Boards Reconciliation Struggling – day 7 NC

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  • #26596
    • Total Posts: 411

    I’m having a bit of a bad hour!

    • Total Posts: 241

    Hey, it will be fine. There is no way he can move on and replace you. It’s not possible, he probably still feels a lot of pain and is confused.

    You are a huge part of his life still. If anyone mentions your name to him, I bet he has an emotional reaction. He cannot move on, not this soon. If anything, he is wondering what has happened to you. You have already gone from ‘needy and desperate ex’ to ‘enigma’ keep it up! Be the elusive ex and he will be back!

    • Total Posts: 411

    I don’t know if he will move on but probably sleep around. I don’t think he cares to be honest, I know I asked him not to respond to me if i did text which he didn’t and that was 14 days tomorrow.

    Thank you for being so positive for me.

    I feel it’s all gone now and it’s definitely 100% over.

    • Total Posts: 241

    I think it is easy for me (from an outside perspective) to see that it is not over. I think you live in a prison in your own mind and that the situation is a lot better than you might think. He will be back!

    • Total Posts: 411

    A lot of other people just tell me to move on and he won’t be back as too much happened the last 4 months, he was only using me for his satisfaction and said he will never find anyone like me again it took him 37 years to find me but they are just words.

    I’m sorry I’m in a bit of a downer! πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 241

    Wow, that is what people told me too. But we both know our situations are so messed up and we know what we had with our exes was special. Unlike a lot of others, our exes did not fall out of love with us, we drove them away. We are the ones they wanted.

    Do not listen to naysayers, most people don’t succeed, because of those negative mind sets. You can get him back if you really want him, and I believe you will. Emotions simply do not go away. We are not even at two weeks yet. I think you will realise many people on this forum have had to wait much much longer for the results.

    This forum is for those few who really want to get their exes back, and I believe we have a better chance by following the rules and working on ourselves than we would otherwise. This forum is for lost love, not random flings, which most relationships are and cannot be fixed once damage is done, because there was no love.

    We are the rare exception. We were in love and that is a rare experience – and again I will stress that there are success stories, but only by those who kept to the rules, including no contact. He is probably already wondering about you. You can do it. Of course he meant it. He wasn’t just a random guy, you had a deep and meaningful relationship! Two weeks tomorrow!

    • Total Posts: 411

    He said he doesn’t love and I will move on, he never said move on he just said I will.

    I know I don’t listen too them because he is all I want. But sometimes am I just torturing myself!

    Thank you so much πŸ™‚

    Can’t believe it will be 2 weeks! We can do it

    • Total Posts: 241

    He says that in the moment. I have seen success stories when the ex has said a similar thing. You can do it! I know, 2 weeks! We will get them back, Caz πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 411

    We can! We are both in the same position at the exact same time and its nice to be able to tell you exactly how I feel and you support me.

    And you know I’m here to support you anytime πŸ™‚

    Let’s do this day 14

    • Total Posts: 241

    Thank you! You too πŸ™‚

    I am feeling so much stronger than before. I hope she still loves me.

    • Total Posts: 411

    She does still love you she’s just been forced to stay away.

    Patience and time is the key to getting them back! we will be new and improved by the time 30 days come and like we said if we need longer we will do it πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 241

    Two weeks, Caz! We made it! One more day and we are halfway to 30 days!

    How are you feeling?

    • Total Posts: 411

    @Libertine1 I know I can’t believe it πŸ™‚

    I’m feeling good today, how are you.

    We can keep going to 30

    • Total Posts: 241

    I feel ok! I keep checking to see if she has unblocked me from Facebook, alas not yet. It’s as if I am looking for gratification when I meet milestones.

    Glad you are well. And yes we can!

    • Total Posts: 411

    I keep doing the same but he hasn’t! I think if they do if gives us a little hope and maybe they are doing it also so they don’t want to see things that we are doing.

    I am thank you! Positive mind all the time now.

    All in good time πŸ™‚

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