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  • in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33595
    • Total Posts: 1

    Hi all,
    I just broke the NC today. It’s only 7days into NC and I already broke it. Went to find her instead. She gave me the stuff I left at her place. We had another talk, about the stuff that we didn’t do correctly. I told her that I really miss her and want her back. Guess I broke it again eh? Yet, she tells me that she is completely over it now and we are now just friends and nothing more. She told me to stop worrying about getting back together Becuz she won’t. And she told me that I am not suitable for her as my relationship with her was a pain in the butt sometime. She was acting like she was a buddy of mine, brushing shoulders but won’t accept hug from me.
    She even said that someone told her that she won’t be getting married until really late in her life and that she hasn’t met the person for her yet. She probably found out that there are some stuff that I cannot offer her…I am trying but it’s hard.
    I am just wondering what should i be doin. She obviously has a thing for me perhaps but hasn’t displayed it or just doesn’t like me anymore. Should I continue with the NC? Or should I just carry on from being friends?
    I just really want her back even though everyone was saying that she was ugly and bad academically. Plus, she really had nothing for me to be that attracted about. I am not sure…but I really want to have a shot at her.

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