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  • in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11763
    • Total Posts: 268

    It still bugs me that she didn´t starve for my affection after the NC. Maybe she does at some level…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11758
    • Total Posts: 268

    And you are baseing that on….? 🙂
    How do I proceed? Anything I need to keep in mind as I move forward?

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11681
    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok final update from me today, I swear
    I know I have updated this thread many times today, and I dont really know if anyone is reading? But it is my way of getting all my thoughts out of my head 🙂

    Ok lets go:
    The day wasn´t over. She had a busy day, so that might be the reason she wasn´t so into the conversations.
    But here in the evening she was just at home, so she had better time. We had some very good talks I feel…

    • She kept asking a lot about me moving, me searching for a new job ect. Dont know if she is excited about the thought of me moving to her city, or just interrested in my life? I tried not to reply to all of them…. 🙂
    • We started talking about feelings (finally). I told her I was a little nevous about having to meet her that Saturday. She said she hoped to bumb into me because she thought I was mad at her (The No Contact) I said “Well, you said you needed to be youself” and other then that I avoided talking about the No contact period (As adviced by you guys)…
    • I lost a lot of weight during our breakup. She said she was very sorry about it. I just replied: “Thats ok sweety, you did what you had to do and followed your heart””
    • We talked about her being very hard working. So I grapped the chance to tell her that was one of the things about her I felt in love with. Cant really remember her exact reply to this…

    Eventhough the feelings talk didn´t indicate any “love feelings” or “feelings of regret” I still think it went well. There was so many time I wanted to say I Missed You… But I didn´t!! I just kept telling myself that she wasn´t gonna say it back. I also asked her if we could workout sometime at her gym and SHE SAID YES!. This is somthing we used to do a lot in our relationship.

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11627
    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok so the day is almist over. I dont really understand what is going through her mind right now.

    She was so into our text conversation Saturday. Then we had 2 days basicly without contact. And now it is like she is not into it at all. 🙁

    This wasnt really how I expected this to go. I was hoping she was craving for my attention after the NC. But I guess that only lasted a day. Now she had her attention-fix from me.

    Or maybe I am thinking too much.

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11580
    • Total Posts: 268

    She has sent me a few other messages on snapchat. She was at a resturant with a friend (female)… I just responded that it looked very nice.
    She doesn´t seem that invested in a conversation. Or: Not as invested as last saturday… But maybe I caught her at the wrong time.

    Right now I am affraid of being too avaible to her, so she feels she can have me back anytime she wants… But yesterday I felt like I was playing a litlle too hard to get.

    Man, I actually liked it much better in the No Contact perioded. Then I was in control and she was very interrested in what I was doing… 🙂

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11574
    • Total Posts: 268

    Update from today
    I didn´t want to wait any longer, so I decided to text her.
    Just a casual “Hi enjoying your day off?” 🙂
    We talked back and fourth a couple of hours. There was no simleys at first, but they came in later. I tried not to compliment her to much, and kept it at random everyday talk.
    I asked how the party (Family party) was last weekend, and she has read the message. But no reply??? (Its been 20 minutes now)

    Should I just ignore that she did not reply, and continue talking if she ever texts me again?
    I am thinking about at the end of the week asking her for coffee. I want to escalte this to the next level….

    She replied 2 sec after I posted this 🙂
    Just some stuff about our hobby…. 🙂 I will try and close the conversation here, so there is more for later

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11394
    • Total Posts: 268

    I dont know that is how she feels. I am asking IF that is how she could feel 🙂
    And what is “my thing”? 🙂

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11390
    • Total Posts: 268

    So right now she is starting to get re-attracted. But also remains a little passive because she is convinced that I have moved on and no longer care about her like that? So she is passive because she is affraid she will be rejected?

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11300
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks a lot for your replies. I just hope she will start a conversation soon. I dont want her to just miss me as a friend.

    I have a plan:
    When we were together there was this tv show every morning in the weekend that we used to watch together. A cartoon… Yes it was silly but we really enjoyed this routine every morning. But suddenly the tv station took it off the air. (We really missed that show)

    But now I found out it is starting up again. THIS WEEKEND!!

