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  • in reply to: Finally got my answer #58845
    • Total Posts: 5

    I really appreciate the kind words. Helps to know someone has been through something similar.

    Trust me I really wanted to fight for her when she told me. But that hasn’t worked before and doubt it would have worked this time round.

    She went straight back to blocking me on her phone when she told me the news, so clearly wants nothing to do with me at this point.

    I’ll be going back to what I was doing before this news and improving myself and going no contact with her.

    I know now though that either way I’ll be fine. If this relationship, rebound or not, falls apart, I may be there or I may have moved on. With the block it’s totally up to her whether she chats to me or not.

    The fact that she’s blocked me, hidden the relationship whilst telling me she misses me etc still gives me the impression that she cares about me and may well come back at some point. But I can’t put my life on hold for that hope. She’s made her choice at this minute, and eventually she’ll realise it’s the wrong one. Whether I’m in a position of wanting her back at that point, who knows

    in reply to: Have I blew it completely? #58540
    • Total Posts: 5

    Just wanted to add to this a bit. Basically I’m confused as to whether she has any feelings towards me now whatsoever. if I knew she did I’d be more than willing to wait this out but it’s hard to tell. Any thoughts from an outsider?

    I’ve heard of the concept of moving on without moving on but really don’t know if doing that in the hope of sparking some jealously would work. It worked once before from a night out and it caused her to reach out but can’t say I’m a fan of playing games just to get someone to message me. Help lol

    in reply to: Have I blew it completely? #58539
    • Total Posts: 5

    Thanks for the advice. I didn’t really do anything stupid to cause the breakup. The only thing that has caused the blocking was me begging slightly post breakup then the mistake of texting a few more times when I didn’t get a reply.

    I know this is probably for the best because it’ll help me complete no contact and give us both the space that we probably need. Don’t like the fact that it’s got so bad between us that she felt the need to block me completely. I have that part of me that thinks she’s doing this to get me out of her life completely so that she can move on, but the fact that up until a week ago she was blowing hot and cold means she’s conflicted. To be honest I don’t know what to do next

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