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  • in reply to: Girls look here: Using Instagram #35991
    • Total Posts: 32

    Subtle jealously i think is good, but anything thats like blatantly obvious is the ones that sting. Like liking the photos etc was SOOO obvious. Like if she uploaded a photo of something like her in a bthing suit, and you liked 6 photos of girls in bathing suits on instagram. Then she KNOWS you’re reacting to it.

    in reply to: Girls look here: Using Instagram #35990
    • Total Posts: 32

    Thats the thing though i dont think that is what he is doing as he has never been that person, and was completely devastated when we broke up (even though he was the one that broke up with me). He also was in contact with my brother (who has always been so protective of me…and they were friends yes but never close) and told him he didnt know how to move on etc, then he told me that in a text when i asked him if he wanted to hang out and go bowling. He told me he wasnt okay enough to go bowling, and his reasoning was he was scared to see me and other guys talking to me etc….but then he tries to make ME jealous? i think hes trying to gauge right now if I have friendzoned him because we are talking again now like we used to. But who knows. It would be extremely weird for him to still be in contact with me, and want to talk to my little brothers and dad ( which he told my older brother) if he was fucking around…like almost completely fucked.

    in reply to: Jealousy Question #35983
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    I’ve kind of gotten to a point now where i think “this is an option in my life, not a priority” like i am focusing on getting my life on track first and foremost. But im not closing myself off to someone else if he doesnt work out, because at the end of the day if he IS moving on then theres nothing else i can do. I dont know if he is moving on as much as i think hes doing the motions of what he thinks he should do. When we spoke about it he said he didnt know how to move on, and that the situation was in the back of his head everyday but he had been busy with work so that was a good distraction. He asked a lot of our friends if they thought i was moving on etc. and when they would ask why it mattered he didnt answer. I agree with the selfishness, but at the same time i am not a silly person to think that gives me any hope other than the hope i already allotted myself. I am going to see how this pans out while not closing off myself to other opportunities. I dont know i think im past the point of like waiting for him to text me and more in that “im going to do what im doing and then if it works out it does and if it doesnt it doesnt.”

    in reply to: Jealousy Question #35972
    • Total Posts: 32

    This is true but Atea i know your situation and how different it is than mine. And i totally understand that. I havent really sat there obsessing over him or waiting for him to text me or email me. In fact i left the email yesterday and didnt email him back until today ( which i think is why he liked those photos to get a reaction out of me because he knows im jealous).

    i honestly dont think hes going to be moving on, and if he is he would have the answer to his question. That being…that door is closed. Because he knows me and how little of a shit i would give for him if he DID sleep with someone else while it took him to figure himself out. I know him enough to know he has more decency than to not tell me that and try to be with me again in the future.

    in reply to: Jealousy Question #35968
    • Total Posts: 32

    Well the thing is why meet with my brother who you barely talked to to discuss how you thought i was moving on and that you didnt know how to move on.And try and stay in my families lives…like thats some sociopath shit if you are fucking around to do that. And tell him you check my social media all the time because its the closest thing to me?

    i think hes legitimately terrified or still confused slightly and doesnt want to close his doors. he was there for me when i went through this too. Also i dont know if its a poor excuse because he is a REALLY jealous person, like really jealous now that we arent dating anymore. His reasoning was that he knew guys would hit on me and he wouldnt get to say anything so he didnt want to do it quite yet. And that he wasnt ok with seeing me yet.

    in reply to: Girls look here: Using Instagram #35944
    • Total Posts: 32

    Be aware though, if you want to make someone jealous it can always backfire.

    my ex is attempting to do this right now with me ( hes liking all these girls photos on instagram knowing i will see it) and it almost makes me want to rebound to someone else, but that could be because hes the one that dumped me..

    in reply to: NC support #30161
    • Total Posts: 32

    @atea1234 how are you doing?

    in reply to: NC support #29271
    • Total Posts: 32

    i personally would respond but make it short and just say “good”
    and leave it at that…she’ll take the hint after a while.

    in reply to: NC support #29237
    • Total Posts: 32


    you do no contact so she can figure out what she wants…..although that might be difficult with the child involved. You should only speak about the child…and leave it be on where the relationship is right now.

    what was the cause for the break up

    in reply to: NC support #29150
    • Total Posts: 32

    @atea1234 i am really sorry you are feeling that way. Did your night out go any good? to get your mind off things?

    in reply to: NC support #28727
    • Total Posts: 32

    @atea1234…. i dont know how you handle the idea of your ex dating someone else and still thinking its ok one day that you guys will fix it. I am 100% positive that if my breaking up wanted to date someone else…i would be finished with it. I have a strong belief that i dont want to be with someone who needs to date others to know im right for him ( but that could be because i am older…i dont know). I’m sorry that has happened though =( i know the feeling of wanting to throw up. I hope this helps you to move past him maybe? I understand the reassessing in 3 months but as much as he wasnt trying to be selfish…that kind of leaves you waiting doesnt it?

    im sorry that happened =( what the heck is she thinking seeing someone else and telling you shes ready…thats such a bad bad feeling. Are you doing ok?

    in reply to: NC support #28721
    • Total Posts: 32

    Be casual and dont ask just say “ready for…” or something dont be TOO Excited in the text

    in reply to: NC support #28715
    • Total Posts: 32

    I agree to wait until Sunday, e told a mutual friend of ours that he just was in shock that I was there and didn’t know how to react. That he turned and stated at me a few times in hopes id look to say hi but I looked mad

    in reply to: NC support #28699
    • Total Posts: 32

    like should i say something? or eat it until sunday when we have to talk?

    in reply to: NC support #28696
    • Total Posts: 32

    I think im getting really mad that he didnt even say hi to me the other night and he told our friend he didnt know what to do in the situation. I also think because our close friend ( his best friend) didnt say hi to me either that hes hiding something…either that hes made a decision or that something is going on.

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