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  • in reply to: NC support #26458
    • Total Posts: 6

    It won’t do any good to drive past his house right?

    in reply to: NC support #26446
    • Total Posts: 6

    Having another “moment”.
    These do pass right?
    I really want to call him now and do more of the apology/take-me-back please/we can make it work speech.
    I just don’t understand how he can be so done -after 8 years -and not want to keep trying. Ugh!!! Shoot me now. This just sucks.

    Sorry to keep overwhelming the boards but these moments just hit and it’s very hard to not get up and go over there.

    in reply to: NC support #26344
    • Total Posts: 6

    Yes, I stayed away from the sale. I did chores around the house – even putting in a new sprinkler head and installed new lighting. Now that I’m done im missing him more than ever. I want to call him and share what I was able to do – because I couldn’t have done it without him! I wouldn’t have had a clue how to change a sprinkler head or install a new porch light of I hadn’t helped him do it a million times.
    So here I am – back on the boards looking to get my mind off of him. Ugh!

    • Total Posts: 6

    Struggling. I woke up this morning and all I could think about was him. Did chores – i even installed new lighting and a new sprinkler head by myself. Now that I’m done im missing him more because I couldn’t have done all those things if he hadn’t taught me. I want to call him and tell him how great he is for having the patience and understanding to teach me those things.

    in reply to: NC support #26294
    • Total Posts: 6

    Not a good day today. I have a lot to do, but I know he is having a yard sale today, and I just want to go over and see him. I know I cant, but my mind won’t let go of him.
    hard to focus.
    had to breathe.
    I know this feeling fades with time – but it’s overwhelming now.

    yes, I know what I said and how I said it was wrong. I know. Trust me if I could take it back and change things, I would. I’ve told him such. And yes, there were other issues over the years. The process of getting to know each other and understanding differences. We have worked very hard on understanding these least I had and thought he was too. however, now he says he is done trying.. it’s too hard.
    I have done the begging and pleading and asked him how he could just give up… but he only says he is done.
    It makes no sense to me.
    So here I sit. Trying not to think of him. Trying not to call.
    I miss him. It’s that simple. I miss us.

    in reply to: NC support #26147
    • Total Posts: 6

    Hi all. I like the idea of NC support. I really need that now. I was in a relationship for the past 8 years. We recently broke up. We had been having some differences about family matters I don’t have kids, he has a daughter. I stepped over the line, I know it, and told him his daughter needed to be taught better manners and to start taking responsibility for her actions. Bad move. Everyone in his family always warned me never to say anything bad about the daughter – ever! He even stopped talking to his father because his father criticized the fact that his daughter left a mess in the bathroom and didn’t bother to pick it up. Either way, it doesn’t matter now. The whole thing snowballed and he said he was done.
    So here I sit, 3 weeks later… trying not to call or text. I was silent the first week. Thinking he just needed time to cool off and we could talk it out. But then he changed his status to single. I called then and he told me he was done and he couldn’t be with someone who didn’t like the way he raised his daughter. I tried explaining what I meant by my comments but he didn’t want to hear it. He yelled more, and had me in tears on his front porch.
    Yes, I did everything the books tell you not to do. I begged, cried, pleaded, promised, called, texted…
    I saw him 3 days ago when I had to pick up a check from his house. He said he didn’t hate me, he has no regrets about our past, but he just can’t be with anyone right now. He said that someday he hopes we could just be friends, but understands that he cannot be in a relationship with me now because we are to different. He said he gave 110% to trying to make the relationship work and he feels I didn’t give that back. Then he closed the door.

    in the past 3 days I’ve read 3 books on getting over your ex and how to get them back and all say no contact for at least 30 days. So technically today is day 3. It’s not easy. I tried making lists for his good points and bad points. I’ve tried thinking about how he yelled at me. I’ve tried digging up any bad thing I can think of just to get me from not texting, calling, or just bringing him a coffee.
    it sucks.

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