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  • damonator
    • Total Posts: 9

    Idk how long it has been since you broke up or what her reason was, with that info I may be able to give you a little more thorough advice, but let me ask you this, do you follow her on any social media or “check up” on how she doing? If so that is the problem. And I learned that the hard way. You can do everything possible to forget your ex, but if you still have that social connection online, its going to prolong the hurt. I know what it feels like to think of someone 24/7. And the only thing that can truly heal this is time. And you may think being with someone in bed will just bring your ex to mind, but trust me she won’t come to mind, as long as this girl you’re with is beautiful and not just some Joe shmoe on the street. Trust me, I had the same thoughts you had. And if its loyalty you’re worried about, why? You two aren’t together anymore so anything you do is not being disloyal. Your allowing her to still control what you do, which is unattractive. Doing what she wouldnt originally approve of will actually make her jealous and want you more. Hope this helps

    in reply to: she says im perfect for her but still doesnt want me :/ #43631
    • Total Posts: 9

    She’s loves you as a person but not romantically is what it sounds like. There is not much you can do in this situation. You can try to win her back but things may not go as you hope. My best advice (as i have gone through similar situations) is that you try to move on and try to live happy alone. Once you find happiness in being single and not needing her, thats when you try to get back in touch with her, whether it be 3 weeks or 3 months. And if she still rejects you then, then its time to just take her out of your life. But it won’t be as hard for you if you learn to be happy by yourself first. Trust me it may feel like the end of the world, I’ve lived it, it sucks and can take months to get over, but you WILL get over it. If things are meant to be they WILL be. And same with vice versa.

    in reply to: Cheating on her new boyfriend #41170
    • Total Posts: 9

    If she tries to contact you during this period dont reply. Even if she says she wants you back. If she really wants you back she will wait at least a month or 2 before moving on. So at the end of the 30 days, it’ll be easy

    in reply to: Cheating on her new boyfriend #41169
    • Total Posts: 9

    Well that even further the cause of NC. Im sorry man but there is not much else you can do. Try and better yourself, try dating other women. If it is meant to be she will come back after the NC. In this case I’d say about 30 days of no contact. In that time try to learn to be able to live without her. Have Fun! And from experience, you may want to unfreind her on all social media. The urge to “check in on them” ends up just hurting you more and prolonging the process. If worst comes to worse you will at least have learned a good lesson.

    in reply to: Cheating on her new boyfriend #41155
    • Total Posts: 9

    If she doesnt come crawling back to you after NC then it wasn’t meant to be in the first place

    in reply to: Cheating on her new boyfriend #41154
    • Total Posts: 9

    Like i said I’ve gone through the same situation before. She most definitely misses you, but for the wrong reasons, just like I missed my gf for the wrong reasons. If you separate yourself from her she will start to miss you as a person to love and not just as a person to be around. The feelings sound purely physical to me. Getting back together on physical terms will end badly. You have to reach her emotionally and NC is the best way to do so.

    in reply to: Cheating on her new boyfriend #41151
    • Total Posts: 9

    Do the no contact rule. If your ex is in a relationship you need to leave it alone. It could be a rebound. Same thing happened to me only reversed. I broke up with my gf and started dating someone else, but we still hung out and even hooked up after a few weeks. We got back “together” about 2 months after doing this. And it was not worth it. The relationship was bad. And we broke up about a month ago. If you use no contact, that will deepen her feelings of missing you and she’ll dump her new bf out of love for you instead of for sex. She either misses the ex or the sex, and frankly, i’m pretty sure she misses the sex.

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