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  • KPowers1192
    • Total Posts: 45

    1.5 months.

    I was on a date with a prettier girl and ran into her. Completely ignored her existence that night. I had a text the next morning asking how I was doing. Ever since then she has been driving by my house a lot, texting me occasionally, and all sorts of weirds things. I’m still NC because I know I deserve better than her.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46592
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    I wish I knew what the better option was at this point, because now I’m at 48+ hours where I haven’t responded. Part of me says let her go and don’t contact her. If she tries harder at some point, she can be mine if I choose. Plus the 2 day time table now might come off as weird now.

    Another part of me says I should text her something like “Thanks for the birthday wish and the condolences for my dog”. I don’t know if at this point its wise for me to continue being so cold. In a way it makes me feel as if I’m immature by not having the decency to reply to kind gestures. I’m sure she knows I’m still upset with her, but if I show no effort/interest what so ever I imagine she will give up sooner rather than later. Does that sound right?

    in reply to: She contacted me again. Break NC? #46569
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    The mood swings are getting a lot better for me. She’s just like most 20 yr old girls at this point. She really did portray she wanted a serious relationship with me. When her and I were together it seemed like that. Things seemed perfect. When she was away from me obviously not. The only thing that really still bugs me was the second text she had sent me about making the biggest mistake of her life letting me go. Plus all the events afterward, I just don’t know what to make of it all.

    I really doubt she wants only friendship. If she were to tell me something like that I would know its just to keep me around in case the new relationship doesn’t work out. I don’t deserve to be a plan B. She really wasn’t a money grubber, but I always insisted on paying for her things when she needed them. It’s also hard for me to accept she really likes this new guy if she goes far out of her way to try and keep strings attached with me.

    She definitely isn’t ready for a healthy relationship. I think she partially knows what she is losing which is why she wants to try and keep contact with me, but she won’t fully realize it until she’s done with this guy or a couple more guys. It absolutely sucks having feelings for someone like that.

    I suppose the best option would be to stay NC indefinitely until she comes back to me saying she wants to get back together right? At that time I can make my decision if I want her back.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46526
    • Total Posts: 45

    I’d say you hit it right on the head Jasminka.

    I get times during NC where I want her back so bad, but I’m mentally always telling myself there is nothing I should have to do to get her back. She’s been doing this whole pretend to be single and talk to whoever she wants game off and on since we’ve started dating, just like she currently is with this new guy. This time the guy is me and it just messes with my head. Is she really trying to come back for good, or is she just looking for attention/playing games still? It’s so frustrating. Deep down, I have no idea what to do, which is why I’m more for letting go.

    I never ended up thanking her. I just can’t bring myself to do it. I feel like it may open a door and I’m not ready for that because I’m unsure of what her true intentions are. It really sucks, because aside from her commitment issues, I love everything else about her. Someday she will grow out of that. I know 10 years down the road, if I’m still looking for a girl and she is currently married, I may be kicking myself in the ass.

    At the end of the day its not healthy to be with someone who treated me the way she did. That’s why this NC is so crucial to me. If I’m starting to sound like a crazy person please nip that in the bud for me. I’m a big fan of pep talks lol.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46485
    • Total Posts: 45

    Haha she definitely won’t see an apology from me.

    It’s interesting you say that about the dating. I may or may not of included this on this forum already but she didn’t contact me until about 1.5 months into NC. This was the morning after she saw me out on a date. Which has led up to her texting me 4 different times now and doing these weird spying/stakerish things.

    She just turned 20. I just turned 22. It was a first love/high school sweetheart kind of relationship.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46471
    • Total Posts: 45

    She definitely took me for granted. That’s one thing my best friend always says is I let her get away with too much and that’s why she would go out and do whatever she wanted. He also encouraged I should let at least a year pass so she can mature some and realize most of these guys she is into aren’t so great, while I date other girls of course to realize if she is really what I want.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46468
    • Total Posts: 45

    Should the text literally just say “Thank you”?

    I’m starting to think you’re absolutely right about her feeling trapped. I think she realized the grass isn’t greener, but doesn’t want to drop the new bf if I’m not available. Hence her going very far out of her way to text me/creep on me all the time.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46460
    • Total Posts: 45

    Still haven’t sent it. Should I ignore it or is it still okay to send a thank you?

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46386
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    There is a good chance I will take this route then. Yeah I signed up for his emails right after the break up.

    I agree she needs to do the work and it needs to be her idea. When we define her doing the hard work for me, do you think I should stick to NC/LC until she suggests a reconciliation or in the event she continues to text me should I gradually start talking to her more often?

