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  • in reply to: She contacted me again. Break NC? #46614
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    I agree with you on everything! πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Goodbye for now …. #46613
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    Good luck and live your life to the fullest! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: She contacted me again. Break NC? #46479
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    I know the mood swings you go through. It sucks mate!
    One thing is for sure and that’s that she’s not mature enough for a relationship with you and also for a relationship in general I guess. She switches in her attitude so easily, that she won’t be a stable partner for anyone at all at this point. Stick with NC. Maybe in a (few) year(s) she will realise what she has lost. (Except her living wallet! πŸ˜› )

    in reply to: She contacted me again. Break NC? #45847
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    You have to decide what you want to do. After reading everything I’d say she only cares about herself. To me it sounds like she doesn’t care about who you are, she cares about what you can do for her, which is a lot apparently. Did she ever mention qualities of you she liked or characteristics? Or did she just plainly say she loves you cause you make her feel great? She’s looking for greener grass but wants to keep her old plot, you, in case she can’t find anything greener. She’s exploring with the new guy but refuses to let go of you. If you still love her and are sure she loves you too, this is my advice: cut it out that you love her and that you believe that you guys belong together (if she is the type for it) state that you can achieve so much together and will be forever together if she is up for it. You can be lovers and friends, not just friends. Tell her that you go NC until she made her decision and stick with it. If she decides you can’t be lovers, you have to decide if you want to cut her off and move on, or prolong this situation.

    in reply to: She contacted me again. Break NC? #45757
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    That girl is playing games and doesn’t care about if she hurts other’s feelings. She probably loves both of you or stays with him as a rebound. Stay in NC. As for the bf perspective, I would be insecure as hell cause she is waving red flags all the time. Won’t take long before that guy gets crazy about this or he just simply doesn’t care about her and is OK with it.

    in reply to: Things I've learned / my ex is back #45738
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    Even though I already knew, it just makes me smile to know that there’s a chance you will succeed. I wish you all the best and hope you will live happily ever after so to speak!

    Don’t worry, not gonna ask you to read my post :p

    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14


    She broke up 2 months ago. Her reason to do so, if she was honest, was that she no longer loved me like she used to do. She said she was tired of having fights with me. (Though lots of people agreed with me that we almost had no fights at all.. 1 big thing couple of weeks before break up and before that just 2-3 arguements about our view on a specific matter, which werent really that big)

    She also said that our personalities are too different, but instead of naming our differences she could only name what we have in common, which was far more than a couple of differences. She also said that I was agressive, which I can be but it is pretty rare, and when I am I only am in the way of my verbal use of words. (Never harmed anyone physicly and I never said hurtful things. She means that I can sometimes just shout at people if they piss me off… Everyone I know says that it is BS that I’m agressive)

    She cried a lot during our break up and even as she left she was moving very slowly, still crying, until she vanished from my sight.

    Yes, I catch myself checking up on her online, and I know it’s wrong.
    Today I finally made the decision to remove all my photo’s and videos in which she/both of us appear from my telephone and transfer them to a locked folder on my computer. (idk why I just cant delete them)

    I know you are right about the other girl thing. I’m not the type of guy that goes after a girl and maybe that’s a good or a bad thing. Most of the time I know something is up by just getting this special feeling looking at a girl. (and even then I watch out, sometimes these cuties just use every guy they see)

    I know I will survive this since I have done it already before, multiple times. I know that what I need to get over her is time. The painful part is that once it took me over one and a half year to get over a different ex gf. My most recent ex was the only girl in a long line of girls I met (also the only one from all other ex gf) that made me feel in a way of love that makes me ready to take on the whole world just by myself, because she was with me. I just hope I can get over her within a couple of months. Summer is ahead and I want to have lots of fun. (And not feel shit after each night of fun because I couldn’t share it with her or have someone by my side)

    The loyalty thing is just not the way I tried to say it so just forget it. I know that she and I have nothing and that both of us cant withhold the other one to see someone else. (though the thought of someone else kissing her or holding her in his arms boils my blood, afterwards it makes me sob)

    I know I should do the things she wouldn’t approve of because it can lure her out and confront me.

    thanks for your time and your advice.

    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    Laughed like hell.

