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  • in reply to: What is going on now? #15264
    • Total Posts: 268

    To be honest I dont think she was waiting for me to follow through with it. Working out together was kinda our thing when we were together. We are a very active couple… But she really didnt seem that into it when I asked her. I got the feeling she just said yes to be polite, or because she didnt want to tell me she wasnt ready for it yet… This is basicly how that part of the conversation went:

    Me: Hey when should we workout together so I can try your new program? 🙂
    Her: I dont know. I just started a new one again yesterday.
    Me: Thats ok, I would still like to try it out with you
    Her: Well ok then. We can do it next time I come to your city.
    Me: Or next time I come by your city, I am there very often anyways…
    Her: Why is that?
    Me: You know… I just have a lot of stuff…
    Her: Ok

    She really is messing with my mind.
    The last weekend we were together was so perfect. We had a great time. She was so in love with me. The way she looked at me. There was light in her eyes. She was so impressed with everything I said or did. She keept telling me I was the man of her dreams, and it was like I could do no wrong! 🙂

    When the weekend was over she went home (because she had first day of school Monday) and she left me a letter. A loveletter about how much she loved me and already missed me.
    And then school started and the following weekend: BOOOM, “my feelings have changed“. I went home to give her some peace to sort out what she wanted. And again one week later: A text saying she broke up with me. I told her I would not accept a breakup by text so I went to her later that week so she could do it in person. And so she did. We talked nicely, and she was cold as ice. Almost too cold… Like she was overacting it? She said she “I havent had the time to feel anything yet

    Well… I am confused… And also in doubt if this removing her was the right move to get her back… It was the right move to make me feel better, but to get her back? I dont know

    in reply to: so i, uh, saw her #15263
    • Total Posts: 268

    I understand you still care for her. But no, you should not message her…. If you should run into eachother again you could quickly ask her about it before moving on…

    in reply to: What is going on now? #15199
    • Total Posts: 268

    I have made sevaeral changes. New clothes, new hair, tanning, working out, put my house up for sale, looking for job in her city, started a leadership class offered by my work. Just to name a little.
    I have been on 2 dates, and one more coming soon.

    Yes after the first NC she was very interrested, and she noticed how happy I looked. (You seem to be doing great)…
    And yes: I made it too easy on her… I got to complimenting her already on the first day we texted… And I did so for 2 days straight every time she send me a snapchat picture of her… No doubt she lost interrest again because she new I was still hooked on her…

    The last time we talked I asked if we could workout sometime together, and she agreed to it… Yet she really didnt seem very interrested during the entire conversation…. After that conversation I just removed her from all social medias… So I guess that is also mixed signals? To be honest, when I removed her it was both to protect myself from more pain, but also to provoke some kind of feelings/reactions from her. I didnt really care if it was anger, hate or sadness… Just some kind of emotions…

    I haven´t heard from her for 2,5 weeks now. She KNOWS I removed her from the social medias. I dont know what her reaction to this have been. Maybe she doesnt care, maybe she doesnt contact me out of fear of being rejected, or maybe she doesnt contact me because she takes it as a sign that I need my space…?
    I dont know why…. The reasons could be many.

    She also recieved a lot of offers on her fanpage when we were together… But this is the first time ever she has made a post about it and ask people to stop. I cant help but wondering if it was a post only to get a reaction from me???

    in reply to: What is going on now? #15188
    • Total Posts: 268

    Any other feedback?

    in reply to: so i, uh, saw her #15186
    • Total Posts: 268

    Give it a few days before you add… 5-7 days. Then you can add if she hasnt done it. Adding her now will show her she is still on your mind.

    in reply to: so i, uh, saw her #15125
    • Total Posts: 268

    And remember: You are the winner! You are an Alphamale! Your life is amazing!
    Always be happy and upbeat when you talk to her. Let her want to be part of your amazing life and your happiness..

    in reply to: so i, uh, saw her #15124
    • Total Posts: 268

    I am no expert, but it is easier to see the big picture and get a gameplan when you dont have feelings involved 🙂

    If it was me, from now on I would lay low.

    • Reply kindly to her texts
    • Let HER start the conversation everytime
    • Make sure YOU end the conversations everytime
    • End the conversations BEFORE she gets cold/distant
    • Stay away from emotional/sensitive topics unless she starts it and wants to talk about them
    • Keep all talks on a friendly level. Let HER be the one that brings “I miss you” into the conversation. Let HER be the one to suggest to meet ect

    One thing to consider: She has a new guy now. Maybe she is feeling quilty for talking to you. Maybe the conversations turns cold because she felt quilty for talking to you, or maybe her guy came over and she needed to end the converation… Just a thought… But dont overthink it. I bet if you ask her she doesn´t even know why herself…

    in reply to: so i, uh, saw her #15063
    • Total Posts: 268

    Rome wasnt build in a day 🙂
    You are having a conversation, you are talking… She is interrested in how you are doing… As soon as you feel the conversation is starting to get slow, you should get out of it.

    Like when you asked how the cats where, and she just said “good” you could have replied “Ahh thats great… Well I have something important I need to do right now. Talk to you later” (Replace “something important” with something that sounds interresting and plausible)

    in reply to: so i, uh, saw her #15049
    • Total Posts: 268

    Dont mind the words. She is comeing back. The “just friends” part just means that she still has her defences up.

    At this point I made the stupid mistake of being too avaible. Told her how wonderfull she was all the time an so on. It just pushed her further away. So dont do what I did.

    Ignore the “just friends part” and reply in a kind and short way that you are ok. Keep all texts short and to the point if she only wants to talk about random suff. If she wants a more emotional talk about life ect you should get more involved in the texts.

    in reply to: so i, uh, saw her #15031
    • Total Posts: 268

    Good… Now she knows you will still be there if she needs to be “saved”… Now time for NC. She will be expecting you to keep in contact now… NC will make her wonder were you are…
    Enjoy your life, have fun! If her life is as shitty as you say she will want to be part of your amazing/fun life instead…

    in reply to: What is going on now? #15030
    • Total Posts: 268

    But yes…. Maybe a little odd… But she wasn’t this attractive 2 years ago. In fact back then she was only avarage looking, or a little below avarage. I didnt know her back then, but based on pictures…
    So I guess this attention is new to her…

    in reply to: What is going on now? #15029
    • Total Posts: 268

    It was on her fan page. She a very attractive athlete. 🙂

    in reply to: What is going on now? #14990
    • Total Posts: 268

    Love to get some feedback 🙂

    in reply to: Do dumpers get hurt? #14989
    • Total Posts: 268

    Love to get some more opinions on this one. What do you think?
    Anyone who has tried to be the dumper, and after some time they got removed from Facebook? How did you react/feel? Hurt?

    in reply to: so i, uh, saw her #14980
    • Total Posts: 268

    This is a hard one… If it was me I would:

    Tell her that it is hard for you to see this happending to someone you care for (Note: Not someone you love, no pressure), and then tell her you wish her the best.
    After that tell her that if she ever needs a friend to talk to, or is in need of help she can always contact you (Note: Only friends, it is important she see you as a person who is no longer interrested in her in a romantic way, but only offers help because you care…)

    After this go No Contact and focus on YOUR happiness… Only reply if she needs her friend and support. Stay away from any negative/sensitive topics…

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