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  • in reply to: Success (in a way) #34914
    • Total Posts: 24

    Hey CaptainObviousAu.

    I think I can now safely say that I also fall into this topic.

    This morning I was feeling extremely low. I would have given anything for my ex to contact me. Until… Out of the blue, she did.

    Wasn’t quite what I had expected though. I sent her flowers a couple of weeks ago. However, she started the mail by stating that I have no more self-respect, saying how all of her friends are now laughing at me for being such a pussy etc. After my calm response, another mail followed, this one however, was more “extensive”…

    I have no “swag”, I can’t kiss, I suck in bed, I’m not an attractive person, I’m not a “real” man and I can’t handle her… She concluded the lovely mail with: “FUCK OFFFFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!”

    Anyway, I wanted to send her straight down to hell after that, but instead replied calmly and told her that I will leave her alone from now on, and that I will not allow myself to be taken to her “vocabulary” level. I said that the girl I loved is clearly gone. Unlike her though, I finished my response with: “Best regards”. She replied with: “Thank God! I really hope that you’ll leave me alone, this time for real!”

    Well, that’s it I suppose. I don’t want her back. Not anymore. She is one hell of a bitch for acting like this. I’ve made some mistakes, but I am a good person and ALWAYS treated her with respect. She is just not worth the trouble… I am done with her now and I’ll rather give my love to someone who will appreciate it more.

    Just wanted to share and I’m open for any thoughts…

    Best regards. Hehe πŸ™‚

    in reply to: She treats me like I was abusive #34125
    • Total Posts: 24


    I can’t say I fully understand you, because my ex and I weren’t together for as long as you and your ex. But I still loved her (heck, I still do) with all my heart.

    So what I can say is that I feel for you. It’s hard for me too. Sometimes I get so sad that I hate ever meeting her. Fair enough, I made my share of mistakes, but so did she and I didn’t deserve what I received in the end. I treated her with respect and always stood by her side, supported her when she needed it most. In the end I never used any profanity, but all I got from her was humiliation, name calling, finger pointing and from a mental standpoint – border-line abusive behaviour… And still, it’s me who’s the bad guy in the end. I’m sorry to say this, but some people are just s**t…

    She may have told her father something completely different, maybe just to make you look bad in front of him. In your heart you know the truth, and that’s what really matters.

    What I am doing right now, is full NC for another month and a half. Then I’ll see where everything goes. If she responds in a civil way and is ready to talk like an adult, then I will forgive and forget, and maybe we can at least be friends if nothing more. But I’m not going to stand for her BS anymore! And neither should you. But right now, all you can do, is to just leave her alone. If she’s smart, then she’ll figure out what she lost.

    And just be a part of this site, it helps a lot…

    All the best.

    in reply to: Advice on contact… #32908
    • Total Posts: 24


    I agree wirh the fact that it’s out of my hand. I guess the worst feeling is that I’m the only one feeling sorrow and loneliness, but on the other hand she seems completely fine and happy, and doesn’t miss us being together at all. That’s why I know she’s over me, sometimes it feels like I didn’t mean much to her at all…

    I also read your story and I feel that the one thing we share in common is that it’s always us who initiate the contact and never them… It’s really not fair to us if you think about. So I’ll just let it be from now on.

    And don’t worry about your birthday πŸ˜‰ If he cares, he’ll contact you. If not, it’s just like you said, it wasn’t meant to be.

    in reply to: Advice on contact… #32867
    • Total Posts: 24

    Hej atea1234,

    Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it. I admire your strength, like I said earlier, I am acting like the worst thing in the world happened to me. You were with your partner for 7 years, while me and my ex were together only for 4 months and the 5th month we only hung out, of course only when she was “in the mood” for it. But it does still hurt, it really does feel like a part of me is missing.

    I know it gets easier with time. There is now no way we are getting back together and I have to accept it. I agree that I have to be easier on myself. I didn’t mean any harm, god knows I could never hurt her, I love her too much. But I never thought how she must have felt when I texted her after it was over and especially how it must have felt when I ran after her. God, that was so idiotic of me! Worst thing is, it came out completely different than intented and I blew any shot I had with her because of it.

    Anyway, I will contact her on her birthday, which is exactly two months from now. Just a happy birhtday text and simple “how are you doing”. No flowers, no gifts, nothing… If she answers, maybe we can be friends again. If not… Then there’s nothing I can do about it.

    in reply to: Advice on contact… #32841
    • Total Posts: 24

    Hey Kevin,

    Thanks for your advice, I’ll try to follow it, this time for real. Lately I’ve been feeling kind of down again, and I couldn’t think very straight. And then I end up making mistakes…

    Sometimes I feel like I’m annoying everyone with my problems, hehe πŸ™‚ I know there are far worst things in the world happening to people every day. The problem is in my head, not just my ex. I’m not strong enough and I may need some therapy, I can’t do this anymore. I need to make a change for myself and not for my ex. It sounds easy and it really is what your site is all about. But no one can walk the road for me, only I can.

    Thank you for your time and this site, it really helps when I feel down. And I know everyone in this community agreees with me.

    Bye Kevin, thanks again.

    in reply to: Advice on contact… #32819
    • Total Posts: 24

    Well, of course once again, I gave in… Love is such a funny thing.

    Send her a message, it said: “Saw you on TV castrating cats :). Congratulations on your new job, I now you waited for this chance for a long time. I am happy for you ;). Study hard and be proud of yourself :). Bye bye.”

    There was no reply. I know there will be none.

    Just wanted to share.


    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29401
    • Total Posts: 24

    Hey πŸ˜‰

    Don’t worry about it too much. My ex blocked me on Facebook when we broke up the first time. After about two weeks we texted (she sent me an empty text, apparently “by accident”, lol). Anyway, she later unblocked me and we became friends again.

    Until… We broke up again. Now I’m blocked again, but to tell you the truth, it gets better with time πŸ˜‰

    Just try to be positive and keep working on yourself. In a way it’s better this way, because at least you don’t have to hurt yourself by looking at his profile too much.

    This site has been very helpful to me, and it made me realize – if your ex starts missing you (and eventually he will), he will try to contact you one way or the other. And by then you’ll be a better you…

    Don’t let it get you down πŸ˜‰

    Also, read this article by Kevin on how to get him back when he blocked you.

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