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  • in reply to: Girls look here: Using Instagram #35989
    • Total Posts: 268

    @dwarf I agree that jealousy can backfire if your ex finds out.
    But in your case I am not sure that is what your ex is doing. He could be useing his newfound “freedom” to try and pick these girls up. Without any regards to you or your feelings. An pathetic attempt that rarely works.

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35894
    • Total Posts: 268

    Every time I feel down I turn to this list:

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35893
    • Total Posts: 268

    I am not a fan of putting a time frame on love. You cant rush love, it has to happend on its own.
    My last 3 ex’s all came back. But it took at least 6 months with all of them. One of them even passed the one year mark. I rejected them all. However, some of them still drunk calls me every now and then to get me back, or sometimes they just want a one nigth stand.

    Time is your best friend.

    in reply to: What is going on now? #35756
    • Total Posts: 268
    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35742
    • Total Posts: 268

    Excatly @tighem

    This is what naturally happends after EVERY BREAK UP!
    The dumper is on a high because they finally broke up. And they do everything they can to show this to everybody around them. And if they do meet a guy straight after the break up and do everything they can to show how happy he makes her feel, then it is a rebound. You can be sure of that.

    I wont give you false hope. I cannot know for sure if your ex will ever come back. All I can tell you is that what is happending now is very normal for every break up, and the new guy is just a rebound and could be good thing for you in the long run.

    in reply to: What is going on now? #35642
    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok. So she posted yesterday that she was making dinner for “a very sweet guy” that was coming over. So I know now for sure that she IS dating…

    But you know what? It doesn’t really seem to bother me that much? I know deep in my heart that I am the man for her. There will never be any man that can be as good for her as me. She can date all the men she wants, and make all the mistakes she wants. Every time she will just get reminded of how special our relationship was. Remember what she said when she broke up with me? She said: “I KNOW you are the man I am surpose to marry, I know we are meant for each other. I am just not feeling anything right now“… Later on when I said she might wake up one day and regret this break up, she said “I am sure I will. But it is something I will have to deal with at that time“.

    The reason for the break up is G.I.G.S… I am very sure of this. I seems so clear. Anyone read about G.I.G.S?
    Every article I have found, every advice I have been given always suggest: Never chase a girl who left due to G.I.G.S… It will only push them further away. Let them experience what they think they need to experience, and make their mistakes.

    But I am in a happy place now. It doesnt bother me that much. And I am really THAT sure of our relationship.
    The only thing that makes me wonder is: why would she post this? Why tell everybody she knows that she has guy visit, when they ain’t official or mention him by name? She knows I can see it.
    I cant help but wondering if this is to push my buttons, now that I never reacted to any of her likes.

    in reply to: The Next Step #35641
    • Total Posts: 268

    What is “the occasional favorite”??

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35640
    • Total Posts: 268

    Sounds like some time apart could really benefit the both of you.
    Yes right now she only remembers the bad things from your relationship. As time passes she will slowly start to forget them, and only remember the good times. (I am sure you have also been a good boyfriend before all the fighting started)

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35520
    • Total Posts: 268

    Well. I am kinda in the same boat now. Just today nmy ex posted she had a visit from “a very sweet guy”… And it has been 6 months since the break up. So I guess there is not much chance that this is just a rebound.
    Yet, I am still very calm about the situration.
    I KNOW she will never find a better match than me.
    She can date all she wants. Make all the mistakes she can.
    I KNOW she will end up being hurt, and I know who she will think of everytime she does. The guy who did not hurt her. The guy who wanted to stay with her for better and for worse.

    You should try and keep the same mindset as me. Let her make mistakes, let her get hurt, let her see that what she did have with you wasnt as bad afterall…

    You never told me how your relationship was? Besides the times when you fight, how was it? (all couples fight you know)

    in reply to: Open ended contact, what next? #35354
    • Total Posts: 268

    You said it yourself in your letter: “we needed a little time without contact if we were to remain friends“…
    He isn’t ready yet. Give it some time and work on yourself…

    in reply to: The Next Step #35350
    • Total Posts: 268

    Uh. That makes it a little harder when you cannot meet face to face…
    But you need to use social medias for your advanges.
    Chat with her. Slowly build it up. Interract with her in every way, but not more then she interracts with you.

    in reply to: What is going on now? #35349
    • Total Posts: 268

    Hanging out would be a little to big of a step. But you think a like back would be ok? Last time we interracted I got very hurt as you can read in my earlier posts.
    Everything I read on GIGS suggests to stay away and not persue them. Let them come back to us. Persueing will only push them further away.

    in reply to: Should I break no contact! #35348
    • Total Posts: 268

    That should be enough motivation for you to keep improving yourself and become a better person. A person he would love to be with, and it will drive him crazy that he is not with you 🙂

    Don’t mind what people do straigth out of the breakup. We are not ourselfs at this point, and we do stupid things that dont make any sense. When we turn to “normal” we take it all back again…

    And one last thing:
    People thing that the opposite of love is hate. It is not! The opposite of love is indifference. So there is clearly still some feelings there.

    Take the high road my friend and ignore him. Dont go to his level.
    Block him of Facebook for some time if you have to.

    in reply to: Ex on dating website #35347
    • Total Posts: 268

    I updated the thread yesterday 🙂

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35346
    • Total Posts: 268

    But be prepared: those 30 days of NC this site advice you to is not going to be enough. Trust me.
    In fact with all my ex’s it has always been a absolute minimum with 6 months of NC…

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