    I am gonna write her this saturday morning when the show starts with word “have you turned on the TV? They started our show again!”

    It will bring back good memories I am sure 🙂
    But untill then I remain quite and for a text from her

    in reply to: What to do when she is in a rebound? #11272
    • Total Posts: 268

    I can only imagine how it must feel for you right now. It is devastating!
    Right after my break up it killed me just seeing my ex like a picture on facebook of guys without a relationship…

    But just remember: Rebounds will end very fast, and she WILL regret them. And when you get back together it will only make her love for you that much stronger. Now she has tried dating other guys and she has realised that no one can offer her the things you can….

    Trust me… This is just a very hard part of your life you have to get through in the best way possible. Go out and do some stuff for yourself. Spoil yourself for a while 🙂 Do the things you always dreamed of…

    in reply to: What to do when she is in a rebound? #11267
    • Total Posts: 268

    I only read your firrst post.
    It is clearly a rebound. Be happy about it. Yes I know that is hard, if not impossible… But a rebound means she is missing something (you) and is now trying to fill it with someone else. Dont worry, there is nothing speciel about this guys. He was just the first idiot who showed interrest in her, it felt nice and now she is trying it out to see if it will make her fell better…

    She is still in contact with you.
    She has agreed to go out with you 2 times.
    She is hiding him from you.
    She froze when they ran into you at the club.

    All the signs are there if you ask me. She is NOT over you, and is using this rebound guy to help her heal…

    Perhaps you should try and date some hot girl. Maybe a hot female friend who would hang out with you a lot, and flirt with you when you are at the clubs. Just to see how your ex would react? (Just fliting ok? Do go kissing her in front of your ex, that will just backfire)

    Keep us updated….

    in reply to: Recent Heart-break #11265
    • Total Posts: 268

    Oh, and one more thing:
    Do not listen to your friends on this topic.

    They do not know what NC is or anything else that has been written on this site.
    Every time I bring up my ex, my friends also say: “Get over it, move on. You cant win anyone back when they have broken up”….

    in reply to: Recent Heart-break #11264
    • Total Posts: 268

    Do a short round of NC will be my suggestion.
    It seems to me like he is texting you just to see “if you are still there”. You gotta make him feel like you are over him. Like you have moved on with your life. I have the feeling that he knows that you are a mess right now.

    You said that he was a mess inside, but as long as he feels he “has you hooked” there is nu hurry in sorting it out. You will still be there when he is ready. That is how he thinks right now (I guess)

    Work on yourself, plan at least 2 fun and exciting things for every week. And also plan: How will I make him see that I am having a good time and doing these amazing things.

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11262
    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok I really need to update this thread again, even though nothing has happend…

    What happend yesterday?
    Well basicly nothing. I only recieved that one snapchat that was sent to all her friends, but nothing else. In the evening she got home to her own city.
    I really am wondering about how she feels right now.

    Just the headlines from Saturday:

    • We had a good talk about everyday stuff, and our hobby (We have the same hobby)
    • We hugged, we smiled, there was good eye contact
    • She send me pictures the entire afternoon as she got ready for a party, showing of herself. Look at my dress, makeup done, look at my new nails (Is she qualifying herself to me?)
    • She texted me: You look good/handsome
    • She texted me: You are so sweet, thank you (When I complimentet her looks)
    • She texted me: You really look like you are doing great (She noticed the “new me”, I replied “I am doing ok”)
    • She has started to use smileys in her messages again (She didn´t do this after our breakup because “I would get the wrong idea”)
    • Now, when she sends out mass messages to all friends, I am now one of the people on that list
    • She is more invested in the conversations now. Not just Yes/No replies, she asked the most questions

    Please girls! Help me here!
    What do you think is going on in her head right now?? I have no idea?
    Is she thinking “Wow he looks nice, but it seems like he has moved on”?
    Or did she just get the “attention-fix” that she need from me?

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11193
    • Total Posts: 268

    Yeah youre right…. Just a thought… 🙂

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