I would follow up with one of those tactics. What I learned is you have to always remain confident and don’t appear to be bothered by his actions (which you seem to be handling perfectly at this time).

    You obviously make him feel like he’s never felt before and he is afraid of his feelings he has been developing for you

    Are you open to being in a relationship with him?

    in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #46624
    • Total Posts: 14

    My apologies I completely misunderstood. So he told you he is falling for you but he’s not ready for a relationship?

    That is still very dramatic to delete you from facebook (it’s causing uneccessary drama and confusion). You didn’t do anything wrong and if he has to delete you BC he can’t control his feelings for you then maybe he shouldn’t fight them at all.

    Either way, I do still think you should stick to the 30 day no contact.

    in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #46607
    • Total Posts: 14

    It honestly sounds like he doesn’t respect your wishes of you NOT wanting to get into a serious relationship with him right now. I always go by the saying “friends first”.

    How long have you both been friends? He is behaving extremely petty by blocking you, It is a great thing that you started no contact he needs to understand that you’re not going to be disrespected. Think about how he would act if you did get into a relationship with him and you had a disagreement? That was very immature of him.

    He sounds like he is being very dramatic and trying to force you to do something you’re simply not comfortable doing right now (and he has no choice but to respect your decision). He is trying to play a game with you and will say “I blocked you because I can’t take looking at your beautiful face on my newsfeed and I have to seperate myself, blah blah blah”.

    By blocking you and behaving so dramatic he is saying “It’s my way or the highway”. You have set your standards and you need to stick to it! He may just want to be intimate with you and he knows you won’t be intimate with him unless you all have the boyfriend/girlfriend title. Either way, I say stick to the NC, DO NOT BUDGE!

    in reply to: Day 17 of No Contact #46600
    • Total Posts: 14


    Yes I do think it is very important you stick to the full 30 days. It seems as though he is testing you to see how far he can go to get a rise out of you. It’s okay, you made a mistake (responding to him immediately) but you can fix it by sticking to 30 days (I truly believe it is the only way to restore your self confidence, independance and most importantly your respect!

    I think you should purchase a step by step guide to follow up on after fulfilling the “no contact” I most definitely would like to.

    yes, it is very hard but we will get through it. We will be strong together :). Today makes day 18 for me.

    in reply to: Day 17 of No Contact #46565
    • Total Posts: 14


    Thank you so much for that. You know at times it does make me question everything like: Is he really done? Why is he acting so carefree? why is he not contacting me directly? I just really hate the mind games and the methods used to deliberately hurt me.

    I am definitely going to stick with it. I guess it is a good thing he hasn’t contacted me directly wanting to reconcile at this time and that I haven’t seen him. I just hope this will be a success.

    in reply to: Day 17 of No Contact #46564
    • Total Posts: 14


    Thank You, I understand what you’re saying. I just hate the games and the stubbourness (I feel like I am responsbile for it b/c of being so emotionally invested).

    I was actually thinking of completing my 30 days and not contacting him after. What do you think of this?

    in reply to: Day 17 of No Contact #46562
    • Total Posts: 14


    Thank You. It is truly difficult to stay sgrounded during this time we have been through so much together.

    It sounds like your ex is trying to feed you crumbs to make you get emotional again. You stay strong also, things will get better. Did you do a complete 30 days of NC?

    in reply to: Day 17 of No Contact #46560
    • Total Posts: 14


    He was inboxing his childhood girlfriend and telling her that he thinks about her often and will always remember her bday. He down played it and then became angry when I became billigerant. He broke up with me and I apologized for my behavior (but he refused to accept it).

    in reply to: Didn't wish my Ex a hbd #45464
    • Total Posts: 14

    Johnboy439, no problem. Thank you keep up the great work. KPowers1192, Yes you’re right i honestly DONT understand how he could of expected that. As hard as it is, I’m still sticking to my 30 days. I want him back but not the way he was before he broke up with me.

    in reply to: Didn't wish my Ex a hbd #44962
    • Total Posts: 14

    That’s good to not wish her one (it sounds like she doesn’t deserve it anyway!).

    It definitely sounds like a rebound 1 month is too soon to start actively dating after being in a relationship (i’m sure it wont last and im sure she misses you!).

    Stay Strong 🙂

    in reply to: Didn't wish my Ex a hbd #44953
    • Total Posts: 14

    Are you going to wish her a hbd? How long have you been on the NC?

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