Boards Reconciliation I think I've lost my husband! any advise

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  • #10493
    • Total Posts: 894

    so I just found out from my oldest that I have lost him forever. πŸ™ all I wanna do is cry. she said he told her you know were never ever getting back together right? omg now what? I guess Im done.

    • Total Posts: 71

    Sorry English is my second language.
    So could you conclude what’s the real reason of him leaving you ?

    • Total Posts: 894

    why is all this happening to me. this is really painful. now I have to accept hes never coming back in my life. so why bother being nice to him? maybe I should temporarily for my convenience. ugh

    • Total Posts: 71

    Tell him u respect his choice.
    Hey don’t cry, we all know you loved him and you did nothing wrong, he told ur oldest he won’t back with you that’s very mean, just let it be, that’s totally normal when guys want to break up, concentrate on yourself, The best thing is you will do anything except for forcus on him.
    Keep us updated!

    • Total Posts: 536

    Hey aamls, dont lose hope. Work on yourself. Plus guys dont admit that they want you back when they are in a situation like this. This is quite normal.
    Dont cry. You’re strong enough to face this. We all are with you.

    • Total Posts: 894

    @vanessa9 its ok. πŸ™‚ I think I know why he left, well a couple of reasons but one really did it for him. ugh. thanks

    • Total Posts: 894

    @divjun idk what else to do. hes really serious if hes saying this to my oldest. πŸ™ thanks guys for believing im strong but I really dont feel it at all. even my husband cousins who have been through break ups tell me that this makes you stronger and theres other people and stuff but none of this helps me. idk what to do anymore. I really miss him so much. wish I could have him back. apparently i have no choice but to accept his stupid decision of not wanting to be with me. im getting very overwhelm with many emotions jealousy starting to be one of them because im tired of everyone being happy him included and im here suffering for him. idk im just very emotional and overwhelm with everything. im very down and depressed. ugh..:'(

    • Total Posts: 7

    Try your best to stop suffering, I know that is much harder said than done but it just involves you to take a leap of faith that making no contact makes a difference. A difference for him and you. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    so you think no contact will make a difference I really dont see this happening. πŸ™ it hasnt done anything really its only calmed him down some and knowing him hes probably making himself accept the fact that im already with someone else or that eventually I will be with someone else so he doesnt suffer. ugh this is so hard. πŸ™ what do you think about what he told my oldest about “were never ever getting back together” ugh :'( thanks πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 7

    When most men (the good men out there) say something they usually mean it. But the problem I find with being a male is that we are simply creatures of what we know, where as I believe females are creatures of feelings. When I know something, I usually decide on it right then and there. But in the future many things can affect that! Ignoring him for a month will probably drive him crazy if you try it again. If you have enough confidence I’d suggest telling him not to talk to you until you feel comfortable with it. That’d drive me crazy.

    • Total Posts: 894

    @Hamuel so does this mean I’ve lost him? I guess im not getting him back arent I? I guess I need to move on and ignore him. I guess mines is a lost case. πŸ™ why me, this aint fair. ugh. :'( anyone?

    • Total Posts: 272

    I think you should try to move on because then if he doesnt come back, it wont hurt you as much. That being said, it’s not that easy to just move on unless you really are prepared to let him go. I don’t think it’s a lost cause, everyone has an opinion until they dont have it anymore and thats the case with your husband. I wouldnt ignore him if I were you, but you know your husband the best, so you also know what will work best to get him back. If you feel like you need time to heal, then you should definitely do no contact!

    • Total Posts: 894

    I guess basically I have no hope or chance of getting him back? should I try to be friends with him? is just I know how he is and he’ll say things to me I dont want to hear or say things that are mean like trying to take me of his insurance. how can 12 years mean nothing to him? this is very painful. :'( I really think your gonna get back with your ex cassie. πŸ™‚ at least theres some people here that are lucky. my life just keeps being messed up. πŸ™ I hate my life atm. πŸ™ Im losing any and all hope I had left.

    • Total Posts: 272

    Does he say those things becuase he knows that it will upset you? 12 years definitely meant something to him but maybe he feels that with what you did, it didnt mean anything at all to you. He is also hurt right now! I hope you’re right but the last few days has been hell and it feels like it will never happen…
    What do you think that your husband wants you to do at the moment?

    • Total Posts: 894

    stay strong cassie your almost there and you have a date with him so its a very good thing. πŸ™‚ your almost there. πŸ™‚ I wouldnt see why he would think this because he saw how sorry I really was. ugh and I gave him the letter as well. he is hurt and I know he has to care but I guess his distractions are keeping him from missing me and hes very stubborn. πŸ™ I really have no idea what he’ll want me to do. I know he wants to be left alone by me because I was the one who caused him pain. πŸ™ Im so hurt. I lost my best friend and I want him back. I want my husband back. πŸ™ I dont think he cares that other guys check me out or what not. this is very painful to me. do you think I should try to look for him and try to be friends or do you think h has his defenses up and would reject me which I think is what hes doing. ugh i hate this, you would think it’d be easier to get him back after 12 years and it just makes it harder for me. ugh what can or should I do? thanks πŸ™‚

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