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  • Ccltj009
    • Total Posts: 27

    It’s a really nice paragraph and yeah, it does speak the truth.

    All I know is I want to be okay, I want to be better. The pain that is coursing through my veins right now is just temporary I know.

    I really hope NC is the right way to go for me.

    • Total Posts: 27

    I think the thing that drive us crazy during the NC period is that we have no way of finding out if our ex is really happy or not. My ex seems like she’s happy but during trainings, her coach would tell me that she isn’t performing well at all.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #17972
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    So my ex came with her sis to collect her stuff…they played with my dog (which I got with my ex) for about 15 mins and left already. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought, but it hurt when I saw my dog play with her. It was like nothing ever changed but it might be the last time my dog sees her “mother”.

    • Total Posts: 27

    @Robot 3
    I can’t give it through a mutual friend because it’s actually not her stuff that she is coming over to get but online purchases that were delivered to my house. It’s all rather heavy that’s why I told her to come get it on her own and then probably take a cab home with everything.

    I doubt she’s coming over cause she misses me. In fact…I feel like she doesn’t care about me anymore.

    • Total Posts: 27

    My ex is coming over to get her things later…
    Does this really mean that it’s over…
    All of a sudden I just want to die all over again.

    • Total Posts: 27


    Me and my ex spent 21 months of our lives practically inseparable. But she’s young, only 18 while I’m 23. She said she doesn’t want to be tied down by me, that she stopped loving me for awhile already but I don’t believe her one bit. She’s not one to open up but the 21 months we spent together allowed me to know her better than she even knows herself.

    • Total Posts: 27

    Well, what I learnt is that no two relationships are the same. Even if they are with the same person. We cannot hope to have what we had back but to create a new one. Sure, maybe a thing or two would be the same but those are only similarities.

    • Total Posts: 27


    I’m on day 13 and what you just said is exactly how I feel too.
    And she seems to have already replaced me with someone else, same thing as your situation.

    Stay strong. We both need to. So does everyone going through NC.

    • Total Posts: 27

    Day 11 of NC. I happened to walk past her on my way home today.

    On Tuesday, she acted like everything was normal, talked to me but today, she tried too hard to pretend she didn’t see me. What the hell is going on?

    I’m trying so hard to put her out of my mind but I get hurt by the littlest things.
    I really want her back, I really love her and I’ve thought about if I want her back.
    I do, I really do…

    • Total Posts: 27

    Day 8 of no contact. I had to start over last Monday when I asked her for answers again. Stupid of me.
    On Tuesday, she text me in a business-ish manner, quoting the amount of money I owe her for recent online purchases and to bring what ever online purchases that are still at my house to our common ground, her training center where I work at too.
    Yesterday we saw each other for the first time in nearly 2 weeks, she initiated convo with me even though it was something neutral, there was a lizard in the locker we both share. I almost vomited cause of the nerves I was feeling.
    It really seems like she’s moving on with her life, I don’t think NC will work very well for me…

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #16501
    • Total Posts: 27

    I failed miserably today. After 7 days of no contact, I caved in.
    I sent her a text in the morning asking her about her week.
    Then another one in the afternoon telling her to take care of herself.

    The reason why I caved? I had doubts that NC was actually working for me.

    What the hell do I do…

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #16342
    • Total Posts: 27

    So it’s only day 6 into NC and I find myself all sad and depressed again.

    Last night, I almost wanted to start texting her again. I realized that it is highly likely that she will not contact me during the NC period…

    I’ve started doubting if NC will actually work for me…

    I know that she still keeps my photo and love notes in her wallet and the encouragement labels I gave to her, they’re still in her training kit.

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