Boards Reconciliation Struggling – day 7 NC

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  • #27418
    • Total Posts: 241

    He definitely is! Again, look at the success stories on here. The people who came through it had similar doubts, but kept strong. Some do not get any response until 2 weeks after the magic letter! We will be fine! Time and space πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 411

    I’m definitely keeping strong! Magic letter is nearly complete, I will be nervous sending it.

    Your right they need it just as much as we do! Just feels so weird not to text him as we did everyday for 3.5 years and up to 16 days ago.

    • Total Posts: 241

    It must be quite hard after all that time! I mean, my relationship was only 5 months. But I think the main thing is that it wasn’t a circumstance of falling out of love or the relationship dyin. There are obviously sttill emotions. The worst circumstance would be it ending with apathy.

    • Total Posts: 411

    It’s extremely difficult! especailly after all we went through together.

    He said he loves me but not in love with me and he will always care.

    I think its completely over! I don’t see how we can go back, I’m not angry or sad but trying to be realistic.

    • Total Posts: 241

    I think from an outside perspective you have such a good chance of getting him back. He basically loves you,but you need to give him space and come back a different person. He will miss you. It’s only dead when they don’t love you and they are indifferent.

    • Total Posts: 411

    The thing is he said he doesn’t love me thats why I think it is dead!

    I am giving him the space but feel he will drift further away, he is indifferent because he said that I will move on and that didn’t bother him!

    • Total Posts: 241

    I think it will bother him. Sorry, but you two have been through too much now. I think on here you will find success stories from people who were told by their ex that they didn’t love them anymore. There is always hope, as long as you do the correct thing. And you’re doing the correct thing at this moment πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 411

    Thanks @Libertine1, makes me feel loads better about it all.

    I have to keep doing the right thing for me.

    • Total Posts: 241

    And you are doing all the correct things. You can get him back, I know you can!

    • Total Posts: 411

    I am, I haven’t contacted in 16 days, I’ve been out walking loads & going out with friends.

    I start my new job on monday which is a positive step, I’ve also joined up to do race for life in July. So I am putting me 1st.

    Just feel its all too late & water under the bridge.

    • Total Posts: 241

    It’s never too late. Come back as a new person. Don’t expect it to be the She though. For instance, I probably have to come back as a friend and build from there. You were in lov. It does not didissappear,despite what he may say.

    • Total Posts: 411

    I will come back my happy and bubbly self that’s who he fell in love with!

    It won’t be the same to start with that’s if it does happen.

    I think he did fall out of love with me for the way I treated him but I know he still loves the intimacy we had.

    Start of your friendship and go from there!

    It’s all about time and patience.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Exactly, time and patience. Although saying that, I feel very impatient today. She has made this profile picture public. Who knows if it is deliberate or not? Who knows if it relates to me. But she still has not unblocked me πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 411

    I understand your frustrations, I do believe it was for you, she’s putting it out in public hoping you will see it or someone who knows you both will tell you.

    Don’t worry about not being unblocked, I believe not having your ex’s on social media helps with the healing, I would hate to see him out and about enjoying himself, if he wants to see me he can unblock me but it has helped not to know.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Well, she had a fake account to spy on me before I got Facebook to delete it. Who knows though. Maybe the fact that she made her profile picture public was an an oversigh. It could be sa, as she is leaving her home again to come back here, her other ex getting a new gf. Who knows. I dunno. I fear I have been too craz. I think I scared her, I was that crazy. I even threatened to come to where she lives, so that we could talk. I didn’t ever do that though. But I did anything to show her silence was making things worse or to provoke a response πŸ™

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