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  • marcus1
    • Total Posts: 6

    @Skoll Damn it sounds like you are in the perfect situation, I would be very surprised if he does not want to get back with you if he has been trying to contact you multiple times AND wants coffee with you. Just play it cool when you see him, honestly I think you will get him back from what you have said!

    • Total Posts: 6

    @Nell I am in the exact same situation, I heard nothing either from my ex (on Day 20 of NC). However saying this, from her Facebook she really does not seem happy or posting often since our break up while I have been out with friends a lot having a great time.

    I miss her and still find myself thinking about her loads, but since NYE especially I no longer feel like I desperately need her back. My only concern is that her main reason for breaking up with me is that she wanted to focus on her studies. Do I end NC in 10 days time and potentially risk being friendzoned or do I leave it until March/April?

    Happy new year to you all as well guys 🙂

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #21939
    • Total Posts: 6

    @Belle Thanks for the advice, you could be right potentially. It did all happen very quickly but I took that as a good sign that the relationship was very natural which meant we were a perfect fit. She said the main reason was due to her needing to concentrate on her studies, so do I not make a move until April?

    Very confused that she was so into the relationship up until that day before completely taking a u-turn in showing any sort of affection. However as I was half way through NC, I allowed myself to have a quick look at her Facebook where it actually appeared like she was not having a great time so not sure what to make of that either.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #21774
    • Total Posts: 6

    @Belle I guess so. I will be straight with you, we were together for only 3 months but it was one of those times where we became intimate literally the moment we met. She literally phoned me up one Sunday morning saying we needed to meet, where she was almost crying saying that she did not want lose our relationship which to her seemed perfect to her if it was a year ago or year in the future but right now she had to focus on her studies. I totally understood (still do) and let her go.

    A couple of days later I had a crisis that was nothing to do with her, however I went to her naturally (stupid I know) seeing how close we had become. She was lovely and I got a bit carried away in the moment so asked her if there was a chance we would try again in the future to which she said maybe. She seemed so casual and not bothered despite how she was at the break up only a few days before. The weirdest part is that was 15 days ago, and despite her saying how she wanted us to stay close has made no attempt at contacting me. Any thoughts?

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #21759
    • Total Posts: 6

    @Sparky I hear you man, 18 days for me would January 1st so I do not think I will hear from her then as it would be to significant a date. Is it safe to assume that if your 30 days are up and your ex does not contact you, then there is no chance?

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #21576
    • Total Posts: 6

    Hi guys,

    Coming up for 15 days into NC (half way through) and it is going fairly well. I will wait to see if this gets any replies before explaining my situation entirely but for the moment I thought I would ask when does an ex normally start contacting you? I am starting to get a little worried that she has made absolutely no attempt at contacting me (even a Facebook like for example) despite us ending relatively well and her claiming she wants us to remain close with the possibility of trying again in the future. Any opinions are appreciated!

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