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  • in reply to: Trying to do this the Right Way #40548
    • Total Posts: 22

    Yeah burnt trees do the letter. It is much more thoughtful. I know it might get sticky asking for the address. I’d do it still. I still think with patience u have a great shot.

    My situation is still tough but I’m super hopeful. She is having troubles with family and with herself. I think she’s depressed. She told me she loves me. I asked if we could hang out once in awhile she said she didn’t trust herself that she would get back with me if she did. Today she called me crying with some personal family things and I calmed her down and helped her. I know its a matter of time unless like u said that she doesn’t for the sake of not doing it but her feelings are still strong. I feel confident as long as I take my time

    in reply to: Trying to do this the Right Way #40114
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    One more thing. I was the same way. Wasn’t doing things I needed to do. Now I’m doing them. I also feel it was the kick in the ass to get me motivated. I wish I did it sooner but I just didn’t do it

    in reply to: Trying to do this the Right Way #40113
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    I think u guys have a good chance to reunite. Pull back a little and I think she will come to u. It sounds like she loves u still. Why did u break up? Don’t call her and I think she will call u. I don’t think she will be able to stay away for month. I bet she calls in a week or two. Sometimes I think she might using me as an emotional crutch but it’s hard to tell. I hope u can give me some advice. Thanks for your help

    in reply to: Trying to do this the Right Way #40112
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    I really think are situations are very similar. We were together almost two years. Tomorrow would’ve been are anniversary. We’ve been broken up for two months. The first month I tried to get her back. I begged and pleaded with her. I wrote her a letter. I’ve been really working on being a better me. Last month I went over to see her at her house. Stayed for about three hours. We talked mostly just catching up. We ended up having see. She thought I would feel hurt afterwards. I thought the connection was there. It felt great to be intimate with her. But she said she didn’t feel the same as she used to. She sent me a text the next day saying that it was over for good. I was devastated. So I left her alone for awhile. But after 4 or 5 days she contacts me. Two weeks ago she was depressed and said she misses me sometimes and wanted to come over and have me hold her. She said when she’s down I make her feel better. I wasn’t home so she didn’t come over. I texted her and said I wish I made her feel good enough to be with me. Since then we’ve talked and texted each other. We had good conversations and talked for an hour on the phone Wednesday. We were teasing each other and no talking about are issues. I was feeling like things were headed in the right direction. Today I texted her and told her happy easter. Then I messed up and said I missed her. She said her day was bad and she wanted to be alone. Said she would call tomorrow. We broke up because I was in a funk and she was too. I wasn’t emotionally open as I was before. My lack of motivation was rubbing off on her and it was bringing her down. I’ve really turned things around quickly. I feel motivated and making myself better. She’s still in a run and she said it makes her feel bad I’m doing better without her. So what do u think? Does it sound like I have a chance?

    in reply to: really hurt and don't know what's going on anymore #40055
    • Total Posts: 22

    I’m sorry but your being to needy. All its doing is pushing him farther away. I know its hard but u can’t contact him like that no matter what happened. U have to move on from it for now and take care of u. There was people telling u not to do it and u still did it. And it made things worse. Stay away from him at all costs. U can do it

    in reply to: Trying to do this the Right Way #39968
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    I would do the letter. Its seems more personal and romantic. Much better than a text. Shows u really put effort in it. Your situation is very similar to mine. I wasn’t doing things that I needed to do and it frustrated her. We still talk and have recently had some positive conversations with some playful joking. She still misses me and will contact me once or twice a week. I think u guys will work out. Just don’t let her use u as an emotional crutch. Sometimes girls do that and that’s why they stay in touch. They want the connection and and the closeness without being with u. Not saying she’s doing that but it’s possible. Give it time before u send the letter. I did mine to soon and it didn’t work like I wanted. At least a month. If I would of waited things could be better for me.

    • Total Posts: 22

    I’m letting her contact me mostly. I think we’re at a point that we can talk without rehashing the mistakes I made. I tried NC but she’ll contact me before I can make it a week. Things feel like there headed in the right direction. I think your doing good and your showing her that she important by not being with anybody and by giving her space. Just see how it’s going and if she becomes more receptive keep your patience. She’s waiting for u I think. She will get there. That’s what I’m hoping. U need to give time for the bad memories to fade. They won’t totally forget but u replace those memories with some good ones and she will remember why she chose u in the first place. You’ll know when to stop the NC and start fresh

    • Total Posts: 22

    That was my mistake. I took her for granted. I think us guys sometimes take are women for granted and don’t show them how much we care for them. I guess we think we tell them we love them but they want and deserve better attention. We have to show them that we care, that we love them more than we can ever show. That’s what they want and most guys aren’t consistent with it

    • Total Posts: 22

    Yes I think that’s best. Last time it was too soon and she pulled back for a few weeks and told me that it was over for good. I really didn’t believe that. I think it’s how she felt afterwards. Don’t want that to happen again.

    • Total Posts: 22

    Well your doing all u can now. That’s all u can do. I’ve only been without my ex for not even two months. She called me today and we talked for an hour. None of it was relationship talk just catching up and even some joking around. She told me last week she missed me and she would’ve came out to my house if I was there that day. She wanted me to hold her and said I make her feel better when she’s depressed. I’m hopeful but not going to push it until she tells me she’s ready.

    Its gotta be tough waiting as long as u have. I’m glad I could help in anyway. Hopefully she’ll start contacting u. Time is on your side

    • Total Posts: 22

    I think she still cares for u but u really hurt her. If she seems depressed and hasn’t dated shows she still cares. I think she wants to be 100% sure youve changed before she’ll tell u how she feels. She put a lot of effort into the relationship. I’m sure she thinks u didn’t put in the same amount she did. Just be patient keep working on yourself until your ready to do the letter. Than see if things change.

    in reply to: Sent the letter! Help! #39553
    • Total Posts: 22

    I don’t think its just to be polite. Writing a letter takes time and effort he wouldn’t do that just to say I don’t wanna talk anymore or its not going to happen. I think if he wanted to do that he’d just text u. If its a small step in the right direction than the letter helped

    • Total Posts: 22

    Send her a written letter. Have u done that yet? I would try that before calling or texting. Tell her she was right for doing what she did. That your better person for it happening. That you’ve learned a lot about yourself and what u want in life. Don’t talk to much specifics about your mistakes. Tell her good things are happening for u but don’t go into detail about it. See how that works. If after she gets it and she doesn’t contact u than u might be fighting an uphill battle. Has she dated at all? If not that could be a sign she’s not over u completely. If she’s worth it keep trying to get her back without it looking desperate

    in reply to: my ex girlfriend is being hot and cold. what should I do #39548
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    She contacted me today. Talked for almost an hour. She seemed more engaging than I can remember. There was no relationship talk which was nice not to rehash the past. She was even joking around with me a little. Its been so long since we just caught up and talked like that. It did make me more hopeful for the future but I’m just going to take one step at a time. Things just feel different since last week when she said she missed me. I’m still not going to contact her often as I don’t want to overdue it. I want her to keep missing me. I will have to see her soon,my car insurance is in her name. Last time I did we ended up having sex and that made things worse. My question is what if she wants to again? How should I deal with that? I don’t think I can say no. She might not even want to but need advice just in case

    in reply to: my ex replayed what does she mean??? #39539
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    I haven’t contacted my ex and now she calls me or texts me. We talked almost an hour and none of it was relationship stuff. Just good conversation. I think the bad stuff is starting to fade away and now its just slowly reconnecting. I didn’t fight my ex about are break up and understood it was something that might happen. The longer u don’t talk the more she’ll wonder what your doing and then she’ll call…guarenteed

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