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  • in reply to: My ex made contact #47959
    • Total Posts: 5

    I think she put the bait out there with the invitation so she may feel she has done her part by 1. reaching out to you first and 2. by inviting you to see her. She put the ball in your court. I’d offer a coffee meet up. Make sure you look your best. I would offer it sooner rather than later. It has already been 2 weeks.

    in reply to: met up with my ex, what do i do now?? #47079
    • Total Posts: 5

    Also to note, this is not the ex I was on this site about. But this is the ex I have even felt comfortable to speak about the ex I am on this site about. As I see him as a friend, so I confide in him as one. Regardless of what the topic, as that is what friends do. As a friend, you are subjecting yourself to be the shoulder to lean on no matter what the topic, even if it’s about a new love interest. Do you want to hear about a new love interest from the woman you love? Friends isn’t a good idea unless you are willing to hear all of that and be genuinely supportive. That topic WILL come up.

    in reply to: met up with my ex, what do i do now?? #47078
    • Total Posts: 5

    Ive read this thread front to back as I was thinking finally a person posting is about to get their ex back and it gave me hope. But as a woman, who has had her ex pining to be with her for the past two months, your ex kind of reminds me of me. He is so available all the time to me and every time he is I just think to myself why couldn’t he do this in the relationship. But had he ignored me for months and then got back in contact with me I would have been more inclined to hear him out in a non friendship way. Also, no matter what I do, my ex hangs onto my every word, action breath. And because of it, I friendzoned him amongst other reasons of course. I just don’t see him romantically at all. But I am so use to him contacting me it makes me want to keep him as a friend but nothing else. I am sorry if this isn’t helpful I just saw a lot of similarities in you, him, her and I. The only way I could see you possibly getting her back is to do NC for a bit and then contact her. It is a terrible idea to agree to being friends. Once you do, it is very hard to see you as a romantic interest.

    in reply to: my no contact period.. #45890
    • Total Posts: 5

    I think you are doing very well. I felt everything under the sun when my break up happened. I was sad lonely angry a lot. I focused that attention on myself and bam! everyday I started to feel better. I also made a list daily of tasks I wanted to complete the next day (can you say confidence boost!). I also changed my look and go for walks daily. Makes me feel better for some reason. When I wanted to say something to him, I called a female friend and said it to her. She would respond to me as if she was him in his cold stage. Helped me to move on to have that portion in there.

    in reply to: 2 week No contact is it ok #45889
    • Total Posts: 5

    If a man associates you with negativity, 2 weeks is not a long enough time to get rid of the negative connotations he has for you. Men associate you with things by how you make him feel. If he is happy when he is around you he will want to keep you around as his job and life is already stressful. If you brought negativity to his life he will see that as something he DOES have power to change and get rid of you. 30 days is a great amount of time for no contact. It gives time to rid the negative and miss you. Also, gives you a chance to work on your communication skills and help with your sensitivity level.

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