Boards Reconciliation Struggling – day 7 NC

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  • #26283
    • Total Posts: 241

    It’s just so difficult. And the way I acted afterwards was scary. Argh.

    We will be fine. We will get through this and they will remember us for the people they fell in love with.

    Jean, yes, we are all in the same boat. No one is alone.

    • Total Posts: 158

    Dont ya worry .. i act really bad … when i was talking to her in call she pissed me off i had a cop in my hand i smashed it into the wall and it cuted two strings in my hand … she left me and ignored me … but after awile she said she is sorry for hurting me and i should promise her to not do that again .. she was so cool at that time but after it she back to act weird … i dont understand why …

    • Total Posts: 411

    I acted like a loony toon afterwards and then when he wanted to try and didn’t I completely lashed out.

    We will get through this because we were once happy before them.

    One foot in front of the other! keep moving forward πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 241

    I acted crazy for 3 months afterwards. Being completely ignored drives you down a dark path πŸ™ and then you say things and do things that you really regret – because you would do anything for them to at least acknowledge you.

    We were happy before, but we also believe you we make them happier than anyone else when we are ourselves. We will keep moving.

    Do you find yourself constantly thinking about the situation?

    • Total Posts: 411

    I was crazy for 4 months and then when he said it was completely done I went mad, that’s not me I am quite a very calm person but I figured out it was the rejection.

    We need to get to the people we once were and possibly relight the fire in them.

    I lie at nights and think nothing but what happened but I have realised that it was not good for me or my well being, I see it as I can’t be with him as he does not want me.

    Their is times when I get an awful feeling in my stomach because hes all I want, but it means I also have to start looking after myself

    • Total Posts: 241

    He does not want that person you were, which led to the breakup or the person after the breakup. He wants you, the way you were before! I think time will heal in your case, you have a very intense history, especially with the cancer. One cannot forget that. He will be back, Caz.

    My ex just ostracised me, I read an interesting article about this earlier, which made me feel a little better. She did not come across as a narcissist, but did think I was a ‘player’ and I think it gave her an ego boost to ignore me.

    • Total Posts: 411

    Ohhh I don’t know anymore he says his cancer has made him see life is too short! he told me 2 weeks ago its over and no going back, he doesn’t love me…

    She is angry but time will heal of this, she’s being forced and protected at the moment but that will all fall apart.

    I just saw something and it says all “let your mistakes be your motivation not your excuses, decide right know that negative experiences from your past won’t predict your future”

    • Total Posts: 158

    @Caz15 @Libertine1 u know guys i think all in the same boat for sure coz we have the same feelings .. i act crazy for 2 – 3 months also and everytime i feel i am about to get her back i push her more farther … all online friends hate me because i went to the skype group she always be on ,, and tell her to give me another chance … that was so silly and thinking of that make me lose my mind that i was so emotional … i didnt know about NC or any other rules but now i am glad that i know all of this and also i know i can get her back even if she have bf … the thing is i am not that good in talking which is why i need to learn lots about relationships stuff and how to deal with the breakup … atm i am just a human with strange feelings i am not my self anymore … i wanna back to the same person i was …

    after the breakup my friends saw my hand and what i did by my self for losing her … they tried to help me get over things by saying ( this ***** dont deserve u ) i was so mad at them for calling her that … one of my friends she cried hard coz she couldnt help me … she is a friend from 2 years .. i was like why u crying … she said coz i cant help u … i used to help her back then .. she is shy sweet girl i ever meet … after that i dried her tears and kissed her head i was like i will be ok soon just give me time … now we both together as best friends πŸ™‚ if she was open to me in the first place and also was single at that time .. i’ve could choosed her and she choosed me coz i know she is good girl and she know lot about me … idk if i am good guy or not but what she said make me happy hehe πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 241

    That is such an inspirational comment and so true, thank you πŸ™‚

    Well, I saw that article, and it is a form of punishment, and she is actively doing that. It is natural to feel crazy and angry when someone does this to you.

    And Caz, I think you will find many success stories on here where the ex has said they did not love that person anymore and was not coming back. It all changes when they regretted it when no contact was established. I would not take those words too seriously.

    • Total Posts: 411

    @Libertine1 she is trying to hurt you for what you done (sorry for saying that) but she’s acting out and she will soon regret it.

    I have seen the success stories but somehow feel this is different as I said he is a very stubborn person.

    We both need to realise that we are not bad people and can become the people we once were.

    • Total Posts: 241

    I have seen that said before, about how stubborn a person is. A lot of the time, it is just an act. I think you have an excellent chance, he will miss you and probably already does.

    And yes, I did hurt her. But I think I hurt her by changing my profile picture initially, which is where it started – along with the lies.

    I have acted so crazy, but what else could she expect? Her friends also ostracised me. I remember hearing from a friend, that her friend had a crazy ex who she would ignore – but that she and her other friends wanted to tell him to go away. So, because I wished to be acknowledged so much, I messaged her friends. I asked them if my ex wanted me to go away, and that if this was true – please could they atleast say it on her behalf. But they also ignored me too πŸ™

    So she has obviously asked her friends to also ignore me – but she surely must realise it made things worse and not better?

    • Total Posts: 241

    Plus, she has gone out of her way to make her facebook profile private. She used to have most things public, but since the breakup, she has completely locked it down. I can no longer see her friends. At first all I could see was a sad face as her status, which she had made public. The sad face was posted on the day we were supposed to meet for closure, she text me that morning, saying she couldn’t do it. Then she posted the sad face on facebook, and her friends asked her if she was ok, because she would never usually post anything personal or sad on facebook – she told me it was intentional and a rule she had. I could also see a depressing picture as her profile picture, also out of the ordinary, as her picture would usually be happy.

    Now she has deleted or hidden the sad face, has a happy picture and has now even hidden her hometown and current city, which is way over the top. She is intentionally doing it.

    • Total Posts: 411

    She’s trying Her best to get over you with the influence of Her friends, she’s trying to prove a point of I can move on but she can’t. She’s hurt yes but wants to make herself move on but can’t.

    I emailed all of his family after it and none of them replied, no matter what they will stand by them.

    • Total Posts: 241

    It’s so ridiculous. Also, I know the guy that she is with now has an inside joke with her about pug dogs. When I saw her profile picture when I discovered she had blocked me and that he had changed his relationship status to with her – her picture was her smiling with a pug. And then he posted loads of videos on his facebook of pug dogs. It’s their thing, because she likes those dogs a lot. I just looked on his facebook just now, and guess what? Another video of a pug, probably because she is away and they miss eachother.

    Although I do not know how he could be in relationship, knowing he has destroyed our relationship and that she was made to see him at her parents’ ‘urging’. Sorry, it annoys me so much.

    Yes, I think you’re right, they will stand by them no matter what.

    • Total Posts: 411

    She feels wanted at the moment by this guy and like you just said she is being “Forced” into it, to me she’s a very confused and this guy seems “friend zoned”

    don’t get annoyed get proactive, keep your spirits up and start looking forward! Don’t look back.

    Remember we need to be the people we were when we met them.

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