Boards Reconciliation My complete story in brief, advice TIA?

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  • #49227
    • Total Posts: 179

    Part of me thinks I should of stayed patient.

    But we all need to know sometimes.

    Feel so bad though, feel like the week after the original split.

    It needed to happen.

    Thanks for the support guys, plenty more will be needed I am sure.

    Time to concentrate on the move.

    • Total Posts: 43

    Honestly, it gets better now. You couldn’t stay patient with the move you had planned, this pain will go faster than the original one. Remember, you will have good days and bad days, its all part of the process

    • Total Posts: 179

    The most annoying thing is one she is still angry about stuff. Like get over it. Then she says to me that her telling me she wanted kids and stuff was because she was drunk.

    • Total Posts: 179

    So I got this this morning

    I wish too that it hadn’t been me that had gone through all that with you as we could have been very happy.

    I know it may not seem like it but the decisions I’ve made haven’t been all about me. This isn’t meant to sound harsh but you needed to sort this stuff out on your own without having me there as a support blanket.

    None of this has made me happy and I’m still not which is why I get angry sometimes. But things happen for a reason and we obviously just weren’t meant to be.

    I hope you are really happy in Dubai – I think it’s a good thing for you and will be good to have a fresh start.

    I’ll always be here if you need me x

    • Total Posts: 20

    That is confusing. Normally I would say her saying “you need to sort this out” and the bit about her wishing it hadn’t happened and believing you two could have been happy indicates lingering feelings and the suggestion something could happen later if/when you are sorted and your paths cross.

    her being fatalistic about it and saying we weren’t meant to be throws a spanner in the works though. her closing bit is telling you to go and continue to work on yourself.

    it sucks when they do this for your own good stuff. my ex told me to go and find someone who can give me what she can’t

    the last bit is also a headfuck

    “I’ll always be here if you need me x”

    mine said a similar thing. said if i ever need her just call. do they mean it though?

    • Total Posts: 179

    She is something else this one.

    I am confused as shit.

    I messaged back saying it would have been good to get a proper goodbye.

    Told her I would read the big message later.

    She agreed to meet at 7

    By saying ok let’s do 7x

    • Total Posts: 43

    In fairness to her she doesn’t want you feeling resentful and it leaves the door open. Do your own thing, now clearly isn’t the time for you both. It may never be again, but through the silence she has been thinking about what is best for you both and concluded that now is not good.

    Having been split up for 3 months now, a new thought came to me last night. After over 6 years together my ex never contacted my family, wrote a letter to my parents, nothing. I went over to the States for 6 months on my own and she stayed at my house so became very close with my family. My parents took her as their own. I have never had a decent reason for the split either, no letter, no heart to heart. She just finished and walked away.

    Maybe this is cleaner, may be it makes it easier. I don’t know, its just that I see everyone else being a lot more thoughtful to each other.

    • Total Posts: 20

    wait so you’re meeting her tonight? but it is a goodbye meet up?

    • Total Posts: 43

    I am glad you are seeing her, that makes things ten times better. Make sure you get whatever you need off your chest, it’s not about saving face now. My solace came once I knew I had done everything. I have no idea what the outcome will be but it sounds like it will be a nice meet up, good luck

    • Total Posts: 179

    Bad yeh she said to go get my stuff at 7.


    I agree it may get emotional but whatever.

    Even if we where together I think I would have still gone to Dubai.

    I am going to try and be a bit more prepared this time.

    Also go to the gym before try and workout some of the emotion and anxiety.

    • Total Posts: 179

    Fred sometimes a clean break like that is probably best. All this bukkshit just muddles your head up as you can see.

    My biggest regret is letting my emotions get the best of me, at 32 realising I have never really been in love before. I didn’t take that well at all got angry upset scared all kinds of things. I lashed at my ex because I couldn’t open up to her because she is an emotional retard.

    • Total Posts: 43

    Live and learn Jb, I’m 43 and still fucking up! Man to be 32 again, you got plenty of time 🙂

    • Total Posts: 179

    Inam not going to try and get her back selfish really but I want to see if she can be emotionless in person. To easy to do stuff over the phone.

    I sent a message last nights that pretty much laid it all on the line.

    Saying the move was for me and it’s tough because I close a chapter in my life starting a new one with no one and in that process learning who the real me is again.

    I then proceeded to say I will never be sorry for being my authentic self, you fell in love with him.

    Then had that message this morning.

    • Total Posts: 43

    Jb, my ex def resisted any face to face meeting too. And I also now face moving to a new city (hers) but not with her or to be with her. I am sure there will be lonely moments but I am determined to get on and succeed, I am sure you will too. I like the fact that you refused to apologise for being you, good move.

    • Total Posts: 179

    This is what I said and didn’t proof read stupidly and sent it raw.

    I am super exited and looking forward to finally getting something for me and not trying to please other people. I am sorry the way it worked out between us. That doesn’t take away the fact I feel really proud seeing you already becoming successful. You deserve it!

    I haven’t don’t things like i am supposed to, I never stuck to no contact etc. however I am me and for all my faults. I am a genuine lovely honest loyal person. I don’t think two months and 16 hour weekend of stuff is the be all end all. I’ll continue on my journey to making my self happy. Have I found complete self happiness. You know what yeh, I think I have. I am perfect no I am not, no one is.

    I just want to thank you for eroding all my bad experiences in qatar in the short space of time we knew each other.

    I hate that you now see things in me that are wrong but they came out through fear, dear of rejection and not being good enough. Those fears trigger reactions.

    Two people in my life that have acceptable the authentic me. You and my grandfather, both having similar traits caring and just the kindest person ever.

    I wish it was someone else that had to see this and then I met you, because I don’t care if you want to here it or not. I thought I met the one with you, this message isn’t about me being emotional. There is a difference, this is me showing this is me and I am proud of it.

    Not the silly things i did but my huge heart and kindness.

    I cannot change what I did but just so to myself that, I have said good bye to that person. Who never felt good enough and rejected. That was tough as I now experience s new life opportunity in a new country. Whilst exploring whom I really am.

    Honestly I wanted to send this not to get back together or to react to anything.

    I want to show I don’t regret being my authentic self. You fell in love with him.

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