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    • Total Posts: 151

    @ThePhoenix Thank you for sharing your story. There’s a lot going on with your ex. I’m glad to hear that you are doing better and making positive changes. 🙂

    What you are going through is what makes me afraid to date. Right now I’m feeling pretty great and I don’t miss my ex, but I don’t want to go back to a place of missing him. Stay strong. I think it’s great that you are getting out there and trying.

    I took myself on a date this week. I got a pretty fantastic haircut and bought a few nice new pieces of clothing and some expensive hair care. I got a tea and read a book in a cafe, then got lunch. It felt nice to focus on myself. I also went out with a friend today and had a great time.

    The hair and clothes really made me feel a lot better, boosted my confidence. I know it’s just superficial stuff, but it makes a huge difference. Also, everyone I’ve been talking to lately keeps telling me my ex is going to really regret what he’s done. I don’t expect it, but it’s still nice to hear, hahaha. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 144


    There certainly is. But life goes on. I’m really glad to hear you treated yourself today! I look forward to going clothes shopping once I hit my weight loss/tone up goal. I wish I could do something with my hair, but I had a tragic hair teasing incident where I tried to have a faux hawk… needless to say I panicked and cut it off cause I couldn’t get it out. -sigh- Still waiting for it to grow out, but it should be at least shoulder length by summer. Haha


    Maybe take some more time for yourself? If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. I’m sure your ex has racing thoughts at times about if you’re with someone or not. I know this is usually the case because we’re human… we’re creatures of habit and that’s a pretty common thing to worry about after a break up.

    I have not been on any dates yet, but I do have one girl in particular that seems pretty interested in me. She’s really attractive, incredibly nice, and always makes a point to be VERY friendly with me. I have not pursued her as I know I need to heal more, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hit the parking lot with a pep in my step and a grin plastered to my face like a moron after I see her at lunch. Besides which, she’s probably 5 or 6 years younger than me (not a bad thing, but leaves me feeling a little conflicted).

    • Total Posts: 197

    Yeah I went shopping first couple weeks after the break up and it helped. I see why you women always resort to it now lol

    The one thing I’m worried about pertaining to my ex is if she’s too scared to reach out to me if she ever gets the urge to. Would NC force her to since she has no insight to my life at all? Since we aren’t connected through any social media or mutual friends

    • Total Posts: 77

    @ThePhoenix thanks for the words. And yes, I need to start looking after myself and improving myself. I can’t “die” because of this. I have some resit exams next week that I need to start studying for, otherwise I’m screwed. It does me no good thinking about her and eventually I will stop one day. I still write for myself, everytime i feel like talking to her but one day it will eventually stop. I used to talk to her all the time, I couldn’t stand being without talking to her for a complete day and now on NC I’m actually realising I can do it. She will eventually realise it (or not) and may come to her senses when she sees that I actually moved on and stop being miserable because of her.
    I have a major exam on Tuesday that I haven’t studied a second and I need to focus on this, not if she is with him, or if she is happy, or if she’s doing this and that. Somehow, I need to focus on myself.

    • Total Posts: 144

    @archola Good on ya. Do your best to study hard and I hope you’ll do well on your exam! Ever heard of Pavlov? Something I’ve read recently said you can condition yourself, much like Pavlov’s dog. Might be something for you to try as well!

    When you’re able to, close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths and focus on a really happy moment for you (without your ex being involved of course). Focus really intently on that moment, how happy you were, any colors involved, any noises, anything you can remember. While you’re doing this, pull on your left earlobe and hold it while you’re focused. Do this for a little bit, then let go of your earlobe and open your eyes. Do this enough, you’ll be able to pull on your ear any time and you’ll be conditioned to be happy. This is one of the many things I do daily to better myself, and it seems to be working for me.

    • Total Posts: 303


    She replied back in the middle of the night while I was asleep.


    I was having text messaging problems last night so I texted her first and then sent the message on whatsapp:

    Text message:
    Ex: Hi <Me>…How are you doing? I’m just getting in contact because I am trying to find my dissertation. If you remember where you stored my laptop contents, it would be really helpful.

    Me: Hi <Ex>. I am doing well, how about you? I might have a copy of your dissertation stored somewhere. When would you want it by?

