Boards Reconciliation Girls look here: Using Instagram

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  • #36004
    • Total Posts: 142

    She didnt unfriend my friends tho and her friends are still my friends. Plus all our pics of us are still in her album.

    • Total Posts: 463

    Maybe she just got worried that she was looking at your profile too much and needed to stop. I wouldn’t think she thinks your stalking her. Remember she can still see your profile via your friends. Try not to worry about it I’m sure it’s harmless

    • Total Posts: 142

    I know im over reacting about this lol its just hard to look at u know? been friends for a long time. Seeing “add friend” kinda hurts me. Thanks for the postive reinforcement like always man. @RustyRed i wrote my letter. Tell me what u think

    Final Draft!

    • Total Posts: 268

    Guys, we are getting a bit off topic here 🙂

    But trust me, I have been where you are now. I know excatly how it feels. Dont mind that she is not likeing your posts. She is doing her own thing now. I cant even begin to describe how terrible I felt the first 3 months of our break up, because my ex would like a ton of pictures from a lot of different guys. All shirtsless fitness guys that lived in the same city as her. But the table has turned now. Just because I sticked to the NC.
    Now she is slowly beginning to like my posts (50% of them) and I am not giving her a single like back. It gives me a feeling of having power/control. I hope that she now feels what I felt back then 🙂 It is just a like, but it can hurt anyway.

    And as for unfriending: dont mind it. At least she is not indifferent.
    Remember: the opposite of love is NOT hate, anger, bitterness or resentment.
    The opposite of love is indifference!

    • Total Posts: 463

    No probs, it helps to unload. I think my friends are getting annoyed with me when I talk about her now but it’s how I feel she was my world now my world has been ripped apart.

    Cool I’ll read it now

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