Boards No Contact Rule pls i need help my GF just broke up with me, what should i do? i want her back

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  • #39542
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    My Girlfriend broke up with me, we have be in serious relationship for 1 year 7 months, some months back she told me she was not feeling the love she had for me and she needed time to figure it out and i agreed to that two days later i manipulated by using a female facebook to chat to my self so she can be jealous because she had my facebook password which actually work, she was jealous and told me how much she love me.

    sometime last week i notice she was now hanging out with this guy because the guy like her and want to date her, i called it to her attention by telling how what i found the she told me it true and for the past 5 to 6 months she still has not feel the love because of distance and she wanted to break up after some arguments she said we should give it another try to see if we can work things out, two days later i made a mistake be going to find out what was going on between her and the other guy, i used the same facebook i used in manipulating my Girlfriend to chat with the guy to find out what is going on, and this guy told me girlfriend what i was doing, and she called me to tell her the truth, i had to tell her everything and also told her it was the same facebook i used to manipulate her and that i am sorry, and she cried and ask for break up that she cant continue with this anymore, i was so heartbroken that i try to make her change her mind to forgive and forget but she already made up her mind, and now we agreed that we can be friends and start up to know each other again and i will have to make her to forgive me by being friends with her and trying to prove that i am the one she want, but now i have competitors because she now likes the other guy and might decide to go with the guy. even after our break up she called me on Skype few hours later at 5am and told me she don’t know why she cant sleep and asked me if i was okay.. please i need your help on how to go about this because i love her so much that i will want her back in my life and for her to fall in love with me again.

    • Total Posts: 1

    It’s good to have competition. This shows you how much you really Care. My girlfriend of four years kept comming back even when she dated other men. She always left again and told me the love isn’t there or she doesn’t trust me or she wants friends….I’m sure this is their way of saying “I don’t want you.but I don’t want anyone else to have you” I cried and begged but it never got me anywhere. So.don’t do that. Do.the NC…focus on yourself like Kevin says and soon she very well may come running because she wants to no why your not worried about her. My ex is the queen of ignoring me and we have a son together. So regain your composure and stop worrying about her….for now. There’s a saying..hold a dove to.tight….You kill it but if you let go…it may fly away. Hold it just right. I’m on day 2 of NC and my ex and I have been apart 6 months…She came back because she loves me. As I’m hoping she does again. Give it some time. Believe me I know it’s hard but you have to be strong. Hope this helps.

    Mr anderson
    • Total Posts: 18

    I think she probably feels like you violated her trust. No one likes to feel as though they have been tricked or manipulated in their relationship. I mean imagine how you would feel if she made up a guy just to make you jealous? It probably would be very upsetting. As Dustin said, I think the 30 days no contact will be a big help for you. She is going to need time to get rid of some of the negative feelings about the relationship. You als should remember, a new man right after a break up is a re bound guy (Kevin wrote about this in an article might be worth while for you to read I’d you haven’t).

    I am personally on day 3 of my no contact and it hurts really bad since our break up was Tuesday, but I am going to trust the process and see what happens

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