Boards Reconciliation The Next Step

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  • #35412
    • Total Posts: 40

    Completely agree with Creed, and yes I guess slowly let her have a skype chat with you, that helps a lot when she can see you happier and funny. This worked in my case and once after little distance, just after talking on skype she opened up and blown a kiss at end of call. Anyway later I messed it up more, lol.

    Hey can you guys advice me as well? And @CreeD – your advices are really great, would appreciate looking and suggesting here.

    • Total Posts: 24

    That’s one thing I was definitely wondering. She just sends out the occasional favorite now. I guess I’ll return the favor and not get too excited. At least the negativity is gone. But I’m not sure there is much more…

    • Total Posts: 268

    What is “the occasional favorite”??

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