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  • in reply to: Found a note meant for me. #32999
    • Total Posts: 1


    The letter sounds like it flows with your initial statement about her possibly being pregnant. It sounds like an apology letter, although, i have not properly read your other post and therefore only assumed from what you have explained above.

    You are obviously in love with this girl and she definitely has ‘feelings’ for you. However, it sounds like she is not quite ready to settle down yet, probably because she is quite young.

    All i can suggest is, if i am correct in my understanding of what you have said. Not only would i never contact her again. I would erase and block all her email/facebook accounts and phone numbers, start a new hobby and start exercising. Then, buy some new designer clothes and go out and get as many girls phone numbers as i could. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

    If i am wrong, then forgive me 😉

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