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    Hello all 🙂

    I hope everyone is doing well. I’ve been M.I.A. as I’ve moved on. I’m in a much better place now and actually feel happy again. I had decided 2 weeks into my breakup that I was done and didn’t want to get back with my ex. I was coming here to help me keep to NC and help me heal. I did have moments of weakness and waffling back to wanting to be with him again, but realized I wasn’t missing him, just the comfort or security of how things used to be, or some idealized version of our relationship that I had in my head. I stuck to my resolve to move on, and it’s paid off. I never tried any magic letters or texts or anything like that. I realized I wasn’t happy and the relationship was toxic; I should have gotten out a long time ago. I lost myself and wasn’t the person I used to be. I was the one putting in all the effort and work but he wasn’t. I was giving all I had to him, but nothing to myself. I realize now that the relationship needed to end and that’s okay.

    I don’t hold any ill will toward my ex, and I take responsibility for my part in things. While the breakup could have gone better on both our parts; I’m thankful it ended. As strange as it may sound, this has been a massive learning experience and I actually feel thankful toward my ex for breaking it off. After a lot of solitude and time to think; I know what’s important to me in a relationship and in life in general. I feel like I know myself better and I’m getting back to the person that I used to be in some ways and becoming a greater version of myself in other ways. It feels like I woke up from a coma. I just had to wade through a lot of shit to get here. It wasn’t easy, and learning my lessons and to let go was very difficult and took a lot of work. It’s funny to think how miserable I was in the beginning; I probably would have laughed in your face if you told me this is where I would be after a few short months.

    Moving forward, I have no desire to be in contact with or be friends with my ex. I feel that our time is finished and we should no longer be part of each other’s lives; what’s done is done. I have goals and passions in life that I want to follow and the only way I can do that is to forge ahead. I no longer think about my ex or dwell on anything that happened. I’ve let go of all resentment. I’m not angry anymore. I’ve forgiven myself for my part in it and the way I behaved after. I decided I needed to let it all go in order to be happy, so I did. I haven’t felt this calm, relaxed, and at ease with myself since before I was in the relationship. No one should ever make you feel insecure, not good enough, anxious, or like you don’t know where you stand with them, especially in a LTR or a marriage.

    Therapy and solitude were the two most healing aspects of my recovery process. These may not be for everyone, but they gave me much needed clarity. I learned that I needed to set healthy boundaries and stick to them and not let others walk all over me. That isn’t love and it isn’t loving yourself to allow that. I also learned to speak up about issues in a relationship. If you don’t, you are just poisoning yourself with resentment.

    The only issue I’m facing right now is dealing with friend’s and family’s personal opinions on how I should be moving forward. Since I was in a LTR, many have their own ideas about what I should be doing or how long I should be alone before dating, etc. Ultimately, there are no rules or timelines for healing or moving on. It’s a case by case basis and we all need to do what is best for ourselves. It also goes back to setting healthy boundaries.

    I realize this is kind of long. I guess I had a lot to say. 🙂 I hope everyone here can make it out the other side relatively unscathed. Whether you get back with your ex’s or move on, I hope you all get to a place of happiness and self contentment. Life is too short to be unhappy.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #33148
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    @MrCat22 Don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m not familiar with your whole story, but the comment about respect was rude on her part. Jeez.

    Hopefully you start to feel better soon. Could just be nerves. You still have about a week though to figure it out. 🙂

    Hey woman, I’m sorry you are feeling bad. 🙁 I know how you feel about the closure thing. I wanted that too and never got it. It sucks big time. I hope something comes from your dr. appt. and it helps you with your symptoms. If you wanna chat outside of the forum, I have kik messenger, my username on there is little_fish_3.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32961
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    @confusedbutok Lmao! You got me, I’m horrible! I got it. My username is little_fish_3. I’ll message you here in a bit, promise. 🙂 As for the stubborn thing, it’s a tricky situation. I think it would take time and trust building between you two, like building up a friendship again and getting to the point where she will carry on deeper conversations with you and be willing to open up again. I’m stubborn as hell too, and speaking from my own situation, for me to ever consider reconciling with my ex, he would have to jump through firey hoops. I don’t know if she is like that?

