Boards Reconciliation Needing help please

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  • #43302
    • Total Posts: 268

    LC would be you best option if you ask me. But wait for her to start the conversation.
    You plan sound good to me. It is ok to be friendly with her, but not more then that. You are not here to give her emotional support, and you are not a backup in case it doesnt work out with this guy.
    Keep working on your own life…
    A guy that puts his entire life on hold for for a girl = A needy guy = very unattractive

    • Total Posts: 51

    So i did a bit of LC and we started hanging again afterwards. We have kissed, hold hangs, said i love you back and forth but she is still with her new guy. I now fee like i am the other guy in the triangle. What to do from here on. I dont wanna push her away nor i want to lose her. I know in due time she needs to make a decision how can i make more favorable to me when the time comes…

    Please suggestions…

    • Total Posts: 51


    • Total Posts: 268

    Very hard indeed. I have never been at this stage myself, so I dont think I would be the right person to answer your question 🙁

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