Boards No Contact Rule Testimonials and Success using this strategy

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  • #55761
    • Total Posts: 139

    Yeah people in his position won’t really say much, he is basically at the same place he was at before the relationship ended. You know that point when you feel someone becoming distant, most people ignore the signs because their feelings, but during that time you have a chance to change how they feel before it completely ends. So the no contact has kind of brought him back to the speaking and slightly distant but still has feelings there. “Thank You” with no smileys or just smileys, and short answers with no real excitement.

    If he doesn’t reply (because it is possible) don’t sweat it, and don’t bring it up to him about how he didn’t reply and def don’t say sorry about being emotional or anything or saying that you miss him. If he doesn’t reply to you and you actually want to go to this concert still with him, you should wait until tomorrow. (Thats if you really want to go) if not then just don’t contact him for a few days or a week.

    And no problem 🙂 I really appreciate the compliment and I enjoy helping others, I check my email frequent to give timely responses

    • Total Posts: 15

    Hi Mosis and other friends,

    He hasn’t answered my last message saying that I missed him. I sent it yesterday and I’m sure he won’t answer. Going to the concert is not important for me. I wanted to use it as an excuse to be with him. Do you think if it is better to wait on more week and offer to see him the other weekend? On the other hand, it seems that he doesn’t call me and if I don’t call him, we won’t have any contacts. I don’t want to disappear from his life. I think if I don’t call him either , his feeling may become less and less.

    Have you read my story from the beginning? Do you think he has any good feeling towards me or like or love me? He was so warm and romantic with me before break up and we really enjoyed spending time together. But since the break up, in the last 5 months he wants to have me as a friend , talking and seeing once in a while. At the same tome by showing some signs I realized he doesn’t want to stop every connections . He knows that I love him but I don’t understand why he doesn’t close all doors if he doesn’t want me.

    I used be very controlling, complainer and made some dramas and I know he is afraid of having relationship with me because of those headaches that I caused before. He doesn’t believe that I can change… . I think he dates another girl as well but I don’t know how close their relationship is.

    Do you think if there is hope of having him as my boyfriend like before? Do you think if he still has feelings?

    • Total Posts: 139

    Yeah he likely wouldn’t respond to a text like that because it gives off the image that you need him vs you just enjoy his company when you guys are around. You just have to re program him. If he is seeing someone else this process could take a lot longer to pull off, in which case the friend card is your best in. If he has feelings for you, they aren’t strong like you are expecting.

    You are playing a game basically, where you have to take what signs he gives you and make the best judgement but remember no matter what signs (even sleeping with you) should be over analyzed and used as an excuse to speed the process. Saying you miss him etc would only remind him of the old relationship and your goal is to come off as a completely new person basically who is done with the old way. You really have to fight the urge for emotional statements and reactions to him because it is like breaking the no contact rule just not you will be breaking the no emotions rule. If he has to talk about his emotions right now before he feels them, it won’t really be special to him, it turns from emotions to logic. And you don’t want him making a “logical” reason to be with you when his emotions aren’t there because it won’t last.

    Now I’m not saying getting together is a guarantee, but as much as it hurts you have to keep the momentum of positive friendly meetings and conversations and tell yourself every time you have the urge to talk about the past, or talk about your emotions and feelings for each that if you act on that, it will set you back. Could be weeks or months with the smallest act of emotion too soon.

    He has some form of contact so I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, so just take your time, don’t contact him for a bit maybe for a few days after the weekend and start light conversation again and start building the positive friendship. Don’t get TOO friend zone though, you are just suppose to talk about regular stuff, if he comes off trying to talk about other women don’t reply. Not saying he will just in case

    • Total Posts: 15

    Thanks Mosis, you are a great counselor. So next time that I call him in the next week, can I offer him to be with each other on the next weekend?

    And how can I reprogram him?

    I’m sure he is afraid of having relationship with me for the reasons that I gave you but I’m not sure if this is the only reason, or it may be also because of being attracted to another girl or having less feelings for me.

    • Total Posts: 139

    Offering to hangout really just depends on how the texting and calling goes. If you talk/text and talk about normal stuff or funny conversations, then that kind of brings him back down to the point he isn’t gonna be thinking so deep;y and free about you saying how much you missed him and stuff.

    If the convo is going great, you can either drop it on him at the end of the conversation or at a high point when communication is going great. The other way is to end the conversation (but make sure you are the one ending the conversations before he is) because it is tempting to get excited and want to talk all day and night when you contact an ex again you have feelings for.

    But yeah end the conversation first, on your terms. Nothing over sweet unless he is the one who starts it.

    Reprograming him though is basically what you are doing, being friendly, hanging out a few times when you get the chance, and getting him used to/missing your company again. For every good experience you have, you don’t have to immediately talk about it after its over, and if you do, talk and then don’t talk to him the next day until late, so he has time to think about the good memories he just had.

    I know this may sound complicated haha

    but you can’t really think about his reasoning too much, just your actions and interactions with each other.Could be a lot of factors to him being “stand offish” he still is okay having you in his life to a certain level so you have to use whats handed right now

    • Total Posts: 15

    Mosis, I couldn’t sleep last night. One of my friends saw his profile and photo in an online dating site. On his profile he wrote: I want a partner who loves travel as this is what I do the most. This reminded me of our trips together. Every trip that he used to plan, he asked me to join him. Now he is willing to take a trip with other girls. It makes me feel so bad and get disappointed. he doesn’t want me. I don’t understand why he took his brother to my home . I know his main intention was to take his brother to visit this city but he could go to a hotel. I’m sure it was not because of the hotel cost as he is not like this and spend money easily for his trips. My friend says he is playing games with you. The other one says he is not clear what he wants and its a sign of sickness and it is not a good sign…

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