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  • in reply to: It's been two months. She just contacted me #59447
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    Thank you for your very useful advice, AlphaGoat. For real: you give me hope once everything seemed to be lost.

    I think I’ll also go to a couple of dates myself, since in many ways I’m already trying to move on. And, yes: I felt like dying when it happened. To be honest, I’ve barely eaten and slept these days.

    But I know that she needs to remember me as time goes by. I know that she will, even though she gave no hope for a return; at some point, even though she said she didn’t want to think about me in the last two weeks because it would hurt, she will be forced to miss me. And – who knows – maybe she’ll come back on her own, she’ll understand what she lost like in your case.

    I’ll just wait and put your advice to practice. And, in the meantime, yes: I’ll surely have the chance to experience a date or two with some other woman. I’m already moving right now, and it will help me to get a new perspective on these matters.

    We’ve been together for more than a year, after a not-so-excellent start a few years ago. And she loved me once, of that I’m sure; she’ll miss me and who I am, and I think I can really make it. I’ll stay strong, and I’ll gradually try to remove her from my mind; I already decided that I’m not going to break No Contact during these first days, no matter what. It’s been a tough day already, but I’ll resist.

    Thank you, my good friend. If you have anything else to say, please do; you’ve already helped me a lot right now.

    in reply to: It's been two months. She just contacted me #59444
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    Thank you, AlphaGoat. These words will be really useful for me too… I’m starting No Contact today, and I just think that after a month or a few weeks she’ll be totally over me and with a new guy, because she told me she’s not changing her mind and she’s sure about what she did. According to her, I’m not “the one” anymore, even though I once was.

    But, you know, maybe you’re right. Maybe I should just give her the right time to miss me and, in the meantime, try to go on and be the one who gets over her. Try to build a life out of us and out of what she taught me.

    I loved our relationship, even if it wasn’t very healthy at times. I loved her, and that was enough; I would’ve done anything to just make her happy, but her love faded over time anyway. Hopefully, if she ever comes back, she’ll be already changed.

    And hopefully she’ll change her mind in the meantime, she’ll understand who I was for her and she’ll come back. I’ll just give her the right time to miss me, to miss us… And she loved me, that’s for sure, she loved me a lot. Maybe this will be enough.

    In any case, I’m positive I will reach out to her as soon as I think that I’ve understood enough about us. And, who knows… Maybe that time things will go better.

    Let us know if everything works out the way you’d like to!

    in reply to: It's been two months. She just contacted me #59369
    • Total Posts: 3

    Man, if you think she’s the woman of your life, go for it. Don’t let pride ruin things, pride’s a b**ch.

    If I were in your situation, I’d probably accept; BUT I’d tell her that she hurt me, and that things really need to change if you want to survive together.

    Unfortunately, I’ve just broken the no-contact period after not even two weeks. I couldn’t resist anymore, but I’m trying my best to get her back regardless.

    You’ve been lucky to see her coming back. Please don’t waste it, if you think she’s the right one; but don’t stay with her just because you want to treat her badly!

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