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  • in reply to: It's been two months. She just contacted me #59604
    • Total Posts: 7

    I did something. I mailed him. I just coudnt hold back. I just felt that may be he is getting over me..I just needed to mail him. Its day 40. I don’t know if I did the right thing.

    in reply to: It's been two months. She just contacted me #59572
    • Total Posts: 7

    Ya I hope I am doing good. Yes I know that starting over is what keeps us from breaking relations. Which is good. Long distance can make things even more difficult. But is there a possibility of either of you shifting to the other persons location eventually. I mean you cant be in a long distance relationship forever isnt it…

    PS. btw, no one’s perfect. Don’t beat yourself up.

    in reply to: It's been two months. She just contacted me #59557
    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi AlphaGoat that’s good. But u seem like a great guy.. why her?… but i understand. .. anyway the story on my side that I have started thinking less about him. Its 37 days now but he hasn’t contacted me at all. I don’t think he will.. but if this is the guy he is then I am not sure if I really want to be with him. I can’t play this game all my life. Because I am someone who believes in working and giving 100% in a relationship. If everytime I do that he feels I am needy then this will never work even if he comes back now… but it so weird when we discussed this earlier we were on the same page and even he too wanted to be with someone who didn’t have ego problems and now he doesn’t need to know if I exist. It really hurts…. a lot… and I am tired of distracting myself from this pain. As of now I feel like contacting him and giving him a piece of my mind. I know it won’t help….

    in reply to: She keeps contacting me (help?) #59505
    • Total Posts: 7

    I just read your story. She needs to understand your value. She will only once your entirely gone. Do the one month NC, she will understand how it would be if you were gone.

    in reply to: She keeps contacting me (help?) #59504
    • Total Posts: 7

    If you really want the NC to work. Block her on your phone and email. Don’t post on social media. Don’t reply to any other means of contact. But if that’s what you really want.

    in reply to: It's been two months. She just contacted me #59500
    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi what happened… hows it going?

    in reply to: It's been two months. She just contacted me #59468
    • Total Posts: 7

    Wow . I am so happy for u. So finally it worked!… get back to her but be cool. Make her do all the work. I am on day 32 of NC. I am still hoping that he will contact me atleast after 2 or 3 months… I was too tempted to email him today. I immediately hit the gym. I know the pain that u r talking abt. The first 15 days are the worst. Really dying is the word.

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