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  • in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #38263
    • Total Posts: 268

    She broke up, she found a new guy. At this moment she should just go on with her life and never give you any thoughts at all.
    But that isnt happening. You are clearly still on her mind… She cant seem to let you go. Maybe you didnt do anything, but she is just overanalyzing something very small.

    in reply to: Social Media and an Ex #38260
    • Total Posts: 268

    You did very well my friend. πŸ™‚

    She waited 2 weeks because she needed to process her feelings first. It was only when she removed you from social medias that you were “comletely gone” and she then realised the world without you. She may also have needed time to sort out her feelings with this new guy, her guilt ect. I dont know exactly but she has started to miss you and she had some stuff in her head she needed to sort out first.

    You also did very well with texting her. You never invested more into the conversation then she did. Very good πŸ™‚
    She may have caught you off guard, but I dont think she saw that. You played it very cool.

    in reply to: rebound or no? #38259
    • Total Posts: 268

    Look at this:

    [Link Removed. Outside links not allowed]

    Both you and your ex are clearly still in stage 1. Hope this gives a better understanding.

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #38258
    • Total Posts: 268

    She might see it already, you dont know. πŸ™‚
    Remember: our ex’s wont tell us anything and will do what they can to hide their feelings… We just have to guess… But trust me… In the long run it will only benefit you to improve.
    How about your looks? This is a very easy way to imrove. Some new clothes, teeth whitening, new hairatyle ect

    in reply to: What to do???? #38257
    • Total Posts: 268

    It always is πŸ™‚
    But good you,are improving. Keep it going, so this new guy wont stand a chance against you.

    in reply to: What to do???? #38199
    • Total Posts: 268

    Plan some stuff for you to do the next 14 days πŸ™‚
    1-2 things every day. Things that can help you become a better person, and make you more interresting πŸ™‚

    in reply to: What to do???? #38193
    • Total Posts: 268

    Sounds like you are doing ok. Try making a plan for like 2 weeks. You have to do at least one thing every day that can help you improve as a person, and one thing that will make you look interrresting πŸ™‚

    in reply to: What to do???? #38187
    • Total Posts: 268

    What are you doing to improve yourself?

    in reply to: Social Media and an Ex #38186
    • Total Posts: 268

    i agree it is very imature of her. But keep this in mind:

    The first 3-6 months after a break up it is normal for people to change. This is the stage where they need to go out and “experience the world” and enjoy their new freedom. This can hurt the dumpee a lot to wach sometimes. So I always say: NEVER judge a person by what they do at this stage. They are not themselfs, and in this case she could also be under the influence of HIM…

    Pretend like it doesnt bother you… In fact: You didnt even notice πŸ™‚
    She will return to her old self again… All you can do while we wait is to work on yourself, and become a better person. And for gods sake: Look the other way. You might not like the person she has become….

    The same happend to me… I had to block my ex from all social medias… I had to do it, cause I didnΒ΄t like what I saw… She was a completely different person. A person I could never love… But she has more or less returned to normal now (7 months later)

    in reply to: rebound or no? #38177
    • Total Posts: 268

    She sounds like a very insecure person. Am I right?

    in reply to: rebound or no? #38176
    • Total Posts: 268

    It is always easier to be an expert when you dont have feelings envolved. When it comes to my own breakups I always do the exact opposite of what I should be doing.

    in reply to: What to do???? #38174
    • Total Posts: 268

    No contact
    No contact
    No contact

    Let her enjoy this guy for a little while. Right now she seems so happy and so does he, because they are in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. Sooner or later she will get tired of him and start to wonder if she made the right choice. She will look at you, and she will compare the 2 of you.
    3 thing could happen after that:

    a) She will see that you haven’t changed at all, in fact you are a bigger looser then ever and she stays with him
    b) She see how much you have changed and is impressed, you are happier then ever and living you life to the fullest. You are a bit mysterious in her eyes now and becomes so interrested that she comes back to you
    c) she realises that both of you are losers and finds a third guy. Both you guys could then spend the next 6 months crying together.

    Wich option do you prefer? I know what I would go for.

    in reply to: rebound or no? #38169
    • Total Posts: 268

    Just by reading you post here is the first that comes to mind:

    The romance had faded, and the relationship has become borring. Very normal for a relationship, so dont beat yourself up. She gave you the reason when she broke up: you need to be more romantic! There is something for you to work on. Also: remember that when someone breaks up with you they NEVER tell the entire truth, so there may be other reasons for the break up. In this case a new guy.
    I am not saying she had him while you were together. I dont know her, so it is impossible for me to tell. But she may have been interrested in exploring her options. She wanted to see if there was another guy out there that had the qualities you didnt (a romantic guy)

    This guy,sounds a lot like a rebound.
    He is romantic, so she have found a guy with the qualities she was looking for.
    Dont worry about how happy she seems right now. It is only normal. she is on a high from everything that has been going on, and because she is in the honeymoon phase of their “relationship”.
    She will enjoy this for 1-3 months, untill the honeymoon phase is over. The she will start comparing him to you.
    Who will win?
    He has the qualities that you didnt (being romantic), but she will now see that all the other things you offered to the relationship was also important to her. Is he better then you in all these areas? Maybe…. But we dont know.
    All we know is that in terms of romance he wins… So start working on your romance skills so you look like the better choice.

    in reply to: rebound or no? #38148
    • Total Posts: 268

    NC the entire time… 100% NC…
    I did it for myself, because I wasn’t interrested in getting them back. All I wanted was to show them what they missed out on. I guess that is why it worked.

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #38122
    • Total Posts: 268

    You better start acting. And the sooner you act the better.
    Please tell me what you have done so far to become a better and more interresting guy (and boyfriend)

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