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  • in reply to: Did I mess up (again?) #59814
    • Total Posts: 32

    Do you think all hope is lost?

    in reply to: Did I mess up (again?) #59807
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    You are right. I’m just scared that she’ll think ‘Hey look we are better off as friends because now things are not complicated.’ That’s why she wanted to stay friends right after our break-up. That way she still had everything, you know?

    I hope you are!

    in reply to: Did I mess up (again?) #59805
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    You’re right. She told me the last time we met up that I have to start showing things instead of just saying them. ‘Actions speak louder than words.’ I just don’t know how to show her our ‘new’ relationship would be better and healthier now if we don’t start a new relationship, you know? But I do always want to talk about it. That’s the problem with me I guess. I always want to show someone things by talking about it. I’m in my fifth year of law school and I guess it’s just a habit to talk a lot, haha.

    So I should just not have any contact until the concert, then just have a good time at the concert and after just see what she does? Do you think I should give up on trying to win her back then?

    Are you okay?

    in reply to: Did I mess up (again?) #59802
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    Well we talked about feelings a lot when we were together and she had no problem with that at all. It became a problem after the break-up, you know? These discussions I talked about were really small ones. I asked a lot of my friends about them and they have the same sort of ‘discussions’ with their partners.

    My ex just wasn’t ready for anything serious and she didn’t want a relationship with anyone but she decided to take the risk with me. She thought these discussions were signs that things were too complicated because she never ‘fights’ with anyone. I realized that after I lost her.

    I know it might be better for us to just be friends for a while, but it’s hard for me to be just friends because I want her back. We were never really just friends before we started dating, but we were each other’s best friend during our relationship. Now we’re nothing anymore and that hurts.

    I really want to be less clingy and needy because I think that is one of the reasons she didn’t want our relationship anymore. She’s still really young and very independent. I am independent too but I lost a lot of my independence now and that needs to change. I want to become a better person. For myself. But also for her.

    I promise you that we are very compatible. That’s why I’m not ready to give up yet. What we had was really good, a few things just went wrong. We’re both young. I made mistakes and kept making them and that’s why she didn’t want to continue anymore. She made mistakes too. If we were to get back together I wouldn’t make those mistakes anymore, I just don’t know how I can show that to her. I don’t know how I can make her believe me?

    I really just wanna have a good time at the concert. I don’t want to talk about the break-up anymore. I just want her back and I would wait until she’s ready again. Do you think she’ll ever be able to forget all the negativity and start thinking about all the good things we had? Right after our break-up she thought we would get back together eventually..

    in reply to: It took 6 months, but we are back together #59797
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    Hi Alexa! 🙂

    So did you guys talk about the break-up immediately then? Would you mind reading my story and giving me your opinion on what I should do? You can find it here: I would really appreciate that since you got back together with your ex. I’m a very rational person but when it comes to this I’m super emotional..

    in reply to: It took 6 months, but we are back together #59795
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    I’m really happy to read this. I’m happy for you! This gives me some hope as well. How did things evolve after your no contact period? Who took the first step and stuff?

    in reply to: Did I mess up (again?) #59794
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    I’m just scared I messed everything up with al the begging and the ‘drama’. She hasn’t texted me since Monday (so we haven’t had any contact for five days) and I’m struggling so much. I swear our relationship was filled with love and fun (I don’t know if you read the whole story?). I never ‘quizzed’ her or anything.. I just don’t know what to do anymore to be honest. I’m scared that we’ll just end up being friends if I don’t do anything after this no contact period.

    in reply to: Did I mess up (again?) #59758
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    I feel like giving up 🙁

    in reply to: Did I mess up (again?) #59722
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    Okay, I won’t post anywhere until the concert. Then what happens after the concert though? Do I go back to no contact or?

    in reply to: Did I mess up (again?) #59719
    • Total Posts: 32

    Thank you for replying!

    I know I shouldn’t check her social media but it’s the only thing that still connects me to her, you know? She’s really active on Twitter and so am I (well I’m not that active anymore because I just don’t feel like tweeting a lot). Why is she posting these things though? She obviously knows I see them. My brother says it’s because she is immature and only thinking about herself right now. I don’t interrogate her about everything. She had posted things before, this was the first time I asked her about something because I knew via our friend that it was about me. It just upset me that she lied about it to me because she told me it wasn’t about me.