    When was the last time you saw her? If it’s been some time I can imagine that would be nerve wracking. I agree with confusedbutok, if you really don’t feel ready, then don’t meet. Take care of yourself, I hope you feel better!

    I think that makes a lot of sense. I think some guys are like that, my ex included (eyeroll). Being angry at you gives him the validation he needs to push you away, like you said. Since his birthday is still a little ways off, you have time to think about what you would like to do. You may end up changing your mind closer to time, and who knows how he will act or what might change in your situation by then. I’d say just be open to it either way for now.

    You are right. I think it would be good for me to try dating again, even just casually here and there. I could definitely use the practice. I feel the same way about wasting my whole 20’s with my ex, but I’m trying not to think of it as wasted. I sure as hell learned a lot throughout this whole process.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32928
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    @confusedbutok There could be a lot of reasons why your ex is staying closed off from you. Off the top of my head a few that come to mind could be that she is afraid of going back into a relationship with you, she might think you want a relationship again, she could be afraid of repeating the things she didn’t like in a relationship with you (history repeating itself). She could also be testing you whether consciously or subconsciously to see how you respond when she creates that distance or doesn’t reply. She could also be confused about how she feels, so stepping away gives her time to think or get advice from others. The fact that she broke up with you could also be a huge reason for her distance. She might want to stick to her guns, doesn’t want friends and family to judge her, pride, ego, whatever. Regardless of her reason, she is coming from an emotional place as opposed to a logical one, so she is going to react based on her feelings at the time.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself about the paper. I never counted stuff like that as a breach of NC because sometimes those things are necessary. That’s pretty crappy of him to get nasty with you about the money you already sent, etc. Honestly, it makes me think he is grasping at straws to find something to be angry with you about. In a way I think you saying that you were ready to be done is a good thing. Now he is forced to have to think about a lot of things between the two of you and he will have to confront his feelings about if he is okay with that.

    I’ve thought about dating but I’m in too fearful of a state right now. I’m going to give it some more time and then see how I feel about it in maybe a month. I’m so incredibly picky when it comes to men. And I’m planning on moving back home in a couple months too, so that makes me hesitant to start something with anyone. Thank you, it’s a constant struggle, but I feel I’m getting better and stronger all of the time.

    I think the relationship thing will just take time. I think with all of us going through these things with our ex’s it makes it so hard to move onto something with someone else, or to even be open to it. I think the book has to be fully closed with an ex to allow us to see that special something with someone else. All in due time, as with everything else in life it seems.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32785
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    @confusedbutok That’s funny about the one pancake. Don’t feel bad about what you sent today. I think it will be alright. Even if it was too soon, I don’t think it will have done much if anything to set you back. I’m sure she will message you back soon. Try not to dwell or be too hard on yourself. 🙂

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32777
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    @confusedbutok I didn’t see your last message. I’d agree, you don’t want to constantly be on eggshells or trying to follow a bunch of conflicting advice and not getting anywhere. Don’t over think your last message. You sent it and it’s done. Give her a day or two and see if she responds. I really think your ex considers what she wants to say before she gets back to you, or she doesn’t want to seem too easily available and she makes you wait.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32776
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    @Martin I wish I could help you out, but where you are right now is kind of where I get lost too. I think it might be good to finally do a meet up. Staying cool and not being attached to any certain outcome will help too. And try not to worry too much about doing things right or wrong, go with the flow of the conversation and you will be fine. 🙂 Treat it like it’s no big deal and you are meeting up with any old friend.

    I definitely think your ex is holding back or purposefully trying to keep a distance with you, hence the not going past small talk or pleasantries. She could be scared or unsure of going back down a relationship path with you. Slow and steady I think is key. I’d do as Martin suggested and not contact too often at least until she starts to open up more.