    My text message was not showing as it was delivered to I whatsapped her too.

    Me: Hi <Ex>. I am unable to reply back by text message. I am doing well, how about you? I might have a copy of your dissertation stored somewhere. When would you want it by?

    Ex: I just saw this. I guess you are asleep now. I will ring you tomorrow.

    When I woke up and checked my phone the text message was notified as being delivered. I am a bit embarrassed now.

    I have not replied back to her last whatsapp message…what should I do?

    • Total Posts: 303

    I whatsapped her back saying

    “ok sure.”

    I hope I am doing the right thing.

    She is still seeing someone so I need to be really careful.

    • Total Posts: 147

    @Martin Just reply back and say something like “Ok speak to you soon then.” Stop playing games. As long as she is willing to speak to you and treat you with a bit of respect then allow her to do so.

    Try to reward her for good behaviour towards you while allowing a little distance between each of you if you feel that she is pushing your buttons.

    You need to be brave enough to allow her the opportunity to get close to you again. She might not be willing to take that opportunity when you would like things to happen if at all, but you need to be able to give her a platform to do so if you ever want the chance to win her back.

    • Total Posts: 147

    @Martin Well done – way to go… just play it cool with her.

    If she is dating somebody else but still talks to you regularly every day then this will show that she hasn’t moved on as much as you may have previously thought.

    Be confident, pay her compliments when she treats you well or compliments you and try not to bite but simply take time for yourself when she will inevitably test you or push your buttons if she is still interested in you.

    I am sure that she will let you know if her new relationship is serious.

    • Total Posts: 303


    I would prefer to not play games but it seems like it is one. There is a limit to how much close I can get to know since I know she is dating someone; if I get too close to her then her rebound would work out.

    I already texted her saying “Ok sure.”

    I know that she wants her dissertation for her Phd interview on Monday. I am happy to help her out in any way she needs.

    I was considering printing the 100 page document, binding it and leaving it at her concierge at her apartment for her to collect it. But I am not sure if this is too much and would set out any negative flags. I would be printing it at my workplace to that is free for me, hence saving her a lot of money (at least 30pounds.)

    I could just email her the document and let her sort out her own things but I really doubt she would be able to get it printed and bound on time as most places would be close on weekends.

    I have always taken weight off her shoulders in things like this while we were dating so I am not sure.

    • Total Posts: 303


    I can only hope that she is interested in me still…but it seems like she is just contact me now for a functional reason rather than something casual.

    • Total Posts: 147

    @Martin It might seem that way. Only you kniw enough about your situation and can decide whether it is worth the risk or not. From what you have said though it is costing you nothing but a few minutes of your time and it will help your Ex out a lot and save her a fair bit of money (for her).

    Therefore I would do it and shrug it off as nothing and that you are always pleased to help her if you can when she thanks you for it then judge the situation if she contacts you again. You will run the risk of being hurt but have to keep telling yourself that you expect nothing. This should hopefully show her that you are a good man, a strong alpha male and still a good catch. Only she can decide whether she views that as being any more than a nice gesture or not again one day. Well done though. Give yourself a reward for being a nice guy whether she does or not.

    • Total Posts: 27

    @confusedbutok I’ve had the same feeling – dating others I started to think about my ex and that I should be here (on the date) with her not some ‘strangers’. And every time it made me hurt. I guess it is too soon – but on the other hand they say we should go out there and date other people. IDK.

    Right now I feel down again – it is probably triggered by meeting my ex. I thought I’m pretty strong and confident but it seems now I’m back to the starting point 🙁

    My story here, any input welcome:

    Dumped after 13 y realationship 🙁

    • Total Posts: 303

    @kiwi and @confusedbutok

    I think dating others is more of a test to see if you are emotionally ready to move on. You have to keep trying otherwise you will always be stuck in this limbo.

    I don’t search for my ex’s qualities on other girls anymore.


    She texted me back saying “I’m free from now until 12:30 if you want to talk.”

    I am at work now and unable to have a phone conversation so I was thinking to just text back saying:

    “I am at work, can’t talk now. I can visit the loo if it is urgent.”

    • Total Posts: 303


    “I am at work, can’t talk now. I am free after 6pm. I can visit the loo if it is urgent.”

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