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  • Carannie
    • Total Posts: 2

    How long you’ve been together? Why did you breakup?

    • Total Posts: 2

    FS1, I know exactly how you feel because I feel same way (NC day 4). And I’m on a good way to be happy again, so here’s my advice:
    1. I don’t no how long you were together, but not since forever, right? Do you have any old hobbies that you stop doing at some point? Before you were with him? Maybe try to get back to it.
    If you don’t have any hobbies or passions to get back to, then maybe try to hang out with old friends, refresh contacts that you were neglecting because of this relationship. This things will remind you, that there was a life without him. And that still is! And that this life is also great and worth to come back to it.
    2. Texting him right know will only scare him. You don’t want him to see you needy and (sorry for unpleasant word) pathetic. If you feel that you’re not strong enough to resist, then tell somebody (you close friend or member of family) and I’m sure that person will stop you. You have to be strong, but this will pay back, I promise.
    3. If you want him (or anyone) to love you, YOU need love yourself in the first place. Start jogging or do some other exercises, dress well, maybe get a new haircut. Bilding confidence is very important. You need to remember that you are a great person. With or without him.
    4. Meet someone new. I not necessarily reccomend you to go on any date, but to meet new people to get stimulus. It can be online chat with very random person.

    I know it’s been month since you wrote request for advice, but I hope that I will help someone anyway. I wish you good luck! 🙂

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