    I’m sorry he is acting like a jerk. I’m not condoning his behavior in any way but I think that he is going through something emotional. It could be feelings for you, or it could be the other girl making him act that way too, or any combination of those things and others. I think he’s taking frustration out on you. Still, it sucks that he is being that way and you have to deal with it. :/ I spent some time with that friend recently, and nothing was brought up about my ex. She didn’t mention the picture again. I do still wonder if she relays info, but I try to be on my best behavior.

    So, this weekend was awful. I was beyond tempted to contact my ex. I was super emotional and missing him, and spent most of the weekend in crying spells. Then, I decided to re-read all of his past messages from the breakup. He said some really awful stuff, but I read it over and over again. My mindset changed. I realized that I’m not missing him, but being in a relationship. I’m missing the companionship, the physicality, and even doing things for another person, because I’m a giver and I guess I get off on that. It was sort of a wake up call. I’m now in a sort of half anger half acceptance stage, but I’m feeling better and closer to letting it all go.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32633
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    @archola I understand. I don’t take anything you said as being rude or anything like that. I know how exhausting and frustrating it can be to keep waiting and thinking of an ex. I hope that sending the letter and going into NC indefinitely helps give you that freedom from her that you need. I really do hope you start feeling better soon.

    I agree, I think the birthday will be a good time to contact. It’ll put a little more NC under your belt and it will also be a good way to test the waters so to speak and see how he responds.

    I’m actually going to be doing the same thing! My family lives on the other side of the country and after all this mess here is cleaned up with my ex, I’ll be moving back home and driving there. That’s why I have been putting off getting a dog. I don’t know what my living situation will be like then. I should just stop over thinking it and just get one though, I know the companionship would help me greatly right now. We used to have a dog and had to get rid of him and I’ve been feeling a void ever since. There is actually a really great dog beach up the road from me that I’d love to go to again. Something about watching all the dogs running free and jumping in the ocean is just so joyful and relaxing to me. It’s also hilarious to watch the dogs run around with seaweed.

    Ah, well if the book is better than the series I’m definitely interested. I’ll put it on my “to read” list. The Martian is about a group of astronauts sent to Mars, and the main character is thought to be dead and the crew leaves without him. He’s stranded and has to figure out a way to survive and contact Earth. Ridley Scott is directing the movie version, which I’m sure I’ll see, but I want to read it first. So far Heart is a Lonely Hunter isn’t holding my interest. It isn’t a bad novel by any means, but I think my mood and need for distraction right now, coupled with it’s slower pacing is causing issues, haha. I’ll still plow through though, it’s a lovely novel regardless.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32610
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    @knitterz I think sending a “happy b-day” text would be a good idea. It would show you remembered and were thinking of him. I think it would be a two birds, one stone situation too with the new girl, because you know it will make her angry. Not that I’m for playing games or anything, but she is just making it too easy. I think in most other’s situations stepping back and being completely silent helps, but I’m thinking in yours and the way your ex is, you might need to try to stay in his life a little. Maybe doing limited contact after you’ve completed your chunk of NC.

    I understand where you are coming from with the sleeping alone thing. Do you have pets? Something I did early on was shove a couple pillows up against me in bed so that it felt like someone was in bed with me, haha. I’ve been thinking lately of getting a puppy so that I could have a little friend to take care of and cuddle with.

    I haven’t read Outlander but I caught a few episodes of the series on tv and thought it was an interesting storyline. Let me know what you think when you are done, I might pick it up :). I’ve been readying all kinds of things lately. I just finished the three 50 shades books, and I’m almost through The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. I think after that I’m going to get The Martian, it sounds good and I guess it’s going to be made into a movie soon. I’ve been recommended The Alchemist, so that’s on the list. I’m also thinking of getting Bukowski’s Love is a Dog from Hell, because it seems fitting right now, haha.

