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  • in reply to: SHE AGREED TO COFFEE FACE TO FACE! #54401
    • Total Posts: 7

    Wow that’s great. Hope it goes well.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54127
    • Total Posts: 7

    Hey girls.

    So sad to hear how some of you are feeling but also so impressed by how strong you’re being in accepting it’s over. It’s such a huge thing to come to terms with fully. I’m halfway there.

    My ex contacted me today. I replied, but kept it short and sweet. I’m surprised at how I feel. I thought I’d be over the moon and want to keep talking to him, but actually I just feel relieved that he doesn’t hate me, and I don’t mind if I don’t talk to him for another 2 weeks now. Maybe this means I’ve grown and I’m moving on? Who knows. At least it’s amicable I guess.


    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54050
    • Total Posts: 7

    Today has been awful. I wanted to contact him so bad but I haven’t. I can’t believe he hasn’t text me to see how I am, or wanted to talk to me. I feel like he just doesn’t care about me at all. I don’t know how much longer I can carry on like this.


    in reply to: Returning and collecting belongings during NC #53972
    • Total Posts: 7

    I can’t believe he’s not contacted me yet. He made such a big deal about how he wanted me to be in his life as a friend and kept saying ‘don’t disappear’ etc. I’m hoping he just needs space right now.

    I miss him. This sucks.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53919
    • Total Posts: 7

    I’m sorry you’re feeling this way scatteredtracks. I feel like giving up today too. The last time I saw him he told me he doesn’t want to lose me from his life, he loves me, and he’s not going to disappear. And he asked me not to disappear. He also told me he doesn’t want to be separate from me, he just doesn’t know what to do right now.

    But he’s not here. He’s not called to see if I’m okay. I don’t know what’s happening in his life anymore, and I wake up crying. I’m wondering if maybe I should just learn to accept that it’s over and that I’ll probably never have him in my life again.

    in reply to: Returning and collecting belongings during NC #53899
    • Total Posts: 7

    But I’d have to contact him for them? I think I can wait until the NC period is over. If not, I’ll probably ask a friend. That seems a little harsh though.

    Thanks for the help. I’m trying to keep busy, but it hits me at night time.

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