Boards Reconciliation Struggling – day 7 NC

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  • #26234
    • Total Posts: 411

    Hey @Libertine1 my date went well thank you glad yours did too but I felt exactly like you did, I left and felt like I had done something wrong, it will take time to get into another relationship, it’s difficult to erase all the history.

    To be honest I am glad your phone went dead because you probably would have text your ex and be back to square 1, you have done a lot in the last 12 days keep moving forward.

    DAY 12 πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks Kramer, let’s hope it does, although it is hard to believe at this moment.

    Caz, I am pleased you enjoyed your date. And yes, this void is difficult to cope with. I just feel hopeless at the moment. I feel that she must be so happy to be rid of me and relieved that I no longer text her constantly with the most despicable and off-putting behaviour.

    I feel lonely, I miss her so much. We had difficult times when apart from eachother. But every time we were together, things would always be perfect and blissful. I was so shocked when she wanted to end things, and then it was like she wanted me out of her life forever. When I found out what happened – she told me to never speak to her again and go away. That was even before she found out about my cheating. Obviously, she was in an emotional state at the time and eventually turned off her phone.

    But that is how it feels, that it was her plan to completely erase me from her life.

    • Total Posts: 411

    You will feel that she is moving because she has not text her or called, she will be wondering why you haven’t but remember its only day 12. She may also feel that if she does get back in touch with you she will get more negativity from you.

    This really is all about time, of course you miss her its only natural to feel this way, I miss my ex but I keep myself busy and try to avoid areas where memories will come flooding back.

    You have to keep reminding yourself that this time is for your benefit also and time to process it all.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Yes, of course. I just feel so sad and empty sometimes. But I have to keep positive. Two more days and we will be on two weeks! We are doing all the correct things.

    I have been thinking about my magic letter. I have been thinking of buying quality letter paper. Although I still do not know what the wording shall be. I go on holiday in April with some friends, I think I will then start to think about the letter.

    How about yourself?

    • Total Posts: 158

    For me its been week too and i think the same that she
    not gonna contact me .. but she have said that she love me
    and have feelings but she cant be with me
    she always with her online friends .. in the moment she got them she left me behind … i hate social media

    • Total Posts: 241

    Jean, keep strong. The key thing is that she still loves you. She needs to miss you, so she has an opportunity to regret her decision. Become the prize and chased. You need to recover. If there is anything I have learned, it’s to not react to what she is doing.

    I think she will contact you, if not – write a magic letter. Our exes will be back. We can all do it!

    • Total Posts: 411

    @Libertine1 I do too but they have to be feeling some sort of lonely too, you cannot just switch off after a long relationship. We have done brilliantly and if I’m honest I don’t think I could have done it without you and everyone else on here.

    That’s sounds like a lovely idea, this is something along the lines that I am putting in mine:

    Just wanted to drop off a short note to let you know that I am totally okay with your decision to split up.
    Saw it coming for awhile.

    I wanted to also let you know how sorry I am for acting like I did after the breakup. It was totally disrespectful to you. I apologize that I hurt you.

    Oh! Some good news! I had a fantastic change in fortune and luck the other day. Funny timing…huh?

    Love to fill you in…but in the future. You and I both need some space right now.


    • Total Posts: 411

    @JeanValins I totally agree with @Libertine1 she still cares for you and loves you.

    Social media can be a killer, but I try and keep away as much as possible. It’s only been a week and this is not long enough, me and @Libertine1 have said we might do 60 days

    We can all do this.

    • Total Posts: 411

    @Libertine1 you need to make sure that you have done something positive, when she calls or asks to meet up you need to be able to tell her.

    • Total Posts: 158

    I am doing my best … when i remember her while workingout at the gym i just want to change as hard as i could … she the one who came to me i had no feelings for her but i start loving her … when i loved her morethan anything in the world she left me

    • Total Posts: 158

    I feel like 30 days isnt enough but what i should learn now is to work on my self more … she dont have real life friends she only in social media .. i left social media when i find her but she still stuck in there …

    • Total Posts: 411

    If you feel 30 days is not enough give yourself longer! keep working Hard on you, social media will be keeping her mind occupied but this will soon fade when the realisation hits.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Caz, that sounds like such a nice letter. I think you will get positive results from it. And thanks, I don’t think I could get through this without you either.

    I am not sure about my ex. She has a replacement now – fully supported by her parents and she seems to like him πŸ™ I think I would have been ok, if the breakup wasn’t so screwed up. She still loves me, and her parents made her. But on the other hands, she lied to me and blocked me from facebook so that she could show her new relationship status with this other guy she had only just added – apparently it was only a joke, as he is ‘cocky’ …so I had to split up, knowing her parents made her, and also the fact that she had seen this guy and probably still seeing him.. Gah, sorry, I still cannot get my head around it πŸ™ From someone who is so jealous and in love with me, to someone who is completely cold.

    Jean, I think you are right, 30 days sometimes isn’t enough and it is all relative. It is good that you are working out. You need to appear to be that indifferent and carefree guy you were before…then she will realise you are still that same guy she fell in love with.

    • Total Posts: 158

    Are u in the same boat with me ?

    • Total Posts: 411

    Thank you πŸ™‚ I hope I do, but if not I know that I will definitely have to move on.

    It is very hard to get your head around because she says shes still in love with you but she is being forced to stay away.

    So you need to stay away now and work hard on you, all in good time. My ex is exactly the same, distant and cold.

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