Boards Reconciliation Struggling – day 7 NC

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  • #26388
    • Total Posts: 241

    You think so? I mean, he is exactly her type – she would always ask me to wear shirts that revealed my chest for example, and I never did. This guy always wears these shirts. Also, she seemed interested in him before and he has access to her facebook – which means they are together on a computer. She said he is cocky before. And he had been pursuing her. Plus, he did state he was in a relationship with her.

    He had been messaging her before, she told him she was with someone, so didn’t pursue it. Her parents urged her to break up with me and consider others – and told her to see him on a date, so she did. She had fun with him. She then was berated for choosing me until she cried. She then agreed with her parents to breakup with me and see him instead. She was due to meet him on the weekend after we split – but told him she wasn’t ready yet. She then cried saying she didn’t even want to see him.

    Now I think they are actually seeing eachother, and dog videos are an inside joke. I dunno what to think, they must have been together since September now. Also, her best friend started following him on facebook and liked one of his photos. So obviously, they know about him. Gah.

    I wasn’t attentive enough towards her. She thought I was a player and I never made her feel secure, I really wish I did.

    • Total Posts: 411

    It’s a complete rebound, she will be back but in the mean time work on yourself.

    Don’t worry about her friends they are just following Her trying to make Her happy

    • Total Posts: 47

    I’m on the same day of NC as you guys. I have been reading your posts as it has made me feel less alone. Feeling kinda down today though…

    My breakup was in August so it has been a while and I only tried NC once before and that backfired as he ended up on my doorstep crying. Anyways, its a long story that I have written about too much here if you want to peruse my previous posts haha.

    The last time we saw each other was three weeks ago. He was being all sweet and cute with me like he keeps doing when he comes back to me, but I was a bit cranky with him for slightly valid reasons. We only texted a few times after that but he pretty much slept with me and left and didn’t want to have anything to do with me after that up to this point. This is the same guy that will date/sleep with other women and then a few hours later drive to my/our apartment and see me with a platonic male friend and freak out.

    Honestly, I am pretty much over him, but I still think of him as a good friend. I reached out to him and told him I was sorry for everything and I ignored him for a few days because I needed some time to get over the breakup. All of this was true. He never responded. I added him back on Facebook because he kept asking me to add him a few weeks ago. I wasn’t ready to see him in a relationship or anything at that point so I didn’t, but I requested to be friends this week and he totally ignored it. So I sent him one more message saying its ok that he doesn’t want to be friends, good luck with everything type message. He still hasn’t responded.

    So I feel like he has put me in NC and not the other way around and it is driving me nuts. I am fully prepared to never be with him again; in fact that would probably be best for everyone. I am 99% sure he is dating this one girl he previously stated he has no interest in and it really doesn’t bother me. I am just so confused why he isn’t reaching out at all! He has never ever gone more than 3 days without initiating some sort of contact since we broke up even if it was to tell me off or whatever. This is so weird for me, he has essentially fallen off the face of the earth.

    I truly don’t know why I decided to post again and put this in a rant, but I am just so confused. Maybe this is what your exes feel like right now when you won’t reach out to them at all? I don’t want to be with him anymore, but I wanted to stay friends at least, a text here and there. Now nothing…ugh. I hope everyone is doing well and staying strong!

    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks Caz. It gives her an ego boost too. A lot of my previous exes are very good looking and she was jealous of a model friend who always messaged me and sent pictures. So me going crazy made her feel good I think, as she was very insecure.

    Thanks Caz. Day 13 tomorrow? ๐Ÿ™‚ almost 2 weeks!

    • Total Posts: 241

    Knitterz, it sounds like some kind of power struggle to me, to see whoever has the upper hand, at least from his perspective. He does sound very immature, and I think this period of no contact is driving him crazy too. Keep up the good work, I think he will come begging again. But I am not sure he can be friends with you yet. That may still take time.

    It can drive you nuts to get no response. It is a type of abuse, and the person doing it feels as though they can justify it, only because it is not physical, and they are not being hostile. But it does hurt. Stay strong though, you are doing well and the pain will ease.

    • Total Posts: 411

    Exactly @Libertine1 she was insecure and now she’s going out of her way to get over that and it’s not her it’s Her patents that’s for sure.

    I can’t believe it will be day 12! we can do it? Let me know about your day ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 411

    @knitterz it’s a difficult time and happy the NC has helped you realise but @Libertine1 is right keep up the NC and then you decide for you what you want.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Day 13, Caz! And it will be two weeks tomorrow. How are you feeling today? I am a little more positive, as I know she has been on purposely osctrcising me, which takes much effort and it a feigned attempt of apathy. Also, I realise that while she is still in this relationship, she is still living with the consequences of what happened and is still obeying her parents will.

    Now that I realise this, I realise it is a fools game, and only works if the other player allows to to affect them.

    I never thought I would get to two weeks. I remember after we split up, I tried so hard to do no contact. I even left my phone at home while at work. I used to cross of the days, it seemed forever. I could not do it. So to get to this stage is unbelievable. And I could not have done it without your support!

    • Total Posts: 411

    @Libertine1 I know it’s crazy day 13, I thought I could never do it and without talking to you I would have gave in by now! I’m feeling good today and happy you are too.

    Exactly she is dealing with a lot and trying to please other people but it will all crumble.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Hey Caz! How has your day been today? I feel proud that I have made it. Dignity and self respect come back.

    It has been a good day for me, as I have been very busy. I have been texting the girl I saw on Saturday, although I doubt I want anything serious, and will take it slowly.

    If anything, I feel a little angry at my ex, for the way she treated me.

    • Total Posts: 411

    Hey @Libertine1 it’s been good, been proactive and like you texting my date he would like to take me out again this weekend but it will be baby steps! I’m proud of you too, I’m happy your gaining your dignity back ๐Ÿ™‚

    Please don’t be angry it’s an emotion that you don’t need, if you hang onto that you won’t let it go and anger is a very depressing emotion, our ex’s did hurt us but we can get back to ourselves.

    • Total Posts: 241

    I am getting there steadily,back to my old self. I just cannot believe she was so stupid and ruined what we had over insecurity and bewilderingly crazy parents who hate me.

    And then to ignore me afterwards and force me of the of her life when she was seeing someone else. Did she not think how much it would hurt? I mean, she was in tears and going crazy when I changed my Facebook profile picture! I know that I cheated, but I made it very clear I would not pursue the girl, as it was not right, and I could not do thay to someone I love. It was such a huge mistake, but she had seen him and listened to her parents advice of leaving me before I cheated.

    Apologies, I am still so confused, and it was such a shock.

    • Total Posts: 411

    Of course it’s difficult to understand it all, one day it will but in the meantime don’t let it drive you crazy.

    There is still a lot of hurt there and that will ease in time! she did choose her parents and this guy but she was pressured and he resentment will grow when she realises how unhappy she is.

    • Total Posts: 241

    How about yourself, have you been feeling emotions of anger etc, or even regret?

    • Total Posts: 411

    I have a range of emotions on a daily basis but I have to let them go because like I said I would go crazy.

    I’m hurt be doesn’t love me anymore and is moving on, I’m angry because theirs nothing I can do about it and he just left, I get nauseous when I think he is with someone else.

    I suppose they are getting better and will go in time because to be honest I don’t think he will be back. I hurt him too much. maybe he should be with someone closer to his age, I’m 31 and he’s 40.

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