    I have to ask what you are feeling at this point? You seem a little confused about what you want to do. You mentioned wanting to go into NC indefinitely, but then mentioned contacting her after that about her birthday. I think it’s up to you what you feel is best to send her in your letter. If you truly want to go into NC indefinitely then say whatever you feel you need to say.

    in reply to: 5 stages of break-ups #32555
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    Everyone goes through the stages differently. Like unimare said, there is no way of knowing what your ex is going through when you are in NC. It’s best not to think about it and focus on your number one priority: you.

    in reply to: "Missing him/her" stage #32554
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    I think it’s different for everyone. For some it’s immediate, with others it comes with time. I was so hurt and angry after my breakup that I didn’t miss my ex for some time. It’s been a few months since and I’ve just now gone into a stage of missing him. I’ve already gone through all the other stages, and a few rounds of the anger stage, to end up at a missing stage only recently.

    When will it end? It’s hard to say, that is different for everyone as well. I think what’s more important is how deep the missing is. I think it’s normal to think about your ex and to miss them from time to time. If you are in a deep hurt and have a bad longing for them months and months down the line, then it might be a good idea to speak to a counselor or therapist. It could be a sign of depression or being stuck in that stage if you find you’re not moving out of it several months later.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32373
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    @knitterz I’m sorry you are feeling lonely and sad. Do you find that you feel more like that on weekends? I do. It’ll pass soon, it’s just tough in the meantime, I know. Lately, I’ve been really embracing the positive aspects of being alone. I’ve been trying to maximize the whole doing whatever I want to thing, and it’s quite nice. I was in such a ltr and often went along with whatever my ex wanted, so to have freedom to make my own choices is a joy. In particular I’ve been listening to a lot of music and got back into reading, both of which fell to the wayside when I was with my ex.

    It does seem like the new girl has him on a short leash, I was thinking the same thing. He has to be feeling confused if he was upset and didn’t want you out of his life and then this new girl comes along and essentially blocks almost all contact with you. I imagine that could cause some resentment on his part towards her sooner or later.

    I think it’s awesome that you’ve made such great progress with your therapy and putting those changes into practice. I can see how that would be frustrating not being able to show him your changes, but you should feel really great knowing that whether you end up back with him or with someone new in the future, you will be able to do better and put everything you learned into action when the time comes.

    Thank you. 🙂 I definitely feel like I’m more moody and emotional when my sleep is messed up. When they say to take care of yourself after a breakup, I think we all should really take it more seriously. It makes such a huge difference getting enough rest, exercise, and eating right. I hope you feel better tomorrow and less hopeless. I think it’s good that you will be busy, definitely less time to think and dwell. Hopefully you can find some ways to keep your mind off your ex during your downtime.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32370
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    @heartbreak21 I’m sorry to hear that you were robbed, that sounds very upsetting and frightening. I hope you were not hurt? Getting through the split from an ex is difficult enough but having other life problems on top can make it feel so much worse. It’s normal to want to go to your ex for support, especially if they were the one who was always there for you in the past. Do you have some good trustworthy friends or family you can turn to right now? If you haven’t, I would suggest looking into some sort of therapy or counseling, not just for breakup but maybe for the robbery as well, sometimes you can even find support groups. What issues are you having with your roommates? Take it a day at a time. Focus on yourself and doing what you need to in order to feel better. Find someone to talk to that you trust. Realize that things may be really rough right now, but they will get better, and this won’t last forever. When you find that you are having to go it alone, know that you are strong and you can get through this and in the end it will make you stronger.

    I think it would be best for you not to check on her. It can be difficult to focus on other things as well as ourselves when we are constantly focused on our ex. I heard something today that I think is true for most of us: rejection breeds obsession. I think a lot of us, myself included, have gone through this after the breakup and in order to focus on ourselves we have to work through and conquer that obsession (the ex). With acceptance and moving on we can find in ourselves a strength that we didn’t know we had. When I decided that I wanted to move on and I came to terms and accepted the breakup it felt devastating at first, but it felt better with each new day. I think you can find some peace of mind and open yourself up to many new and wonderful things in the process. Who knows, maybe once you have moved on and you are living a happy life, she may come back to you, and you will have to decide if you even want her at that point.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32352
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    @knitterz It does make me wonder if her being that way is because of your ex still having feelings, she might be picking up on that, or outright noticing it depending on how obvious it is. I also think it could be partially that she is insecure. People like that sometimes do the things she is doing if they have low self esteem or feeling insecure in some way. I agree that she sounds young and immature. If she isn’t young, well, yikes!