    Do you think I shouldn’t tweet anymore until the concert? And do you think I shouldn’t post any snaps on my snapchat story anymore either? I always post a lot of snaps there (even before we broke up). She always checks my story. I don’t check hers anymore.

    She wanted to stay friends after our break-up so I’m pretty sure she won’t mind me being there. We talked about it on the phone on Monday and I asked her if we were still going together (with our friends as well) and she was like ‘Yeah of course.’ I’m just confused.

    in reply to: Is there still a chance for us? (I could use some help) #59717
    • Total Posts: 32

    I messed up again Ciara 🙁 Could you go read this?

    in reply to: She keeps contacting me (help?) #59716
    • Total Posts: 32

    Hey thanks for replying! I messed up though 🙁

    On Thursday March 3rd it all went wrong. She had posted something on Twitter (something like ‘I deserve someone who is gentle and kind, because my soul is getting tired.’) and she had told one of our mutuals friends it was about me (she doesn’t know that that friend is trying to help me). She said that she was really happy now and that my insecurities had ‘dragged’ her down, that she was realizing that more and more every single day. I don’t get why she is saying that because I started being insecure AFTER she broke up with me, you know?

    So I freaked out and texted her to ask what the twitter post was about and she got mad so I started calling her and she didn’t pick up and she got really pissed and I called her like thirty times and ugh. I messed up. She said ‘You are just imagining things in your head. I’m doing nothing wrong. I’ll ignore you if you can’t act normal.’ I apologized but she was really mad.

    This Monday (March 7th) I asked her if we could call. And she said yes and she was being super nice, we talked about random things. But then I tried to talk about the twitter post and she got really pissed again and ugh. She was like ‘I don’t want to talk about feelings and stuff anymore. I thought you had finally gotten that.’ I ended the conversation in a nice way but I haven’t heard from her since. So this is my third day of the actual no contact (so no contact on Tuesday, Wednesday and now today).

    Did I mess things up even more? She isn’t contacting me at all now. What do I do now? Is the concert still a good idea? How do I get her back? 🙁

    Btw: she keeps checking my snapchat stories. Would it be better for me to not post anything anymore? So she can miss me? I’m so lost 🙁

    in reply to: Is there still a chance for us? (I could use some help) #59492
    • Total Posts: 32

    Hey Ciara, thank you for your reply!

    I do feel like I just ruined everything even more because of what I did these past couple of weeks (and I probably actually did). I’m trying not to think about that too much. I’m doing things differently now. I’m trying to have no contact for at least a month (until March 30th, because then we are going to a concert together with two other friends. We’ve planned that concert like a really long time ago.)

    I do know that she still cares about me. I had send my last text to her on Wednesday (February 24th) and yesterday (Monday February 29th) she suddenly texted me around noon to ask me ‘Are you watching Fuller House? x’. I am still allowed to watch shows on her Netflix so I answered like two hours later ‘Yes, is that okay? x’ and she answered ‘Sure! I was just wondering if it was you or if my sister was on my Netflix again! x’. And I didn’t reply anymore.

    And then suddenly at around 8pm I got another text! I had posted something on Twitter on Sunday evening (February 27th). I tweeted ‘I’m finally making one of my dreams come true. I took the first step towards it today.’ because I’m planning on going to the US for a year next year. So she texted me ‘Which dream are you working on? x’ and I replied ‘America 🙂 x’ and she said ‘That makes me so happy 🙂 x’ and I didn’t reply anymore after that. So does this mean she is stalking my social media since I posted it the day before she sent me that text?

    Then today (March 1st) I posted a snap on my snapchat story (just a selfie with one of those snapchat filters, it was a unicorn filter) and it said ‘My dream just came true’. And suddenly I got another text today ‘Are you going to the US? Is it all planned out? Tell meh more! x’ and I didn’t reply and then she sent me ‘Or were you just talking about your dream to be a unicorn on snapchat haha? x’ so I texted her back saying ‘No it’s not planned out yet. Oh haha yeah, I’ve just always wanted to be a unicorn. x’ and she said ‘Hahaha, I realized it was about the snapchat filter too late! x’ and I stopped replying.

    I don’t get why she is texting me these things? I wanna do no contact for 30 days but I feel like I would hurt her if I didn’t reply?

    I’m trying to be patient and give her time, but I’m super confused?

    in reply to: Is there still a chance for us? (I could use some help) #59459
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