    My feelings don’t change easily and I was very loyal to her. If I believe something can work out I won’t give up on it. She knew I would never lie to her face and I never did. I wish I could say the same for her.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46350
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    I think its safe to say I want her back. My progress has came a very long way during NC and I’m scared to bet on her commitment again though. I think breaking NC to say thank you may be a good idea. She really can’t assume much off of a thank you. She will likely try to reply and talk to me. Should I go back to NC then?

    I would say yes to her not liking being single. This is what makes this situation hard. She probably won’t leave the guy unless I’m a sure thing. Even at that though, I still can’t assume that she wants me back.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46332
    • Total Posts: 45

    Exactly. I don’t feel like she deserves to be ridden of all that guilt and I’d prefer not to break NC if that’s all it is. She did mention that in her second to last text a few days ago that she knows I hate her, but she will always be there for me no matter what.

    Then a month ago she sent a pretty long text saying she made a huge mistake letting me go, she misses me, thinks about me all the time, she knows she messed up, and she’s sorry about everything she’s done to me. In that same text she also had a sentence where she said she wasn’t trying to win me back, then assumed I was much happier without her.

    There are just too many mixed signals for me to read what she’s wants at this point. Do you think breaking NC is worth it?

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46328
    • Total Posts: 45

    Hello again Jasminka! Thank you for your response. I would like to reply, but I’m afraid it could be solely just emotional relief for her. At least that is whats been brought up a couple of the previous times she’s texted me. I know I have several different posts on this forum at this point and its really hard to analyze every specific detail that leads up to this. Just in general why do you think a girl would go so far to try and get a response from me through several text messages, especially while dating someone she left me for?

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #45925
    • Total Posts: 45

    I think its a similar outcome with an explanation to him or not. I say go with the route that makes you feel better in the end because you’re healing is very important. I suggested just cutting contact because I think he’s well aware of what he’s doing. It’s not cool to ignore your girlfriend/boyfriend for days. Maybe if it was the 1800’s and telephones didn’t exist.

    The fact there are day(s) where you don’t know what your ex is doing or up to concerns me, but once he knows your upset at his convenience he has no problem reaching out and wanting to talk about it. This is what keeps stringing you along. He wants to keep you happy and once he feels your happy again he goes right back to doing what he does and crushing you.

    That is so frustrating on your behalf, and I feel for you. It entirely seems like the only times he wants to work things out or even talk is when he’s afraid he’s losing you.

    in reply to: my no contact period.. #45888
    • Total Posts: 45

    I’ll tell you what. My ex didn’t try to contact me for the first 1.5 months. Then one night I was out with a very pretty girl. She walked into to the same place as us and definitely saw us together. The following morning I get a text with her trying to “catch up”. Ever since then she has made countless signs that she’s stalking me, missing me, possibly even wants me back. Get out there with those other guys. It will help you move on quicker and kick his ass back into shape when he sees that you’re having a better time than he is after the split. Good hobby selections to take up in by the way. 🙂

    in reply to: She contacted me again. Break NC? #45884
    • Total Posts: 45

    Hey, I appreciate you taking the time to read into my story Mr. A. 🙂 Hmmm well she used to tell me she liked my hygiene, sense of humor, and the things I do for her. I don’t mean to sound like an A hole here, but this is as good as I can put it. She has a ton of debt. Her family are all lying and cheating garbage. Her friends are all whores who can’t keep a relationship for 2 weeks before they find a new guy. I only tell you this as I think it plays a huge role in why she is the way she is.

    She wants to keep me around because she never had to pay for a thing. I was always faithful to her. She would get free dinner almost every night and get expensive gifts from me. All she seemed to do when we weren’t spending time together was to go out with her slutty friends and meet other dudes. When she was with me, she would always tell me oh so much how she dearly cares about me.

    I think she loves still. I also think she regrets leaving me. I rarely feel sad anymore. It’s mainly anger. There are points in time, like right now, where I can set my emotions aside and think from a third person perspective. I just don’t see it working out anymore. She has messed up too much and this stringing me along behavior, isn’t making my feelings any stronger for her.

    I overheard my cousin and brother talking and pissed off about a Facebook status she made recently. It was something like “My boyfriend had to get up at 3am and go save lives tonight. I’m so proud to be dating a fireman”. Not sure when she posted this, but it sounded like it was around the time she was basically writing an obituary for my dog on her wall. She’s crazy and has no idea what she wants. After overhearing this the immediate thought of someone else in her bed, really turned me off. I believe it burned any bridge that led to a reconciliation. I’ll explain below.

    When I heard them talking about this. At first, I had this awful butterfly feeling that made me weak, which lasted for about 15 minutes. This immediately turned into a rage for about 30 minutes. For the first time ever the words “I don’t want her back” came out of my mouth. Current I am in this indifferent mindset and it has lasted for about 4 hours now. As of right now I think my feelings for her are gone. This is obviously a good thing, because she doesn’t deserve me. I’ve slowly been coming to this conclusion, but it feels official this time.

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