Boards Reconciliation Struggling – day 7 NC

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  • #25935
    • Total Posts: 241

    I also have a date tomorrow! So fingers crossed. I am open minded, but I do realise that my ex and I did have a special bond and chemistry together.

    I just hope she speaks to me again. I do hope for this so much.

    Bit I think our dark days are over and that we are moving forward to a position where we can make them happy again!

    • Total Posts: 411

    Good for you? We really are doing things in sync, it’s not to have the support, it will be hard as we will look for things about our ex’s but our dates have no idea what we have been through and they need to be treated like a new person.

    She will speak to you but all in time.

    We are in good positions and working on ourselves, once they see that were the people we were before we met them maybe they will reconsider.

    Me & my ex had a brilliant bond and his illness brought us closer, but like they say “if you love them, let them go, if they return it’s meant to be”

    • Total Posts: 241

    Exactly, and they did not fall out of love with us – we drove them away and circumstances dictated the rest.

    Three days until it’s two weeks! I have done a number of things, I have lessened facebook privacy, so that she can see friends and know I deleted the girl I cheated on her with. But I have also protected all of my tweets, as I know she used to look at them.

    They do say that it needs to feel like you have stopped existing during NC. But I realise I have to build up that trust too – so that she knows I deleted the girl and that I am not adding other random girls.

    Feeling stronger. Plus, good luck with your date today!

    • Total Posts: 411

    We did drive them away with our actions and will prove to them we have changed, they can still have access to your facebook and other social media accounts you just don’t contact them at all even if they contact you.

    I can’t believe it’s nearly 2 weeks, sometimes I do fear that if I keep this up he will move on and he thinks that I am moving on aswell.

    Im so happy your feeling stronger and moving forward.

    Thank you same to you πŸ™‚ just keep thinking “today is my masterpiece”

    • Total Posts: 241

    He won’t forget. People value things that do not come easily. By keeping no contact, our value rises.

    Thanks! Don’t get me wrong, I will still have weak days, but I feel so much better than I did before.

    • Total Posts: 411

    I’m afraid to much damage has been done and he’s happy moving forward without me! but not going to worry about that and get out and enjoy myself.

    Of course you have your weak days I still too but I am glad your feeling better.

    We can do this, even if we don’t get our ex’s back we will become strong again πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 241

    I have the same fear, that she is happy I an gone. But we had special moments with them that cannot be replaced. As I said. They did not fall out of love with us, so we are in a good position.

    We will get our exes back Caz. Have faith. They are human, they will miss us when we go away.

    • Total Posts: 241

    I do feel bad that she could not give me closure though. She could not meet up with me afterwards, so that we could discuss things. It would have been so much easier.

    • Total Posts: 411

    We do have the memories and hopefully in time they won’t see the negative ones just the positives. Fingers crossed we do but we need to be 100% in a good place.

    It is sad that she didn’t and maybe thought that if she didn’t see you it would be easier for her, she will want to see you in time when she has it all figured out.

    • Total Posts: 241

    I am so confident that she will have feelings for me if we regain contact. I am sure things will be the same for you when you come back!

    • Total Posts: 411

    @Libertine1 she will, she just needs to remember all the good things πŸ™‚

    Thank you! so what’s your plan of action today.

    DAY 11

    • Total Posts: 241

    My plan is to enjoy the date today and have a good time. I think I feel good also because I know she is back know home in her country. Her parents have probably told her what a great decision she made by ending things and choosing another – but she probably resents it.

    I also know she is not with him. I worry so much when I think they may get be in bed together. It’s what we used to do and we had such a close bond πŸ™

    But I think we have to be mysterious to then now and make them wonder what happened to us. It starts with curiosity. What is your plan for today?

    • Total Posts: 411

    That’s exactly my plan just enjoy and not worry about anything! she will resent her parents because they are pushing her into something she does not want. It’s hard to think of them doing things they used to do with us but they have to be thinking the same.

    Yes your right they will be wondering why we haven’t been in touch. We need to make ourselves more attractive by not begging, pleading & being needy πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 241

    Hey Caz, how did your date go?

    My date was really good, she was very beautiful and funny. But wow, when I came back on the train I went to a dark place. My phone ran out of battery and then I felt that void again, from not having my ex, and started thinking about how everything is so messed up. And then on the way back home I went the same route via the tube that me and my ex used to take – it brought all the memories back and I felt so sad.

    The dates are good, but there is always a void. I think if I did start seeing anyone, I would take things very slowly. I do not want a rebound, which could hurt anyone else. I miss my ex so much right now though and feel so sad.

    I hope you are feeling better.

    • Total Posts: 38

    The void will disappear and you won’t know it.

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