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  • in reply to: Breaking NC Today, Here We Go #35914
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    I modified the letter. And I didn’t take it yet. I realized I was off four hours of sleep and didn’t want to rush this.

    I’m getting my girl back, so I need to give her a little more space to miss me. I’ll update this when I go back to her.

    in reply to: Who is back together after NC? #35261
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    Um, just make sure you happy with yourself and you know in your gut you can keep it chill. It was a couple months. Everyone is different though. It depends on the situation. Why did you break up? Are you sure you want them back?

    This girl came right back to me and I broke it off with her 6 months later. She was livid. Luckily, 7 years later we’re friends.

    in reply to: Breaking NC Today, Here We Go #35255
    • Total Posts: 11

    Oh, here’s the letter.


    Just wanted to see how you’re doing, hope you had a great birthday and I hope school is going well.

    You were right all along, we needed time apart & the space has been great. I finally have an amazing new job at large media company, new apartment and I’ve been in the gym every other day. The company building is so badass: all glass & there’s this super formal French restaurant in the basement. I haven’t been this happy in awhile.

    I was in a huge rut and I’m sorry I took it out on you. I know if we took time from the get-go, we’d already be speaking by now.

    I can’t wait to hear how you’ve been. No rush, I know you’re super busy — like the front of this card says, you’re still my favorite person/human. I’ll leave it up to you to reach out back out, I miss you, but take all the space you need.

    Insincerely yours,


    What do y’all think?

    in reply to: Who is back together after NC? #34900
    • Total Posts: 11

    Great question. I actually did this when I was 18. And it worked. So there’s hope haha. I watched the girl I was with leave and date an acquaintance and when I went back for her a few months she dumped his ass.

    Now I’m against being blocked everywhere (different girl) and her ex of 5 years. Woof. I’m at 30 days NC so we’ll see where this winds up.

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    Did you ask him the same question? I think you should ask if he’s moved on…

    in reply to: How Do I End No Contact? #34705
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    Yeah, I guess I’m just extremely bitter for losing someone who I considered a good friend. I’ll wait it out. Thanks Amy, Matt.

    in reply to: How Do I End No Contact? #34689
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    Thanks for the reply, I’m not really into the new girl at all. Just trying to make healthy choices. And I’m super honest with her.

    I don’t know. I believe her. I believe she needs space but the way things ended sucks. She made it seem like she wanted me to fight for her before blocking. “You could have given it space first then get me back.”

    I know there’s a strong connection between us, I’m not delusional. And I’m pretty damn good looking. Ha. But I just need to respect her and wait.

    But I’m telling you after 3 months NC if she hasn’t reached out I’m sending a letter or going to her place.

    I know I’m going to want her after that wait. Just everything about her except the blocking makes me weak.

    And like is it weird she goes from telling me super dark personal secrets about past abuse in her and her BFFs family then to this? It’s like, she really soaked me up and hung me out to dry.

    in reply to: She wanted a break, still snapchats me every day. #34687
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    This happened to me and things ended very badly:

    Use the 5 step plan before you do or say something ridiculous like I did. You’re in a great position. And when a month goes by, she’ll be wondering where your replies are. Be strong, homie. You got this.

    in reply to: How Do I End No Contact? #34683
    • Total Posts: 11

    They were together for five years but she broke up with him to be single and date. We were together 6 months we broke up because she’s busy with med school and I needed space to get a new job. She freaked when I asked about their friendship and even told me at the breakup she had no feelings for him and “wasn’t down for being friends with two exes.”

    NC has been cool, I totally have a life. I sent her a birthday message on LINKEDIN (lol) for her birthday, still been a month NC. I’m talking to another girl now, quit drinking, working out, new job — the main problem we broke up on my end, she was too clingy but accused me of the same.

    I told this new girl that I’m still caught up on the ex and how it ended. She just thinks my ex is a terrible person. I’m not buying it either way but I can’t help but think if I go to her after a month, probably two NC with a chill letter she won’t consider it stalkerish.

    On one hand I’m thinking she’s creating a wedge to justify her lies (crazy) but then I think she’s doing it because she still has feelings (also crazy) but is still pissed about the way things ended. I got drunk, talked shit, apologized and wound up blocked.

    Idk this is such a shit situation.

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