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  • in reply to: Broke Up due to commitment issues #100495
    • Total Posts: 158

    Sounds like she is not ready yet and yes she needs time, but for you it’s different, based on your story the one need to fix things is her, and if she do not want to fix anything then you need to find another partner

    For now give her time to rethink and after few days ask her out for dinner, ask her how she been doing , don’t mention living togather or anything relate to the problem you both had, she gonna mention it, if she didnt then finish the dinner and then be nice and walk away for few days until she hit you up

    Its my suggestion , and its up to you

    Good luck mate

    in reply to: For the last time #89013
    • Total Posts: 158

    Hi there

    If you still not feeling well then something might went in other direction that you must follow

    NC rule is mostly for you not for him to move on only , its for you to work on your self and get your self back to do what you enjoy and makes you stronger , makes you unneed for him in your life anf focus on the main goal why you need him to be in your life which i think you have already know this

    If you feel you need to be in NC rule again then yes do it , but make sure this time it has to be done perfectly , you need you only to make it work , you know the person morethan anyone which will make it easier for you to deal with his behavior ,

    You might need good people to help you do things or say things in the right way or passing the time by being positive

    If you have non feel free to send me messages and i will replay to you asap when i m around

    I m sure you can do it
    If you need anything , hit me up at [email protected]

    in reply to: Need help #88488
    • Total Posts: 158

    Removed coz sent by mistake

    in reply to: Need help #88475
    • Total Posts: 158

    Dude Hi !!

    I don’t care about this website anymore coz it really did not help me much other than just spending time with some great people i met here ,

    However i want to.let you know , if you really want her , you can get her , its just matter of time and its different between girl to girl , you need just work hard and wait for the result , like a final exam , you work hard and no matter what you think u did good or bad. Still u waiting for the final result at the end except there is no really ending for this here ,

    So enjoy what you doing and keep her around in need to you , text her from time to time to check on her. If you dont water your flower daily , it die

    Take care of her she will come back to you

    Coz! There is non like you to her brother

    in reply to: No Idea Where to go From Here – help please :) #73642
    • Total Posts: 158

    Hey Sarah

    To be honest I don’t recommande thinking to much , after two weeks you might need to check on em , If you love someone pretty much you want your life to start as soon as possible ,

    I would just send a little message and then check how things lead to

    Its just my way to do things , u might have alot of different better ways

    Hope things be better for you , don’t give up , you are doing well , I’ll be here

    in reply to: No Idea Where to go From Here – help please :) #73606
    • Total Posts: 158

    You are welcome , its my pleasure

    So did anything happen the past few hours ?

    in reply to: No Idea Where to go From Here – help please :) #73603
    • Total Posts: 158

    Hello there Sarah

    Hope this day wasnt bad for you all the way, usually we do have good moments even if the day suck so hope your did go well,

    I read your words and i hope that my words can help you by anyway

    So it looked to me that your man have some sort of tough time these days and he really need to fix things in his side.

    Don’t try to help em unless he wanted to , like this ( hey is everything ok ? ) if he said yes then just ask him what he want to drink or what do he want to eat. But if he said no , sit close to him and tell him by calm voice , ( Do you wanna share )

    You just have to wait em until he calm and open him self to you , you’ll see alot of things have changed to the better , and he will trust you on this.

    But if you were fighting with him to know what is going on by force , thats never going to work

    So take few mins,hours to think deeply and carefully how to talk nicly to him and own his trust , its not revenge , its for love sake

    Guys are nice when you are nice, ask him out and try to cool things down , nothing end unless you want to end it

    I hope that my words helped you out, if it did not , i am really sorry that i’m not that good , but i didnt wanted to see you alone and felt u need someone to talk to

    Hope i can be here to help agian
    Later, you the tiger

    in reply to: LDR – ex replies but doesn't initiate #68797
    • Total Posts: 158

    you guys: if you were the one to break up with your girlfriend and never replied to texts for months, why would you reply after three months? Is it possible that you do it just to be polite? Or maybe you do it because you think the girl after three months is no longer suffering