    The date sounded nice! It’s good that you are getting out and dating and having a good time. That’s great that you noticed some positive changes after putting in work on yourself. It’s a little off putting that the people at the party would just assume you would be put off about your date’s ex, but I think that says more about them than you. It showed your maturity and your confidence that it didn’t get to you. It sounds like you gave your ex a really great birthday last year, and I’m sure he won’t forget it. I doubt new girl will be able to top that and I’m sure he will notice. I can’t imagine having a fun birthday with a girl like that, haha.

    Last time we spoke my ex wanted to talk about divorce and I brought up a lot of stuff that he hadn’t thought of or looked into. I’m sure it surprised him that I’ve been doing my research. He told me he was going to look into some things I mentioned and then get back to me but he never did, haha, I think he was angry. You are not the first person who has told me that about him not thinking it through and having to face the decision. Most everyone I’ve spoken to about us has said the same thing! It’s typical of him too. He is notorious for not thinking things through and then regretting his decisions later. He also has the delayed reaction thing that you mentioned with your ex. He used to bring things up a month later like you said, and then we would get in fights over stupid crap that I thought we had already worked past.

    The friend I mentioned with the picture, she is actually the girlfriend to his good friend that is out of country with him. So, it would make sense if they are trying to use her as a go between. I have my ex and all his family completely cut off of social media, so the only way he could find anything out about me would be through her. It will be interesting to see if she mentions him or the pic again next time we hang out. I make it a point not to ask about him or bring him up unless she does, and even then I joke or laugh things off and let her know I’m ready to move on. If she does pass anything on to my ex, the only thing she would be able to tell him is that I seem happy and we hung out and had a good time.

    The whole thing with him trying to get me to move back home really has a lot to do with him not thinking this all out and not wanting to deal with anything. It’s like he wants me to do all the work and then disappear and then he won’t have to lift a finger or go through any of the tough work of a split. I never used to dream about my ex much. I had a few nightmares after the split where he left me somewhere and abandoned me. These new dreams seemed to come out of nowhere which really threw me off. I’ve been taking melatonin to help me fall asleep at night and it works really well. I think you are on to something about the deep sleep though. I’ve been getting woken up a lot from noisy neighbors at all hours, so that would make a lot of sense.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #32216
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    @ThePhoenix It never ceases to amaze me how much alike our ex’s are. My ex is extremely guilty of deflection (pointing fingers), which my therapist brought up. It’s a shame that they can’t take some responsibility for themselves and look inside. It’s sad really. I think you have a good head on your shoulders and you sound strong and in a great frame of mind. I really admire you for that!

    She totally read your message, lol, whatever. She sounds like a real piece of work. I don’t think what you said was too harsh. Kudos on not showing any upset and wishing them both well. I’m sure that made her mad too. Her behavior is going to make you look better and better without you even having to try. She must be exhausting to put up with.

    My ex won’t talk about anything except divorce and how we are going to do it. He won’t talk about us, the relationship, nothing. He messaged me a few days after the breakup trying to push me into talking about divorce and me moving back home to my family. Great guy right? Way to give a person time to let all that sink in. He’s out of the country for another 3 months or so. I’m going to do NC until then, and when he gets back he’ll have to get his stuff, so we will see each other at that point. When my friend mentioned the photo she made a joke about it, said I could throw darts at it. I laughed it off and said while it was tempting, I’ll pass. But really, it still seems odd to me. I had the same thought you did about it but I didn’t want to over think it or get my hopes up over anything.

    I’ve been having dreams about my ex lately and it’s really throwing me off. I had decided that I wanted to move on and didn’t want him back, but the dreams are giving me mixed emotions. In one dream he came to get his stuff, but had to stay over for some reason. He took and shower and walked around the apartment naked, and then tried to get me to sleep with him. In another, we had reconciled and were renewing our vows! Ugh. These dreams are making it so hard right now, and it sucks that I can’t control them.

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