    As a guy this is fun to read, especially the rebound part. (Some of us are just too loyal…Luckily some women are too)

    On one side I completely agree with you. My instincts tell me to do it your way, which most of the time blow up in my face. I tried the relationship rebound thing with Kevin’s Advice, blew up as well. (Might work for others, maybe I had bad luck. + In the end I made a wrong turn with contact)

    I like your tips and that’s what I have been trying to do. NC for 1 month turned out not to be enough by a longshot for me and my ex. (she responded very cold and defensive, like she was another person)

    The only thing I cant do is go and have sex with someone else cause I already know I would think about her during the act. (and maybe make the stupid mistake of calling out her name… by accident, but nevertheless, stupid…)

    When I think resentfull about her I forget her for a while, but at the end of the day when I’m going to bed she’s on my mind. When I wake up she’s on my mind. Maybe it’s time to send that magic letter. I think she and I could get back together, but this might not be ”our” time yet. She had shitty boyfriends and I’m the type of guy that would get through hell and back for her. Maybe in time she realises what she has lost. (Or she already knows it, but so far she lied to friends and cut off communication… Not expecting her to contact me in any way except if we might bump into eachother in RL)

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #44623
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    Some people have to hit rock bottem before they are able to see what they’ve done. When there’s nothing left to hold on to, he will think about his life choices and see that his prime time was with you. It can be though for the both of you, that’s why you probably need the NC so you don’t witness his self destructive (both physicly and personality wise, especially the latter) way of life. It won’t help you get over him, it will only make you feel more down and helpless. Keeping in touch will only bring his misery in your life and the odds that you get anything positive in return at this point is very unlikely to me, considering your story. He knows you are good for him, focus on your own life and improve yourself in any way possible. He will pay attention to you but keep the NC for now, he will see that you are not good to him, but perfect. (Atleast, that’s the thing I hope he would see! πŸ™‚ )

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #44540
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    Take as much time as you need with NC. I waited a month and that turned out to be not even close to enough time for both me and my ex to proces everything.

    I do not agree though on the ”he’s thinking like this or that” thing.
    You said he played games. He plays games because he has this tiny voice in his head that’s telling him that he can’t get better than you, which he already did admit. If he needs to say it out loud he doesnt need you, it sounds like he’s more kind of trying to convince himself of that rather than to confront this tiny voice and aknowledge that he still thinks about you a lot. But then again, everyone is different so I could be wrong. All I know is, either single by choice or because of a break, everyone wants to love and be loved by someone. He might do all of these things to see if it can lessen a feeling of emptiness/feeling like you are not whole. (missing piece could be you?)

    Then again, I might be wrong and it doesn’t justify his actions.

    You have to decide what you would so, stay in contact or go NC. That’s up to you!;)

    in reply to: Will she contact me? Is he a rebound or not? #44533
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    Reading what goes through your mind is like looking in a mirror man!
    It’s hard to act like this is not hurting you as much as people would expect, having the urge to seek contact but stressing all the time about making the correct decision. I think that there is no right or wrong here… I’d say stay with NC, but at the same time I wonder what NC will bring you in the end. Your friend was right, if she doesn’t come after you, you atleast already started to move on. If you reach out however, you might have a chance to make her change her mind! (but, for how long?) But you can also crash and burn… destroying your odds. At this point though, I’d say stay with NC.

    in reply to: Being back isn't as easy as it seems #44418
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    Very nice quote kaila! What I was trying to say in short was start slowly, it takes time to get back to your previous level in the relationship. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Being back isn't as easy as it seems #44238
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    The other replies pretty much sum up everything I would say.

    This is a new chance, dont ruin it by trying to continue from where you left off. Try to see it as a whole new love for now, pretty much like was suggested. As a pretty sensitive and emotional guy I can tell you that this would scare me off pretty much, no offense. You have to deal with your demons and you deserve his support, Just make sure that most of your time together is not about problems!

    in reply to: really hurt and don't know what's going on anymore #40374
    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14


    I’m sure he misses you deep inside, but you also have to realize that sometimes it can take a long time before people dare to face the truth, that he misses you. By contacting him again you would do more harm than good in my opinion. Kevin stated 2 months, I’d go with that until that period is over or until he contacts you, in which case you should probably update this.

    I went out for NC for a good reason, but it still blew up in my face. Stay strong and try to improve your life in any way possible! πŸ™‚

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