Boards Reconciliation really hurt and don't know what's going on anymore

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  • #39817
    • Total Posts: 40

    My ex’s birthday is after one month, actually I don’t know if I should continue no contact period more than one month , it depends, so should I wish him a happy birthday or ignore him to make him wonder if I forgot?

    • Total Posts: 40

    Any advice plz?

    • Total Posts: 22

    I’m sorry but your being to needy. All its doing is pushing him farther away. I know its hard but u can’t contact him like that no matter what happened. U have to move on from it for now and take care of u. There was people telling u not to do it and u still did it. And it made things worse. Stay away from him at all costs. U can do it

    • Total Posts: 40

    I’ve stopped contacting him for 17 days , when should I talk to him again? @ericson

    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14


    I’m sure he misses you deep inside, but you also have to realize that sometimes it can take a long time before people dare to face the truth, that he misses you. By contacting him again you would do more harm than good in my opinion. Kevin stated 2 months, I’d go with that until that period is over or until he contacts you, in which case you should probably update this.

    I went out for NC for a good reason, but it still blew up in my face. Stay strong and try to improve your life in any way possible! 🙂

    • Total Posts: 40

    Thankyou so much it helps a lot @Mr. A.

    • Total Posts: 40

    My ex texted me at 2 am on whatsapp when I was online, he told me sleep it’s late, I didn’t reply, then he said it’s not important if you reply or not I just want you to sleep and not getting tired, I didn’t also reply, at 4 am he sent me a voice not saying in it I’m so horny can you come? And there was 2 guys also who were saying that, it really made me nervous, he thinks I’m a b*tch or what? What should I do? I didn’t answer , please any help?

    • Total Posts: 40

    I blocked him cz I knew that I won’t support and I’d talk to him , was it wrong block him? Why did he do that? Maybe because I didn’t answer? Or what he’s really weird he never did that or talked that way to me , the worst thing that there’s also two guys with him he isn’t alone

    • Total Posts: 40

    Any help plz? I’m so in a bad mood

    • Total Posts: 40
    • Total Posts: 40
    • Total Posts: 536

    You did the right thing by blocking him. He must be thinking with whom you’re talking that late andthats why told u to sleep.

    About the voice note, he might be drunk. If he was with his 2 friends at 4am definitely they all were drunk.

    You did absolutely correct blocking him. Keep it up

    • Total Posts: 40

    Thankyou so much @divjun

    • Total Posts: 40

    My ex’s brother talked to me on whatsapp, he said that my ex told him about the voice note that he sent, and he’s sorry even if my ex is not, cause he doesn’t accept his brother to talk with girls like that, I told him it’s okay and that I don’t care anymore and he’s not the same guy I used to know that’s why I blocked him and that I thought he was drunk but the problem that he wasn’t, so he said that it’s okay. What do you think? My ex wasn’t drunk why did he do that? Maybe he was mad because I didn’t reply? Weird. @divjun

    • Total Posts: 536

    I dont think he sent it because he was mad. Nobody would include their friends in this and that too at 4 in the morning. I still feel he was drunk. if he loves you he would never have done this specially in front of his friends. Keep him blocked! His brother seems to be a nice person

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