Boards Reconciliation What if he never wants me back?

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  • #26082
    • Total Posts: 242

    Yes he unblocked the day after. He was angry and upset and all that stuff Friday night, but he unblocked me the day after, but we are not friends on facebook.

    • Total Posts: 242

    Does that mean he wants to forget me? That he doesn’t want to stay friends on Facebook?

    • Total Posts: 38

    Not necessarily. When you do NC. When he unblocks you, it means he wants to check up on what you are doing.

    • Total Posts: 242

    He was so furious that night when he was so drunk and all that stuff, so he had deleted me and blocked me out of anger. This happened Friday night, and on Sunday he had unblocked me. On Monday he called me. I am very upset that he have deleted me as a friend. And I haven’t recievd any friend request yet either. Does it mean anything? He has never done this before, he has always been afraid that I would delete him. I know he was drunk, angry, upset and took it all out on me, but still. He could have asked me to be friends again.

    • Total Posts: 38

    He will send you a request. Give him time and space.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I just feel that this is such a long shot. That he would never want me back. That he has just made up his mind. Yesterday’s text from him made me feel that there is hope as he was saying he was sad and all that, but at the same time it put me down. I just don’t know what to do and will no contact actually work now? I am so scared that I have ruined all my chances and that he will find someone else in the meantime. I just can’t stop thinking about it. I am devestated today, I really wish I could have celebrated his birthday with him.

    • Total Posts: 38

    No cant will work.

    It will give him time to think things over.

    You wont chase so he will start to miss you.

    Its unattractive being needy and NC will help you get rid of neediness.

    You will be able to fix yourself up physically for him during that time.

    You also need to keep your emotions in check.

    • Total Posts: 38

    I meant it will work.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I will stick to the no contact, but i am afraid that he won’t notice that I disappear from his life since he sent me that text saying he was sad too and so on. I feel I screwed up by contacting him yesterday, that I have lost my chances. What do you think?

    • Total Posts: 38

    Once you disappear from his life he will notice. You will get him back.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am just afraid that he will take me staying in no contact as a sign that I don’t want anything to do with him anymore? I am so scared that I have spilled my chances with him? It just feels like he is done with me forever now… And that he will meet someone else. I know he is eating a birthday dinner with his family tonight. And I just can’t stop crying, I really wish I could be there with him. Last year I gave him a trip to france as it was his 30th birthday, and he had survived the cancer. And i got special ballons, I decorated the house and made a big birthday cake. We had dinner and wine at home with his family. And this year he’s celebrating without me. I can’t help but think that he might feel that he is better off?

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am so sorry for all the post and questions guys. I must sound like a lunatic. I am just so devestated and I feel so lost. I want him back so badly, and I am just scared that it won’t happen again. I really do appreciate all your advices and taking the time to take a view at my situation.

    • Total Posts: 38

    Stay calm and follow the steps given and you will get him back.

    • Total Posts: 242

    There has been some back and forth due to his mental struggles with depression. He is facing a hard time coping with life after being sick of cancer. He has to change his life around, he needs to change profession and many other things. He had strong chemo and radiation for almost a year, we nearly lost him. We have been broken up for three weeks once before, and he was the one contacting me from time to time during that period. And we just got back together. I just feel that things are more serious now and that this time it will be harder to reconnect. Three days before he blew up and ended it, he told me he couldn´t picture his life without me, that he wanted to be with me. And then he goes and break up again, because he is struggling as he say. Did he not mean what he said? Is there really any hope for us to get back together? I am so scared that he will find someone else and think that girl is better than me. I just get sick thinking about him being with another girl.

    • Total Posts: 38

    He is confused give him space and time.

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