    I did talk to my ex after i brokeup with her, coz i just missed the time that wewere togather, but when i see thatshe did not change, i just keep it simple and leave the conversation , something should change about her or i m never gonna talk to her again

    You can swnd emails at [email protected]

    If you need anuthi g and i am not around , i m kinda busy those days, but send me what u need to know and i will respond as soon as possible

    in reply to: LDR – ex replies but doesn't initiate #68710
    • Total Posts: 158

    I Do agree with @FishingTheSky
    @resilienza you only make others happy when you are happy, first you have to begin with yourself, positivity will surround you and everyone involved in your life will be happy as much as you are.

    If someone choose to be sad that his choice you’ll never change it unless he changed his self

    Nothing have to do with stubborn, after relationship end he has no feelings for you, but he still loves you, so even of uou ask him if he loves you or not , he will say yes, bit he has no feelings no more.

    LDR is going to make you go imsane, so you have to becateful now for you, not him not parents not friends, you need to make your self happy first, change the way you think and the prospective about the relationship, try to read more books that can help you relax.

    And in 3 days, shot him text that change his mood not his mind.

    I will still be around, I’ll do my best to help you go through the snow

    in reply to: LDR – ex replies but doesn't initiate #68678
    • Total Posts: 158

    I understand the situations sense I was in LDR 2 times, i know things in your end might seems to be difficult, You are dealing with not just him, uou are dealing with time , lonleyness , and you are being confused about love and what is going on in his end.

    Yes time will heal but the memories will still be there for as long as you breath, brain never sgop showing those pictures, missing someone kills like camcer, taking the body where it was full of happiness and so energetic to that sick old body that feels like the age of over 70.

    First to let me be a part of your life and before I include myself to your problems and give my time for you. I want you to think about few things before we start talking and deeply and seriously.

    Do you still love him, the love that real heros have in their heart, you love him a real love or just because he is your first man in your lifd that shared his life with you, cares and closed the door for your pain to disappear…

    Why did you love him, and does he deserve to come back to your life, does he worth to be fighting for ?

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60920
    • Total Posts: 158

    Dont bring anuthing with you more fun, she would think you invited her to ask about things and thats no good, if you wanna go out , just start fresh

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60913
    • Total Posts: 158

    Don’t mention that you want to talk about you and her, what happened happen for reason and it end for reason, so if she accept to go out with you somewhere dont ever bring it up, it will cost more damge, if she talk about it tell her things happen for reason but you are now sure how things are and you know your self better, you have changed for good and past is past you are here to enjoy your self with her,

    Hope that may help give atleast ideas

    Good luck

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60875
    • Total Posts: 158

    Hey there

    Things are ok, just needed time to see what she up to and yes , going oit on public places is the best idea,

    For now let it rest and couple days later ask her,

    If things ment to be right it will go good for you, just keep up the good work, life always have purpose for things,

    I wish you good luck

    in reply to: Is there an exception to Short Term Relationships? #60722
    • Total Posts: 158

    Tips you may need,

    NC always work when you do huge mistakes but in your situation you have done nothing wrong and its understandable and i know she know that aswell,

    I suggest you to not apologize coz they hate it too since you done nothing wrong and she might feel that she is costing you problems and she might not talk to you,

    What you need to do is being frendly and start contacting her from time to time to not male any distance between you and her specially it was short time relationship,

    Ask her to go out to something fun like movie or Museum, it does effect really good,

    And dont rush and pay for everything so she dont feel bad, let her also have her decisions while you have your own plans aswell

    Remember, when your time is good even your mistakes will count as jokes, but when your time is bad, even your jokes will count as mistakes, be humble, be your self and act good

    Good luck

    in reply to: he is in the same class as me.. pls help #59429
    • Total Posts: 158

    What are you planing to do?

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