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  • in reply to: Shouldn’t want him back but I do #33765
    • Total Posts: 52

    Sounds to me like he was jealous and seeing your face on FB made him miss you. I would say he’s definitely thinking of you right now. But give NC a couple more days maybe even a week and I think that will drive him crazy. Then casually text him and act cool about everything.

    in reply to: Help Please #33764
    • Total Posts: 52

    Yeah man I understand. When my ex and I broke up (we’re currently slowly getting back together) I sent her mom a text saying how sorry I was for everything and how much she meant to me and how I know I messed up the best thing that has ever happened to me. Then when my ex saw her mom recently her mom cried to her about that text and basically had my back without me even asking. So if her family loves you and they want you back together that’s HUGE.

    in reply to: Help Please #33761
    • Total Posts: 52

    Man, if you’ve got her mother on your side you should be fine. Daughters trust their mother’s opinion more than anyone else’s. And it won’t come off like you are using her mom to get her back. No mom would do that to her daughter.

    • Total Posts: 52

    I think more NC for you two will really make them miss you. It seriously does wonders. I know my case was different and it took only 6 days of NC and only 3 weeks of not being together. But every situation is different. You guys know your girls. You know when to step in and try to get in their life again. Me, I sent her an email that poured my heart out to her on her birthday and just left it like that. Then she realized after reading it and thinking about it that she is making a huge mistake leaving someone who actually loves everything about her. Mr Cat it sounds like she still needs at least a couple of weeks of just absolute NC if she’s still talking to you like that. Nowwinaditya the guy she is seeing is most likely a rebound. That means she still hasn’t even dealt with your breakup so she hasn’t even really had the chance to completely miss you. When her new rebound relationship disintegrates, which it most likely will, she will wonder what you are up to and why she isn’t hearing from you.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33757
    • Total Posts: 52

    She said the sex was the worst thing ever and he took complete advantage of her and it was something that had to happen for her to realize exactly what she wanted, and that is me. Yeah I told her about the make out and she was extremely pissed saying she never wanted to see me again but then of course she cooled off and we’re all good again. And yeah Cat woman it was completely rebound sex for her. Still hurts a lot but she’s really learned her lesson and so have I. I know we were separated and it doesn’t count as cheating but I was still in love with her I was just extremely drunk and extremely confused about where me and her stood. And earlier that day she told me about the sex and I guess I was also pissed. I felt too guilty and had to tell her because we are both extremely honest to each other.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33717
    • Total Posts: 52

    Physical acts can have literally no meaning. At first I wanted nothing to do with her once I found out. But thinking big picture you can’t just let something stupid with some meaningless guy stand in the way of what could be a really good thing.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33714
    • Total Posts: 52

    Okay it’s eating me alive right now. So on Thursday I got black out drunk and made out with some girl at the bar. Me and my ex were still not together at all. The make out literally meant nothing at all I was so out of it and she was too. My ex knows we kissed, but she doesn’t know we made out. I told her she came on to me, which is true but she doesn’t know that it was an actual make out instead of just a peck like I told her. What should I do? Tell her or leave it be because she said she didn’t even want to know about any of that. I know there’s stuff she didn’t tell me about when we were separated, and she already told me she had sex with another guy twice. Someone please give me some advice because I want to know if you guys think this is extremely trivial and I just should drop it or if I should tell her because we’re definitely getting back together.

    • Total Posts: 52

    Hmmm maybe she’s still really upset about your relationship then. She’s still processing everything and needs more time to think it through. She could easily not be with another guy and hopefully she’s just thinking about you guys on her own.

    • Total Posts: 52

    Hey MrCat I think you’re already familiar with my story as I am of yours. Lemme just tell you my experience. So my girl left me because she wasn’t being treated right and the romance was lacking. And yeah she immediately starting seeing another guy, like instantly. She told me she had a crush on him and she was getting attention from him and she wasn’t getting it from me. But thank god it did not work out between them and it ended up helping me in the end because she realized how much better I am than he was. So, yeah I do think girls most of the time have someone to fall back on when they end things with their boyfriend. It sucks a lot, but it’s true. But most of the time they do not work out at all and they realize what they may be losing with their ex. Just my opinion.

    in reply to: She wants to meet up and see a play together?? #33665
    • Total Posts: 52

    Hey, so I read your story. I know how badly you want to go and how badly you want to be with her. I do think you should go. Just don’t have too high of expectations, you know? It would be devastating to go into it thinking she wants to be with you then leave and nothing has changed. Definitely go and be an attractive you. Don’t be clingy or ask questions about the future or anything. Just talk and joke around and have fun! If she sees what she likes then you could be on a good track!

    in reply to: Do LTR have a better chance of reconcilation? #33594
    • Total Posts: 52

    Hey MrCat, I know that’s why my ex broke up with me too. Anger and being jealous. And I’m going to therapy too for it. NC will make her miss you and when the time comes that she does reach out and contact you she will see a changed you and she could be really attracted to you all over again. And yes, I do think that LTR have a better chance. We were together for 5 years and she already wants to start seeing me again! I know people are going to say it’s too soon bc we only broke up 2 weeks ago but every situation is different and I’m going to do what makes me happy! Good luck and let the NC do its work.

    in reply to: Found a note meant for me. #33591
    • Total Posts: 52

    First off Patrick don’t have her cheat on him. She won’t want to get back together until she realizes herself that the new guy is all wrong. And don’t confront him either. Girls like the mature response to things so you just have to play it cool.

    And a little update from my story. So, last night she texted me saying she missed me so much and wanted to see me. She and her other guy have ended things and she is so not attracted to him anymore and after they had sex he stopped texting her. She got played by a player. And you have no idea how badly I want to confront him for taking advantage of a vulnerable girl. But, that won’t help anything you just have to accept what’s in the past is in the past. So, we met up and she said she realized how big of a mistake she made and how she realizes she wants me back. So we’re deciding to take it slow and just hang out for now, but we did make out last night. It just goes to show how much NC really does make the other person miss you. And rebound relationships work themselves out by themselves so you just have to be cool during it, which is extremely hard.

    in reply to: Found a note meant for me. #33465
    • Total Posts: 52

    Shoot I said that she has no idea how badly I want that too but I’m really hurting that she already had sex with another guy. She knows I’m still in love with her already so I mean it probably didn’t do any harm.

    in reply to: Found a note meant for me. #33463
    • Total Posts: 52

    Hey ya’ll need some advice. So last night, I got black out drunk and was texting my ex bc she texted me. She sent this: “You don’t understand how much I want to be snuggling with you, doing things with you, having sex with with you. Not him or not anyone else. Just you and I have fucked that up for myself.” This is extremely confusing bc she knows I’m still in love with her, and she said that to me so like why aren’t we together already? She still wants some time. But just want some thoughts.

    in reply to: Feeling hopeless #33388
    • Total Posts: 52

    Hey everyone. I’m gonna be honest and I’m pretty drunk right now. I made out with some chick tonight at a bar, she wanted more but I definitely wouldn’t. It didn’t’ change anything. Physical activity doesn’t matter at all. I still want my ex back.
    Just thought I’d let y’all know whats going through a drunk guys mind that just hooked up with another girl hoping to forget the one they love

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